Driving under the Influence: Analytical Essay on Consumer Behavior

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Driving under the influence (DUI) is an issue that has resulted in numerous injuries and fatalities worldwide. The reason behind this is that some people dont seem to be aware of the consequences of drinking and driving, and those who are aware, may still think that theyre the odd ones out and that alcohol consumption does not affect their driving skills. Alcohol in the bloodstream causes a delay in cognitive skills and slowed breathing. Additionally, alcohol leads to a slower reaction time, lack of coordination, reduced concentration, and decreased vision, which can result in unimaginable outcomes. Unfortunately, this issue is falsely perceived as minor and rare in Amman, and is neglected because of religious and cultural restrictions on drinking alcohol. As a result of the increase in the number of bars, clubs and pubs in Jordans capital, driving under the influence has become a more serious problem among many teenagers and young adults. What these individuals seem to forget, however, is that driving under the influence is not only a severe legal crime, but it is also a huge threat to the lives of all parties involved, as well as innocent strangers. A significant rise in the number of alcohol-related car accidents in Jordan created the need for a product like Tap to Safety. We feel it is necessary to educate the Jordanian youth about the dangers of drinking and driving, alternative ways to get home after a night out, and the importance of passing this life-saving information to their friends and colleagues.

Target Market & Targeting Strategy

Demographic segmentation was used to determine the primary audience; males and females between the ages of 18 and 29. This is because car accidents related to alcohol consumption are more prevalent amongst people in that range. Psychographic segmentation was also conducted and members of the middle to upper class, that enjoy spending time at bars and clubs were chosen. In reference to geography, the focus is on the capital of Jordan, Amman as it is the most densely populated city in the Kingdom, and has the largest number of restaurants, bars and pubs.

Moreover, a secondary audience was selected; family members, friends and colleagues of those who drive under the influence, as well as concerned members of the community.

Although our product targets a primary and a secondary audience, we have chosen an undifferentiated targeting strategy. Using the same marketing mix variables and value proposition, we aim to address both audiences.

Value Proposition

The value proposition is based on safety and wellbeing. We offer our audience a safe and secure way to get home, as opposed to putting themselves and others in grave danger. We are aware of other well-known mobile applications that offer services somewhat similar to ours, such as Uber and Careem, however, we believe that our service is more convenient. Instead of having to order a car, call the driver to give directions and wait in the street to be picked up by a complete stranger which could potentially be an embarrassing situation after consuming alcohol, we came up with an alternative. Our application provides a fast and easy way for individuals to contact people they know and trust, get home safely, with the satisfaction of knowing they did not put their community at risk.

Better to have your friends bail you out, than bail you out. Our slogan is a reflection of the consequences that a drunk driver may face in the event of an accident. We want the target audience to think long and hard before choosing to drink and drive ever again, because of the consequences that might follow their actions, if they are the cause of an unfortunate accident. The statement is meant to indicate that it is better to accept help getting home than to need help getting out of prison if the unimaginable happens. For those who arent afraid for their own lives, this is a reminder that the cost of their actions could be harming innocent people and spending their lives paying for it.

Marketing Mix Variables

  • Product: A mobile application. The application requires people to set up a profile and a list of 7 to 10 trusted contacts with their names and phone numbers. When a person is on a night out and feels like they have consumed a bit too much alcohol, they can tap on a single X button in the middle of the applications home page, that sends out an automated message which states (full name of the person) is currently unable to drive home and has shared their location with you for immediate pick up, along with their GPS location to their list of contacts. When one of the listed emergency contacts clicks the Accept button on the message, the other contacts are sent a notification saying Someone is now on the way to pick up (full name of the person).
  • Place: On the App Store, and Google Play.
  • Price: In terms of monetary cost, the fee will be 2 JODs per month. There is also the non-monetary cost of dedicating time and effort to download the application and use it.
  • Promotion: We will be using celebrity endorsements to promote the application. We are planning to get Jordanian social media influencers, with very high numbers of followers, such as Amman Street Fashion, to discuss the issue of driving under the influence, introduce our application, and encourage their followers to use it. We will also create our own pages on Instagram and Facebook, where we will regularly post valuable material about the dangers of drinking and driving, real stories of tragedies that occurred as a result of alcohol consumption followed by driving, and the benefits of using our application to avoid being the victim of the next tragedy. As well as that, booths will be set up in popular public locations such as fitness centers and parks, where flyers containing information about Tap to Safety will be handed out to passers-by.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

The Tap to Safety application is connected with satisfying the second basic need in Maslows hierarchy; safety needs. Naturally, when a person gets in the car and drives home after having consumed an excessive amount of alcohol, they are not completely aware of their surroundings and have a very slow reaction time which automatically puts them in harms way. If Tap to Safety is used as a safer alternative to this hazardous option, the risks that come with it can be eliminated.

