Climate Change from Different Perspectives

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Climate change has been a pertinent issue in the last several decades with the rise of human civilization and the immense industrial revolutions that have accompanied these developments. Human beings have made massive strides in the production and exploration of sources of energy and the most significant of these is the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels were a massive boost to industrialization efforts in the world due to their ability to yield immense amounts of energy. The world dashed for this source and explored means of extracting it, hence the general developments in industries, transport, and civilization. The use of fossil fuels has however presented a significant downside with the production of carbon increasing. The climate change situation has had two types of responses, with one camp making deliberate efforts to minimize the impact of climate change and others ignoring the issue altogether.

Parties Worried over Climate Change

People should be worried about climate change and make efforts toward the preservation of life on earth. Those worried about climate change and its impact on all life on earth have made efforts towards the reduction of the destruction of the environment and other efforts geared towards reversing the situation. This is because climate change affects various aspects of life on earth, including food production due to weather change. Climate change also affects other forms of life, including animals, due to the destruction of their natural habitats. Climate change has also made the earth warmer and those worried about climate change have made appropriate adjustments to their lives through air conditioners. Efforts towards combating the rise in tides by those who worry about the climate are also enhanced to ensure that these effects do not make the earth inhabitable.

Mitigation measures towards tackling climate change by concerned parties mainly revolve around reducing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is vital to note that the ozone layer has been significantly damaged already by human activities and that elimination of carbon emissions at this moment would not be sufficient to shield future humans from climate change (Fawzy et al., 2020). The impacts of actions of current human beings and predecessors would still impact future generations significantly. Climate change initiatives will not miraculously cause the disappearance of the challenges attributed to this scourge that we are facing, but they will protect the future. Mitigation measures against climate change are geared toward minimizing human interference in the climate, enabling the recovery of the earth.

Reduced vulnerability of human beings to the effects of climate change has been an exceptional measure in tackling climate change. Some worried humans have accepted their responsibility for the climate change problem and made peace with the fact that they are unwilling to reverse the situation (Thomas et al., 2018). They have instead decided that their existence will exude determination and focus on riding through any disaster. Reducing the impacts of climate change effects on them include tackling sea-level encroachment, surviving more intense weather events, and combating food insecurity. The increased incidence of tsunamis across the world is a manifestation of the effect of climate change. They have led to the loss of lives and property across the globe, with some regions being more affected than others. Countries and governments have responded to this disaster by initiating rescue protocols that ensure these disasters have decreased impacts.

The innovation of measurement mechanisms means that the concerned can use to detect the occurrence of these disasters before the material day has been enhanced. This ensures that sufficient preparations are made to cushion people, property, and civilizations. The impact of sea-level encroachment has also been combated similarly, involving increased measurement methods to detect the events before they occur. Buildings close to the sea have been built in a manner that ensures their continued existence after the occurrence of these disasters. Food production has also been affected by climate change due to unreliable rains. Human civilizations have resulted in increased research into genetically modified foods to ensure that this issue is combated. Massive research is ongoing on means of producing food with minimal reliance on the rains. Artificially modified clouds are also the reality of some developed nations in the world as they reduce reliance on rains.

The environment has become harsh and cannot allow the growth of crops for food and environmental cover. Climate change has caused the concerned parties to turn to resilient crop yields by developing genetically modified plants. This involves altering the genome of plants to ensure that their survival is guaranteed in areas of unbearable temperatures. Their need for massive water during irrigation has also been reduced as the crops can store large amounts of the minimal available water for longer periods. The harsh temperatures in the atmosphere have been combated with developments in conditioners that maintain the temperature in various buildings. These technological devices consume electricity and enable the room temperature in various areas to remain steady. Their inability to get influenced by outside changes in the temperature caused by climate change ensures that human life and civilizations survive despite this challenge. Turning to modified foods has been with immense challenges, including the development of cancers that are leading to the loss of life. There is a need to worry about climate change to protect the health of people and prevent the development of new diseases necessitated by the inventions against climate change.

Climate change should worry everybody due to the diminished efforts made towards mitigating the disaster. The input of a few members of society is inefficient in making the earth safe for current inhabitants and future generations. The efforts made towards combating climate change that revolve around surviving despite the changes have been mostly local. There has been a massive difficulty getting the world to agree on the appropriate measures that can protect the environment and reduce the possibility of human extinction. The challenge has been due to greed from some people who are opposed to the idea of minimizing their profits. What these people do not realize is that the continued combustion of fossil fuels will worsen the situation and soon enough, they will have no profits to protect (Suggitt et al., 2018). Certain economies boast of their place in the world order and this power emanates from their production means and sale of products to various markets. These economies are unwilling to surrender their position in the global matrix by shutting their fossil-run machines. Should the world become extinct due to climate change, these economies will have no chance to realize that their position meant nothing.

