Conflict Management And Teamwork Concepts

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Teams have become an important part of the companies to attain goals. They are understanding that develop every employee will be worth to be successful. To encourage and give the opportunity to share ideas when required is precious.

However, Gathering people in the team could be a challenge because everyone has a different personality. Therefore conflict will be a valued role to manage. Although People see conflict as something negative facing them face to face will be valuable to the success of the team.

For example, Google is the biggest company who have teams around the world. The became the most successful company because they understand how to manage the teamwork and how to turn a conflict as a big opportunity for ideas and creativity.

This assignment is to introduce conflict management and teamwork concepts, give a foundation for understanding how teams work and how to manage the conflict. First definition of conflict and describes five styles of handling conflict. Then the introduction of teamwork, team processes, and interactions in between them.

Definition of conflict

Conflict is when one party view that interests are negatively affected or being opposed by the other party. The misunderstanding is created by disagreements or personal issues. Whenever people work together, conflict is unavoidable. It can be defined as a disagreement between two or more individuals trying to win acceptation of its view over others.

As long as the organization use teams, a conflict will be a valued role to manage. Conflict is a result of the conduct. It is part of human life. Cannot be changeable, because people came from different background, with a different personality. Bringing conflict on the table and resolving them will determinate the success of the team. According to L. Daft(2008), some studies of virtual teams indicates that handle internal conflicts is critical to their success. In other words when people are in teams deal with conflict will be a challenge, but if it is managed carefully, the team will attain their goals.

However, if the conflict is too strong and not managed appropriately can be prejudiced to team productivity. That means if the argument is too heavy, it will be destructive to interfere with the healthy of ideas and creativity.

In summation L. Daft (2008) said that a moderate number of conflict that is managed appropriately normally outcome in the highest levels of team performance. Understanding the conflict and creating a solution to resolve. It is the key to the team to be a success.

Styles to handle conflict

There are some types of people that have to handle differently in wich conflict. If a company intend to create a team, th2ey would have identified which people are select. Accordingly, understanding and developing interactions with each type of person will be important to the success of the team. Each of these five styles is suitable in certain cases.

Competing style

There is one way to deliver what was asking for doing. Normally they try to convince others in the team. Daft( 2008,709) ‘ Should be used when quick, decisive is vital on important issues or unpopular actions, such as during emergencies or urgent cost-cutting.’ Members are assertive to do a quick solution for the events that could be unexpected.


There is a lack of assertive and cooperative. In that style, people try to avoid every single conflict. However, They are good at when an issue is trivial when there is no chance of solving problem and problems with the delay to gather information if is needed.


It is a negotiation in which both parties give up something that they want in order to get they want more. Daft (2008,709) ‘ It is appropriate when the goals on both sides are equally important when opponents have equal power’. They are both assertive and cooperative.


It is a negotiation in which both parties give up something that they want in order to get they want more. Daft (2008,709) ‘ It is appropriate when the goals on both sides are equally important when opponents have equal power’. They are both assertive and cooperative.


It is when the concern is to satisfy both sides. Reflects both a highly assertive and highly cooperative. Appropriate uses for learning, improving a relationship and integrating solutions. Requires discussion of all issues and concerns, exploration of alternatives solutions, and honesty and commitment for all parties.

Function vs Dysfunction Conflict

Function conflict is a positive conflict that happens among people in a team. Members support the company and improve performance. It is a healthy process that helps the company to have a better decision, creativity, innovation, and encourage members to be the best to attain goals. This exchanges of ideas promote creative ideas to thinking the best way to make an important decision.

Dysfunction Conflict is an illness in the organization. It is a destructive process that should be resolved in the company because could affect the performance of the team. This process is damage of time and energy in all parties involved in the processes. In that situation, the level of stress in the organization is difficult that can cause a loose production and higher cost.

Human interaction and Teamwork

The organization adopted the concept of group and team, to accomplish a various task. when two or more individual is placed together either by the organization or in social needs, it is classified as a group. However, the team is a collection of people, who have a collection of skills and they are linked together to achieve specific goals.

The majority of the work in business is performed in groups. Individual personality of an employee is important. However, the effectiveness depends on the teams if they are working in a collective to attain goals.

The interaction in a team is important to increase the performance of the members. They have a mutual understanding and working to maximize the power and minimize the weakness by helping each other. Synergy is an important word for describing the team. The team can attain goals much more as the members can attain individually. The team would produce more and attain higher quality results. Increase responsiveness, as the team has different skills and backgrounds, members can be responsive to change and can react to customer needs and competition in the market.

