Business and Ethics Scenario

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Assessment Four of MBA-FP6028, will focus on the analysis of the Assessment Four Scenario. The focus of the analysis would be drawn to the safety and ethical issues regarding the scenario. This assessment looks at business considered that are presented by the situation, various approaches that could be made for the situation and favored choice of action to handle it. A professional correspondence will be created as well.


Business ethics are considered to be the study of appropriate business policies and practices in regard to potential controversial subjects (Twin, 2019). To begin, the company needs to determine the ethical dilemma present and assure that the individual within the organization progresses for the better based off the current scenario. Airlines industry is very fragile, and requires in-depth evaluation and planes need to be inspected thoroughly before departing from the airport, and after arriving to the airport to assure that everything operates in a coordinated manner. United airlines have gone the extra mile to assure safety and following the regulations and policies. This includes the pencil maintenance regular activities on all planes and that the engineering department are following procedure and within regulations and policies. The following scenario goes into the ethical actions and decisions surrounding the United Airlines organization.

Business situation presented by considerations

In any business condition, including the issues of the management of the airlines, there are ethical issues and safety pacts that are involved in a substantial role with the actions that address the affair the surround a company. The real predicament here is directed to the competitor within the airline industry whom is conducting their pencil maintenance procedure. The event goes to demonstrate that the problem has to do with irregular ticking of logs as well as poor repairs and standard representation of parts create a substantial influence on the event at hand. As the United Airlines crew, the employee of the competition has provided a crucial sum of data. The chief maintenance officer needs to determine what line of action to follow with this data. Employees hired that come from the competition often produce higher sales and more productivity (Vozza, 16). This is good for the company that hired this individual but business considerations are needed to be decided before following through with action based off the new employee.

To begin, the airline industry honors the FAA. The FAA is the Federal Aviation Administration, and they are the authority whom inspects regional flights and commercial flights with the only purpose of finding difficulties. Many airlines with the FAA have a cozy relationship as FAA work closely with the airlines and manufacturers (Lewis, 2019). Many airlines, including United Airlines has entrusted the safety role to the Federal Aviation Authority. Airlines have a fear that taking responsibility for what may happen to their airline following the guidelines and policies, and as a result the fault goes to the authority. It would be unethical for both competitors and the case study airline to completely transfer safety roles to the FAA. The purpose of brining this to light is because the FAA possesses less employees and they cannot handle the safety issues of so many airlines under investigation.

Next off, the safety of the passengers and the employees of the airline provide fascinating features that are worth noting. The biggest disaster that can destroy your customer experience is a lack of safety for the customers you serve (Martins, 2013). It is unfortunate that the competitor fails to properly maintain their airlines, endangering the employees and the passengers, which is a serious consideration when airlines are trying to execute a retention policy. Upon learning that the competitors possess a weak check system, probing more accidents to occur, the United Airlines chief maintenance officer must assure that the maintenance policies follow the AA guidelines and procedures at any given time. Physical security can be internal or external, man-made or acts of nature (Simpson, 2017). Physical security is crucial, and therefore the organization must guarantee that the employees and the passengers are safeguarded from bodily harm and other harm. The main point here looks into the issue that the concern for safety is disregarded or unnoticed, and this may ruin the companys reputation or image, therefore it is essential for engineering tests and checks to take place before a flight departs or arrives. Considering the magnitude with which the informant has stirred up the data, the airlines has no other option but to always review their actions regarding the situation of doubt and insecurity.

Compare actions on two facets of activities under the dilemma

Reporting ethics under any circumstance can be viewed as profoundly. Although in the above case, there is the involvement of the competition, and therefore careful procedures have to be analyzed to fully understand the ethical circumstances of the situation. There exists the choice of conveying the unethical information to the authority, in this case being AA or FAA. On the flip side, the data collected on the safety lapses may get passed to the CEO of the competing organization, strictly providing them accurate data without making them think one is getting back on them for the firing meted against them. Nonetheless, the subject may get provided to them as an advice within the local newspapers or magazines, and look on the way forward for the topic at hand. It doesnt make sense to provide an urgent problem in the advice section (Scutts, 2018). The advice should be given in a different section that would grasp their attention. Observing the issue above, a comparison is conducted on the report done to the FAA or the reality that we observe the report to the CEO.

