Benjamin Franklins Agreement To Trumps Plan And Doings Of The Wall

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For many years people have been migrating to different lands to find a better life. Everyones ancestors at one time started as immigrants looking for something new. Part of it had to do with wanting to get away from traditions they disliked or rules they thought were unfair. They wanted to be free from living under a king so by coming to America they were able to develop a democracy. The United States of America was founded in 1776 when Americans fought for their freedom. Since then many new immigrants cross various landscapes to join the many benefits America has to offer. In the 2016 election, President Trump was elected and promised to build a wall for better security. [footnoteRef:1]In a televised speech, he stated: All Americans are hurt by uncontrolled, illegal migration. We are out of space to hold them and we have no way to promptly return them home to their country, he continued. Trump’s concerns for the people has himself determined to complete the wall to slow down the process of new immigrants entering the country. For instance, Trump thinks that rapists, drug smugglers, murders, and others who can take the place of an existing citizen’s job are entering the country through our southern border. The founding fathers that helped to establish the laws of our country would have many opinions concerning Trump’s idea to build a wall. One of the famous founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin would agree to Trumps plan because of his views of keeping outsiders away from our new country, his hatred towards other races, and thinking newcomers are stupid. [1: Why Does Donald Trump Want to Build a Wall? – CBBC Newsround. BBC News, BBC,]

President Trumps Southern Border The Wall

Currently, Trump has been working to fulfill his 2016 commitment to provide a wall between the United States and Mexico border. The wall was his plan to divide the two countries keeping people safer and less fearful of foreigners starting an unwanted commotion. The wall that Trump is trying to get established has many conflicts following the building of it. One of the major issues with the building of the wall is that it will cost taxpayers billions of dollars for it to be built. Another conflict reported lately in regards to Trump’s wall is that smugglers have already begun sawing through parts the wall but the structure of this border is designed in a way where its easy to patch up for issues that relate to that. The walls main purpose is to keep people who arent allowed in the country from sneaking in. To keep our nation great Trump wants to keep our citizens safe from an unwanted company, so he got the idea to build the wall from previous famous walls that were built. Since the advances of technology give people the ability to have higher security, Trump is having video surveillance added to the wall to keep a close watch on intruders. Even though the border is supposed to help with keeping unwanted intruders from coming in, it still maintains to slow the process down of unwanted people crossing our border which is one of the main purposes of it.

Benjamin Franklins Views With Regards Having A Wall

Benjamin Franklin one of our founding fathers who helped with constructing the Declaration of Independence. He was an intelligent man who was involved in many different positions that helped construct our nation. Franklin also helped with making decisions during colonial times. With Franklins intellect and participation in numerous events, he became a valuable asset to the creation of the United States. He also started introducing new techniques that helped advance electricity. Although Benjamin Franklin was a bright man, he still had some issues with regards to having more people join in the United States. [footnoteRef:2]Franklin argued, Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion. Franklin opposed to having the Colony be controlled by Aliens because he was worried about them neglecting or changing what theyve already achieved in Pennsylvania. Benjamin also once claimed around the French and Indian war that boards would work to separate the savages from entering their territory. He also kept notes about the growing population of people entering what was then forming the United States. Franklin was a very involved person who had many wonderful ideas that help with the establishment of the United States. [2: Merelli, Annalisa. A History of American Anti-Immigrant Bias, Starting with Ben Franklin’s Hatred of Germans. Quartz, Quartz, 12 Feb. 2017,]

How Benjamin Franklin Feel About The Wall Being Built

Benjamin Franklin would support President Trumps plan to build the wall because of his views and beliefs about adding more unintelligent immigrants to the population, along with thinking theyll cause issues towards what has already been established. During the French and Indian war, Benjamin was known to claim that [footnoteRef:3]Only a Chinese wall the whole length of the Western frontier would be a sufficient protection against these savages. Showing Franklins strong views over having others come and share the land they have to give people today an understanding of how he would relate to Trump. Trump wants to make America great by having high-security protection just like Franklin wanted. Since Franklin was one of our founding fathers, he was entitled to share the same type of respect as Trump. Now everything is quite different than the 1780s so Trump should have some heads up on protection ideas than what Franklin had in mind. Far from Trump, Franklin took philosophy into consideration toward the decisions he made. Trump, of course, has years of documented history in which he can use to help construct the ideas of the wall versus Franklin who was trying to come up with new ideas and theories about ways to keep the people safe. Both have strong claims to take into account with the regards to building the wall to keep unwanted parties from coming in messing with the citizens’ rights and privileges. Both Leaders would want the newcomers to prove that they are worthy of coming into the United States and share the same privileges as those who have previously. [3: Benjamin Franklin, Wall Builder: Trump’s Role Model? The Globalist, 12 Feb. 2019,]

Overall the ideas about the wall making it better for citizens to feel safer and more secure in the United States have been already started by Donald J. Trump. Trump has gotten his ideas from other famous rulers who have built walls to keep peace within the country. Benjamin Franklin, our founding father who also looked into creating a wall to help with keeping unwanted company would agree to Trump’s wall. Trump’s plan has already started, and the process of creating the wall is already seeing the effects of people going through to get to the US. Both of these leaders are an inspiration to people who believe that they want to provide the best security for citizens. Having boundaries helps with keeping the separation between those who dont want to be part of the United States because some just come for the many benefits that are provided by the states. Both leaders want borders to keep the bad people out so the citizens have less fear and more comfort in their everyday living. Since mankind is an evolved animal with intellect, feelings and control aspects. These implications of one wanting the better option have driven people to become dominant over each other. Since people haven’t developed the ability to cooperate in certain matters, conflict happens which results in wars where people are fighting and killing others to get what they want. Having a border wall will allow the United States to have a higher advantage over invaders. If Benjamin Franklin were alive today he would probably admire Trump’s decision and help contribute to the making of the wall. After all, Franklin did want security to keep people safe, and so does Trump. People want a country that isnt fearful, they want one that is secure, so they dont have to worry about losing something or someone valuable to them. Everyone is capable of having a positive and negative side, that will agree and disagree with ideas that are presented. Franklin would probably be amazed by the changes America has made since he was around.


  1. Filipec, OndYej, and Lucie Macková. Fortifying against the Threat: Can Walls Stop Irregular Migration? Slovak Journal of Political Sciences / Slovenska Politologicka Revue 19, no. 1 (January 2019): 6187. doi:10.34135/sjps.190104.
  2. Corcoran, Ed. Central America Needs a Marshall Plan. Foreign Policy in Focus, January 16, 2019, 16.
  3. State of Emergency: Presidential Power Run Amok. CATO Policy Report 41, no. 3 (May 2019): 1113.
  4. Miroff, Nick. Smugglers Are Sawing through New Sections of Trump’s Border Wall. The Washington Post, WP Company, 3 Nov. 2019,
  5. Benjamin Franklin, Wall Builder: Trump’s Role Model? The Globalist, 12 Feb. 2019,
  6. What Did Ben Franklin Do in the Revolutionary War? Reference, IAC Publishing,
  7. Signers of the Declaration of Independence: Benjamin Franklin., Independence Hall Association,
  8. Merelli, Annalisa. A History of American Anti-Immigrant Bias, Starting with Ben Franklin’s Hatred of Germans. Quartz, Quartz, 12 Feb. 2017,
  9. Why Does Donald Trump Want to Build a Wall? – CBBC Newsround. BBC News, BBC,

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