The importance of increasing Motivation and innovation is an important role in teamwork. Members can be satisfy working in teams because if the work is alone, they do not process all the knowledge necessary and skills.

After teams have been formed, the team have to know one another, establish norms and roles, divide the labour and specify the team’s task. Daft (2008) said that the leaders have the challenge to understand the stage of team development and take action that will help the group improve its functioning. There is one useful model that describes theses stage. Tuckman`s model has been becoming ‘ the most predominantly referred to and most widely recognized in organizational literature’ ( MILLER, 2008,122). The model’s meaning was an observation of its time, responding both to the importance of teams in the company and the lack of applied research. It gave useful for practice by reposting the new model`s that people were working together, helping team members understand what was taking place in the development process and providing a way to predict the stages of growth in teams. The model is a breakdown in five stages.

1. Forming

In this stage, the team becomes oriented to the task, creates ground rules, and lists the limitations for interpersonal and task behaviours. ‘ During the forming stage, the team leader should provide time for members to get acquainted with one another and encourage them to engage in informal social discussions.’ (DAFT, 2008, 699). That stage finish when members have started to think of themselves as part of the team.

2. Storming

During the second stage, individual personalities emerge. People become more clear what is expected of them and assertive in their roles. This stage represents a time of intergroup conflict. Tuckman (1965,386) said that ‘ group member become hostile toward one another and toward a therapist or trainer as means of expressing their individuality and resisting the formation of the group structure’. In that stage, people might have an emotional response to the task and self-change. Daft(2008,699) ‘ the leader should encourage participation by each team member. Members should propose ideas, disagree with one another, and work through the uncertainties and conflicting perceptions about team tasks and goals’. When this stage is complete, there will be a hierarchy of leadership within the team.

3. Norming

The third stage, the team develops cohesion. Members understand and accept each other. Conflict is resolved. Daft (2008 said that during the norming stage, the supervisor of the team should emphasize unity within the team and help to understand team norms and values. According to Robbins an Judge (2007) when that stage is complete when the team structure firm and the team has absorbed a common set of expectations of what defines correct member behaviour.

4. Performing

The fourth stage, the emphasis is on problem-solving and delivering the task. Members in that stage are mature. So they will handle disagreement in a better way. Daft (2008, 700) ‘ During this stage, the leader should concentrate on managing high task performance. Both socio emotional and task specialists contribute to the teams’ functioning.’

5. Adjourning

In that stage, a task is no long priority, because, it is at the end of the team. During that stage, people may feel emotional or regret over the team’s disbandment. According to Daft(2008) at this point, the leader may think that the team’s disbanding with a ritual or ceremony, would be an opportunity for the team feel better.

Normally the five stages of team development occur in sequence and need attention to the details from the leader. Also, it is good to emphasize that under some conditions, high level of conflicts might be combustible to high team performance.

A conflict could be positive in the process. The second stage is so important because members could know the limitation, opinions, and talents of the members. Daft(2008,706)  a moderate amount of conflict that is managed appropriately typically results in the highest levels of team performance.After that the could form a high team performance and create a good interaction with each other.

Conflict management is had to be aware by the leader of the team. How to use the techniques to manage conflict management in developing and improving the team goals.


In conclusion of the research, a company who wants to survive in the business market. They do need knowledge about how to manage conflict. Understanding the importance of conflict and teamwork and interaction of both of them, companies will improve a higher quality and potentialize the company.

People normally think that conflict is not a good situation. However, they can actually be beneficial to teams. A healthy level of conflict helps to prevent people to be so committed to a cohesive team that they normally are reluctant to express contrary opinions. For example, Google company that was mention in the introduction. Conflict management is critical to the success of the company. They have to deal with different people around the world and creating the importance of the conflict in the team is so relevant to increase the creativity and developing a better relationship between the members.

Understanding and putting in practice the methods of conflict management and comprehension of the model of developing a team. The company will be able to create services and products and developing ideas to give in a competitive differential. Also, give to the members a better place to be innovate and motivate to work with each other’s and in the end of the project or the day by day in the company the relation between the members will be smooth and every time that the conflict arises, people will be able to manage in a mature way.


  1. Robbins, Stephen P. – Organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, – 12th ed. p. 14 – 306
  2. Rahim, M. Afzalur. – Managing conflict in organizations, 2011, 4th ed, p. 10  15.
  3. Daft, Richard. Kendrick, Martyn. Vershinina, Natalia. – Management, 2010
  4. Tuckman, BW. Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin 65,no.6:384-99.

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