Both actions taken by the prior Chief maintenance office provide consequences if executed incorrectly. For example, the report that is created to the FAA, the group that is affected is the competition and even United Airlines when the competitors discover which they shall, that its us whom distributed their names to the authorities. Furthermore, the reality is that the reports are generated on a daily basis and this is damaging to the organization, in which the image of the organization will be affected, not just regionally but nationwide as well as around the world. Even the American market will see it is problematic to trust the carrier conducts maintenance on its spare parts since we have chosen to hire somebody who oversaw the rot in the prior organization and wouldnt say anything about it. Safety is not the absence of harm but its the presence and development of capability, awareness, active communication and caring (Godd, 2015). So its crucial to note that an organizations fright of expenditure should be part when it involves safety. It is for the same motive that the organizations employees should be brave enough to report any undoing to recover the expenses and other repercussions that may provide the organization with a lot of losses. Therefore, this is the differences of identified pointed to the very existence of the safety management approaches by the organization.

Best course of actions and the ups and downs

The best course of action when observing the airline management indicates the fact that the workers must report the unethical fetes to the competitor organizations CEO. Amid all the choices available, this seems as the appropriate course of action, and therefore, the organization attains the benefits by utilizing it. The airline industry is interconnected and no one should be on bad terms with their competition. So when going about this course of action, this is to bring to the attention of their management. The advantage that United Airlines possesses with this action is that the market choices and the market share maybe depreciate with the information that United would spill out against their competitor. The disadvantage to this action is the robbed worker. The worker will function in the bad blood of the competitor since he is the one that attained this data and it was confidential but shared amongst competition. People believe the ends justify the means are more likely to offset a good dead with bad ones or vice versa (Ghose, 2013). Every action has to have its balance. There is good that can come out of it or there is bad that can come out of it.

Communicating ethical decisions and which ones

The last stage in this entire commotion represents the delivering the unethical services to any concerned player. A couple of the matters that worth communicating involve the financial and legal repercussions of the entire fiasco. Stakeholders should be aware of how to take care of the effects of the moral corruption on the entire situation if everything were to come to a standstill and assure that the matter such as the profits that are affected due to poor ethics must be known by everyone. If any legal actions were to surface from the situation, then they must recognize and get ready to face the consequences that are coming. The organization being affected include the employees, shareholders, management, and the board. Everyone in the organization should be aware of the control of safety in the organization and therefore never be kept in the dark. When an employee doesnt get the wide view, not only does the point of their work escape them but it can be frustrating (Fried, 2015). So no one within the organization should be kept in the dark and should be aware of everything that is going on.

The individuals whom are disturbed by the management of ethics in the maintenance section should plan actions to do with the same at any particular time. Successful businesses are built on relationships (Towers, 2017). Ethics play a crucial role in generating trust between employees, customers, and United Airlines shareholders. instant that the trust is destroyed, there are things like corporate social responsibility that break down significantly. This is why it is important for an organization to do everything possible to diminish the effect of the adverse policy effects expanding out by for instance, establishing confidentiality clauses.


  1. Fried, J. (2015). The danger of keeping your team in the dark. Inc. Retrieved from
  2. Ghose. T. (2013). Why good deeds can cause moral backsliding. Live Science. Retrieved from
  3. Godd, M. (2015). Cost vs. Safety: This is the time for safety leadership. JMJ Retrieved from
  4. Martins, F. (2013). Is safety a part of customer service? Business 2 Community. Retrieved from
  5. Lewis, R. (2019). The FAAs relationship with airlines and manufacturers is under scrutiny, again. National Public Radio. Retrieved from
  6. Simpson, D. (2017). The importance of physical security. AGIO. Retrieved from
  7. Scutts, J. (2018). The evolution of the advice column. Medium. Retrieved from
  8. Towers, P. (2017). Workplace trust: Why trust is important in the workplace. Task Pigeon. Retrieved from
  9. Twin, A. (2019). Business ethics. Investopedia. Retrieved from
  10. Vozza, S. (2016). Why your competitions staff will be your best employees. Fast Company. Retrieved from

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