Critical Overview of Aristotle’s Theory of the Golden Mean: Analytical Essay

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After speaking with students over various issues like the meaning of ethics, the duty of life, and other things they enjoy about school. It takes a turn by one of the students lighting up a marijuana joint and offering it to Aristotle then follows by asking him his opinion on the major topic that has been up for debate for years. Aristotle then goes into detail and states why he doesnt support marijuana and why it should not be legalized.

To begin, Aristotle believes a ‘good’ individual is one who reasons well, and who always acts on the best decisions. Aristotle’s best work was a book by the name of ‘Nicomachean Ethics’ which goes into deep detail and clarify what it means to be a ‘good individual. In Book 1, of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, he states that satisfaction is the best good, and is the objective of an individual and of those wanting to be somebody of importance in society. He also states that joy is comprehended as both living great and progressing admirably, which leads to a good individual. Also Aristotle States, that happiness is accomplished by indulging in activities that have a reason behind them. As indicated by Aristotle, being happy is the noblest feeling and is the ultimate objective for most people. This belief really contradicted other normal beliefs and philosophical speculations. Aristotle also comes to the conclusion that many people will experience happiness and after experiencing such a genuine feeling they will begin to participate in good activities which will lead them to being good individuals. A happy person is also a good person

Moreover, Aristotle is big about his theory of the Golden Mean. The Golden Mean is a scale for figuring out what is virtuous versus what is not. Aristotle’s work of the Golden Mean is viewed as one of the first major rational research works in the realm of an approach to improve human culture for further cheerful life and a long life fulfilled with persistent and continuses satisfaction. Moreover, Aristotle asserts that human society would be happy full-term if everyone would follow his theory of the Golden Mean in life. Moral conduct is the mean between the two limits in his Golden Mean idea, toward one side it is excess and at the other it is a deficiency. Aristotle accepts that many individuals who are good person it might be easy to locate a moderate situation between these two limits, and when you do, you will act ethically. Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny. (Aristotle 1953) Aristotle believes the ultimate objective of life is to accomplish satisfaction, which will come from reasoning. A good person would take in this viewpoint of the golden mean and choose virtuous activities.

In addition, Aristotle believes the main objective in life is happiness. Happiness depends upon ourselves. (Aristotle 1953). Happiness can be viewed as wealth, rounitenly participating in acts that bring happiness or it can be viewed as satisfying one’s individual pleasures. Aristotle expresses that ‘Happiness is an expression of the soul in considered actions’ (Aristotle 1953). Like I referenced before, the Golden Mean encapsulates Aristotle’s response to how satisfaction can be accomplished by an indivual. Aristotle feels that satisfaction should not be compared with material delight or even sexual delight. He states that satisfaction should to be the main objective of man, it is the ultimate objective. He believes that happiness must be accomplished by finding the correct harmony between the two boundaries.

Moreover, Aristotle is enthusiastic about virtues. Aristotle’s meaning of virtues expresses that it is The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. (Aristotle 1953) For Aristotle virtues is pure happiness, it is also categorized with human greatness and to become one, one must accomplish righteousness but in this case they must accomplish virtues. Virtue ethics is a theory that Aristotle used to determine rather a moral choice was good or bad. It doesn’t depend on religion, society or even social beliefs it just relies upon the individuals themselves. This theory was initially presented in ancient Greek. Aristotle was an incredible believer to these virtues and the goal of virtues, to him it implied having the option to satisfy one’s happiness. Virtue ethics does not concern itself with the question of ‘What should I do?’ but it rotates around the inquiry ‘what kind of individual should I become?’ It has more to do with the character of an individual man, as opposed to with the rights and wrongs of one’s actions. Rather than concentrating on what is the correct action, virtue ethics asks you how one be a better individual overall. Aristotle states that the individuals who does lead a virtuous life are constantly upbeat and have a feeling of prosperity and growth in their life. This leads to happiness which is the main objective in life for many individuals. . Aristotle also demands that the virtues remain equivalent in every community just as the main viewpoint remains similar which is the long-term feeling of satisfaction. Aristotle also explains that all good activities have indicualds trying to reach an ultimate goal. He also expresses that many daily things we do, we are also trying to reach some goal, rather it is going to school to acquire a degree or changing your eating habitats and start working out constantly to lose some weight. A more common example is getting up every morning to go to work, which leads to making money, then leads to feeding your family, then might also lead to going on family trips. The ultimate aim is to make yourself happy.

Moreover, the legalization over marijuana has been an ongoing debate for years. According to the statics recorded by the Drug-Free World program 158.8 million people around the world use marijuana which is 3.8% of the planets population. Some of the population disapproves of the use of the drug and some approve of the use of the drug rather its for medical use or simply recreational use. The use of marijuana has been such a conservancy topic over many years.

Furthermore, the pros of marijuana are solely based on the drug’s medical benefits. Marijuana can be beneficial in curing chronic pain for patients. One patient explained how they were confined to their bed for years until their doctor introduced medical THC to them, after the patient using the medical marijuana a few times they saw an instant change in their pain severity. Also, studies show that the use of marijuana can restore an individual’s natural sleep cycle. Patients who struggle with insomnia have been recommended to using a small quality before bed. One patient stated that it has been a while since they have actually sleep throughout the night without being restless, until his first dosage of the drug. He states that it was the best sleep he has had in a year. Based on these reasons Artsistole would agree with the benefits but it still does not make one a virtuous person by distorting your mind so he would still not believe it should be legalized

Additionally, the cons of marijuana are pretty detrimental. In 2014, German researchers claimed one of the first known death directly caused by the constant use of marijuana. It was discovered during an autopsy of two young mean that had a long history with the drug that they had undetected heart problems caused by the heavy use of marijuana. Also, the use of marijuana can lead to serious respiratory systems issues and cause harm to the lungs, as reported by the Canadian Research Institution. Studies also show that marijuana users have been implicated in a number of automobile crashes and workplace accidents, due to it altering your senses. The last con of marijuana is that it can be very addictive and lead to a serious dependence on the drug and this will only increase with the legalization on the drug. For these various reasons, Aristotle’s agreement still sticks that the drug should not be legalized and he will not participate in the activities.

To conclude, after studying Aristotle’s beliefs, he rejects smoking the marijuana joint and he also does not believe that marijuana should not be legalized. If any action undermines or debases our judicious limits, at that point we have an ethical motive to stay away from that certain person or thing. This is why Aristotle would not participate in smoking marijuana. It shows that there is an ethical motivation to abstain from smoking pot because it manipulates one sense and thinking process. Any activity that degrades our rational thinking would should reframe from it. At some degree of utilization, Aristotle would encourage us to not smoke marijuana, because the altering it does to our mind.

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