Safety and security is essential to every living person, and that is what the product is intended to provide.

Personality Theories

· Freudian theory

In reference to the Freudian theory, individuals who drive under the influence are influenced by pleasure without any regard to whether this action is ethical or even legal; therefore, they are driven by the id. They are selfishly neglecting the consequences of their behavior and choosing the option they believe is easier or more convenient. They are risking their own lives as well as the lives of others.

The goal is to have these individuals operate in the superego level, by recognizing that their actions can have fatal consequences, choosing to avoid drinking and driving and considering the ethical implications of their behavior. Even though it may seem faster or more convenient to get in the car and drive home, people should realize that it is not worth the risk. It is selfish and unprincipled for individuals to put their own convenience over others safety.

· Karen Horneys neo-freudian theory

According to the Karen Horney theory, detached individuals are those who move away from others and seek independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency and freedom from obligations. To such individuals, the use of Tap to Safety could represent reliance on others and needing help which they might have difficulty accepting. Although they might be in need of this help, their personality traits may still push them towards rejecting it.

· The trait theory

A new application such as Tap to Safety is more likely to be tried out by innovators first as they tend to be open to new ideas. Innovators can contribute significantly to the acceptance of the product by the intended consumers as they spread positive word of mouth. The aim is to inspire consumer innovativeness with functional motivation. It is safer and better than the alternative, which is driving under the influence, and the application itself is quick and easy to use.

Perception Models

· Absolute threshold

In order to ensure that the target audience will be aware of the product and above the absolute threshold, we will use different types of promotions. Firstly, Jordanian social media influencers will be discussing Tap to Safety on social media platforms to hundreds of thousands of followers. In addition to that, we will have our own sponsored Instagram and Facebook pages to reach as many people as possible with valuable content. Finally, the application will be available on the App Store and Google Play where people can purchase it and begin to use it.

We will also be using ambush marketing by placing booths in totally unexpected places, such as fitness centers and public parks. At the booths, flyers will be handed out with brief information about the dangers of driving under the influence, as well as an introduction about the application, and the names of our pages on social media to attract followers and users.

To avoid sensory adaptation, the booths will only be open for a limited period of time right after the application becomes available for download on mobile phones. After that we will focus on social media presence and celebrity endorsements. Moreover, the content that will be posted on our pages will vary from messages about the risks of drinking and driving, to people sharing their own disastrous experiences with it, to ways you can help protect yourself, your society and others. This variation aims to reduce the chance of consumers getting used to seeing information about Tap to Safety and beginning to avoid it.

· Consumer Imagery

We hope that the product will represent security as well as responsibility in consumers minds. We want the audience to perceive using the application as a way to keep themselves and others around them safe. While using the application, consumers should have the satisfaction of knowing they did the right thing, they acted sensibly and may have just saved their own lives and the lives of others. In terms of perceived price, the goal is for consumers to consider 2 JODs as a little amount to pay in return for their health, safety and futures as well as those of others.

Reference Groups

The community an individual is a part of has a major effect on their actions and behavior. Family and friends can usually influence a persons decisions. For that reason, we have chosen to address friendship reference groups as a secondary audience. The hope is to have individuals who drive under the influence see people close and dear to them express concern over the repercussions of their actions and remind them that if anything should happen to them, the pain will be extended to everyone who cares about them.


In recent years, car accidents related to alcohol consumption have increased drastically. We have created Tap to Safety with the hope that we can reduce that number. Driving under the influence has many potential consequences, such as imprisonment and fines, and terrible accidents which can result in serious injuries or death. Tap to Safety is a reasonably-priced mobile application that allows individuals to press one button which sends out an alert to emergency contacts stating that they need to be picked up, once one of them accepts the request, the others are notified. The main benefit of using our product is safety and security. We will be using celebrity endorsements and online presence to gain the support of our primary and secondary audience. The goal for the primary audience is to get them to realize that the risks of driving under the influence could be fatal. As for the secondary audience, we want them to inspire those who drink and drive to abandon the behavior, by showing them that their actions affect everyone around them.

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