5 Paragraph Essay on Life Lessons

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I was once told, What you learn today can improve all of your tomorrows (Ralph Marston).I am a firm believer that whatever journey gets thrown someones way makes them the person they become. These so called journeys, teach us the most valuable life lessons. Whether the lesson has a positive or negative outcome, it sticks and becomes a part of that person. I have experienced many life lessons, though some I may not have wanted to experience. I wouldnt want it any other way. People learn to grow and overcome struggles in life. I have also had many people have an influence in my life, but some have left a vast impact on my life. Experience with three treasured women in my life have taught me the positive life lessons strength, courage, and love.

When I was very young, my father and my mother had separated. I never had that standard family. Although my dad has always been in my life, I only saw him a couple weekends a month because he worked out of town. My mother never got much help from him, so I have always considered my mother as a single parent. Even though she only worked at the local grocery to support us, she made sure I had everything I ever needed. She would give everything up that she had to make sure I had everything, and for that I am forever grateful. My mother isnt just my mom, she is also my role model. My mother finally found someone perfect for her, so we thought. This man would give my mother some security for one of the first times ever. I was so happy to see my mom happy and not struggling in life. Before you knew it, we were building a house together. Everything was great and we had a family. She put her full trust in this man, and he turned our world upside down. My mothers fiancé became abusive towards her, so we picked up everything and began somewhere new. I will never forget this day. We left and didnt even know where we were going, but my mother was doing what was best for us once again. She wasnt getting us out of this situation just for herself, but for her daughter too. After years of depending and growing with this man, we were, once again, on our own, but that was okay to my mom. As long as we had each other nothing could knock her down. Through this rough patch in our lives my mother never lost her strength, and made sure we had everything to keep going on. That point in time is where I learned the true definition of strength.

The summer of 2006, I met my new step mother, Rachel. She couldnt have been any more perfect for my father. I was so happy that my father finally had someone to depend and lean on when he needed that comfort. I had never met such an uplifting or caring person. She loved all her children and my father unconditionally. As every other Friday, I was so excited for my dad to get me from school and spend the weekend with him, Rachel, and her children. Although I didnt know, but this visit would change everything. I will never forget the day my father picked me up from school, and on the way to his house he told me the news. My step mother, Rachel, had stage 4 breast cancer, and the prognosis was not good. All I could think was why, how could this happen to a woman like her? Why this could happen to my father after he finally found the woman he loves? I was so scared to go to my dads house for what awaited there. I wondered if things would ever be the same. Even though her odds were not good, Rachel never lost her spirits through all the surgeries and treatments. She remained strong and in good spirits for not only her children, but for my father. We still continued to do family events, and spend important time together. Our entire community came together for Rachel to help her with this battle and let her know she isnt alone. She also never lost her faith all the way until the end. On July 24th, 2011 my stepmother lost her battle with cancer. This was a very hard time, and no one understood why, but if there is one thing I learned from this difficult lesson in life, it is to never lose courage during any situation. Rachel was the perfect definition of someone with endless courage.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was a scared fifteen year old, sitting in the doctors office, awaiting my results. When the doctor came in I already knew, and I hung my head and cried. My life just completely changed and would never be the same. The doctor looked at me and my mom and said Well, she is pregnant. At fifteen years old, I was expecting a baby. I was terrified, and did not know where this road would take me. I was only a sophomore in high school, and I didnt even know how to change a diaper! But luckily for me, I had the best support group any one could ever have. My boyfriend, John, was there for me through every step, and he still is. Without him I would have lost it. As the months went on my attitude began to change from scared, to nervous, and then to anxious. I could not wait to meet my daughter. On May 25th, 2013 I went into labor, and I believe I was calmer than her father. We couldnt wait to finally meet our daughter! We had been waiting months for this moment, and it was finally happening! We couldnt believe it was finally time. Although we were anxious, we were very scared and nervous for what was about to happen. We were only babies, having a baby, as my mother said. After what it felt like days or even years, at 4:07A.M on May 26th, 2013 Raeliegh Jean Salmons was born. There, in that moment my life changed forever. That was by far the greatest moment of my life, and I will never forget it. The moment she was laid into my arms time stood still as I was finally holding the daughter that I had grown. As John and I sat there holding our daughter for the first time, all we could do was just cry together. In that exact moment, I learned that love at first sight does exists. I couldnt believe that someone who was only born for just a few minutes could teach me the true meaning of something so big in life: Love.

Life lessons are like memories, and they stay with someone forever. They become a part of that someones life. They shape who we become and our whole entire life. Although these life lessons may be in the past, they will always affect our decisions in the future. We can only hope that we find someone that makes a positive impact on our lives, to make us all decent people, who understand the characteristics of our lives.

In some way I hope to influence someones life the way these woman have mine. It would be an honor to be anything like any of them. I can only use the things these women have taught me to influence someone else, and I hope that I can be a positive influence within their life just like these women were in my life.

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