Unconcerned Parties

Those who are unconcerned about climate change have made minimal efforts to prevent further destruction of the environment and bettering life on earth. These people have been at the forefront, damaging the environment through their actions. This particular group of people assumes that their lives are the only ones that matter and show care for none other. This is a popular attitude amongst industrialists who own the means of production and hold the biggest responsibility for climate change (Asif, 2021). Their machines are responsible for the massive production of fumes in the atmosphere. Their actions have led to worsening conditions. These people are only worried about making their companies profitable and turning to the easiest fuel available in fossil fuels. This has been detrimental in the war against climate change due to split efforts in bettering the situation of the earth. While one party is worried about reducing carbon emissions, another is focused on increasing them to previous measures.

The transport industry has made minimal efforts to reduce their usage of fossil fuels and they do not worry about the impact of this sector on the environment. This sector is amongst the biggest producers of greenhouse gases that are responsible for climate change. They assume that the responsibility lies with some organizations, such as the United Nations. The delegation of this responsibility has been one major reason why the war on climate change is yet to be won (Asif, 2021). The agencies devoted to the preservation of life on earth cannot work without the involvement of citizens of the earth. Organizations can only make efforts by collaborating with other people. This cooperation includes making deals with leaders of various nations and promoting environmental preservation initiatives within their land. Companies and individuals in the transport industry need to understand their role in the disaster and amend their actions efficiently.

Some people who do not worry about climate change believe that supreme beings are responsible for all life on earth, and this is misleading. The inhabitants of the earth are enshrined with the responsibility to better their lives. Despite the possibility of the existence of a supreme being, it is inadequate to leave things and the fate of future generations to the unseen. A Supreme Beings actions have not led to the destruction of the environment but instead, humans have indulged in activities such as deforestation that have reduced forest cover. Human beings have been greedy in their industrialization efforts and have therefore increased the emission of greenhouse gases that have damaged the ozone layer. Human beings are solely to blame for climate change and it is misled to put this responsibility on anyone else (Jenkins et al., 2018). Evasion of responsibility is a classic means of escapism that is popular amongst human beings and was responsible for the collapse of previous civilizations. Continued delegation of the fate of the earth to other deities will only endanger the planet and make it inhabitable. Other unworried people believe that new planets will be colonized and inhabited by human beings hence the decreased urgency towards the preservation of the earth. This is mere speculation that may fail and it is vital to make interventions toward making the current planet habitable.

Other groups that are not worried about climate change include common people who consider themselves too small to make an impact. They think their absence from the governments of their nations and the major international bodies is an excuse for laxity. These people are involved in the use of unrenewable sources of energy in their homes and this has increased the release of carbon into the atmosphere. These people believe that their input to the scourge is minimal and that other relevant parties are to blame (Wang et al., 2018). Despite the carbon release by each household being little, the cumulative release of greenhouse gases by all households matches that of industries. The people who consider themselves small in the fight can contribute by reducing the personal release of greenhouse gases. These efforts include turning to more efficient and environmentally-friendly sources such as sunlight and wind. They can purchase electricity from dealers who generate it from accepted sources that do not damage the environment. The people who are uninvolved in issues that pertain to them leave greedy people to make decisions that affect everybody in the long run. The common people can also indulge in vetting various environmental policies to ensure that they are accurate and depict the need to protect the climate.


In conclusion, the earth faces a serious challenge with climate change. There are adequate reasons to worry about this situation, mainly because it continues to worsen. People who are concerned about climate change can only make minimal efforts to rectify the situation and have been involved in such activities. Those unconcerned with climate change are guided by their desire for profits, ignorance, and escapism. There is a need for collaboration of all sectors in handling climate change to ensure that the earth is hospitable for future generations. Future research will focus on finding innovative ways of making the earth more hospitable and reversing the effects of climate change.


Asif, F. (2021). Human greed versus human needs. In Beyond Free Market (pp. 7282). Routledge. Web.

Fawzy, S., Osman, A. I., Doran, J., & Rooney, D. W. (2020). Strategies for mitigation of climate change: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 18, 20692094. Web.

Jenkins, W., Berry, E., & Kreider, L. B. (2018). Religion and Climate Change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 43(1), 85108. Web.

Suggitt, A. J., Wilson, R. J., Isaac, N. J. B., Beale, C. M., Auffret, A. G., August, T., Bennie, J. J., Crick, H. Q. P., Duffield, S., Fox, R., Hopkins, J. J., Macgregor, N. A., Morecroft, M. D., Walker, K. J., & Maclean, I. M. D. (2018). Extinction risk from climate change is reduced by microclimatic buffering. Nature Climate Change, 8(8), 713717. Web.

Thomas, K., Hardy, R. D., Lazrus, H., Mendez, M., Orlove, B., RiveraCollazo, I., Roberts, J. T., Rockman, M., Warner, B. P., & Winthrop, R. (2018). Explaining differential vulnerability to climate change: A social science review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10(2). Web.

Wang, S., Leviston, Z., Hurlstone, M., Lawrence, C., & Walker, I. (2018). Emotions predict policy support: Why it matters how people feel about climate change. Global Environmental Change, 50, 2540. Web.

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