Essay on Customer Service Excellence

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Investigating Customer Service

    • Learning Aim A: Examine how good customer service leads to a company’s growth.
    • Learning Aim B: Investigate the approaches used in the corporate world to enhance customer service.

What are the benefits of providing outstanding customer service?

It is important to supply excellent customer service because your customers are the backbone of your business and if you do not show respect to them then they will stop supporting you and go and support someone else who offers similar goods or services. It also gives you a bad name and people will not go to your business with their needs if you have bad customer service.

Approaches to customer service delivery in Tesco and Burger King


What Tesco does to approach customer service delivery is that they set expectations making sure their stores look at their best for customers to shop in, making sure nothing is out of place or anything. They also have social media accounts to help employees with any queries they might have that can be answered quickly and the employee gets the information they need, customers can also access a social media account to ask about any queries they have or address any problems they had with them publicly. This is also a good business move because everyone is on social media nowadays, which means it is just quick and easy access for people if they have any questions on anything that worries them. You can find Tesco on Twitter as they use that form of social media to connect with their customers, employees, stakeholders, and media bloggers.

‘Twitter is the main media platform we use in the Tesco Corporate Affairs team for external communications,’ said their digital chief Adrian Harris.

    • Reference: https:www.conversocial.combloghow-tesco-leads-the-way-in-social-customer-service

Burger King

What Burger King has done recently to approach customer service is giving the customers a recipe to make their burgers. As of 2020, we are in a global pandemic and Burger King has seemed to find a way for customers to still enjoy burgers while they are closed. Also, they were giving out free kid’s meals before they were officially closed which helped families that rely on the free school meals to feed their children, not only is this good for the families but it also, improves the relationship between Burger King and their customers, which also is a way of establishing an advantage in the market over McDonald’s, as McDonald’s failed to do this.

    • Reference:’tt-get-it.html

How does Tesco’s customer service fulfill customers’ needs and satisfaction while still adhering to existing laws and regulations?

Tesco satisfies its customers by supplying reliable goods and services. Such as, they offer the customer to return on the 10p bags if damaged caused as they will be offered a new one. Which reassures the customer to buy this item and buy one.

Tesco’s refund policy is that the items can be brought back within 30 days of when the item was brought back with the receipt. These are what customers are happy with because it is included with every purchase and very good.

Tesco’s approach to customer service is that they care more than just sorting out the problem the customer has they want to make sure that the customer is happy after they have dealt with the issue. They do this by; being supportive of their customers by helping them with their needs, encouraging the community to reach out and engage with their staff as it is important to have an understanding tone with the customers making them feel valued which will increase their happiness.

Tesco makes sure that they stick to their slogan ‘Every Little Helps’ by making sure they listen to their customers’ demands of clear aisles so that they can get to what they want a lot quicker rather than having to look all over the place to find what they want, no ques which would be decreased by having more tills so that more customers can pay for their goods and others not having to wait as long, and having staff that are happy and ready to help the customer if they have questions or queries.

    • Reference: https:www.conversocial.combloghow-tesco-leads-the-way-in-social-customer-service#:~:text=Tesco has mobilized its customer, customer tone in every message.

Relevant legislation and regulations

Health and Safety: Tesco would have to follow this law about occupational health problems and if they do not, they risk being punished if anything goes wrong because they fail to do so. Such as, at the beginning of the year, Tesco was fined £733,333.33 for a health and safety breach after a 91-year-old broke their hip at a store in Hemel Hampstead. These legislation deals can affect their customer service delivery if the floor is wet it is the employee’s responsibility to warn people not to walk over the slippery floor, so no accidents happen.

Tesco should go about this legislation by doing risk assessments to find hazards and to ensure the employee’s and customer’s safety. By dealing with the environment, even if they are unable to be influenced by the environment, workers can post safety signs to ensure that consumers do not visit places where they can be harmed.

Tesco must follow this legislation because they do not want customers suing them for having slippery floors. What Tesco must do is have signs up, so customers know where not to go. They should also have employees to look for any hazards and if there are any to get rid of them as quickly as possible before they open for customers.

Customers Rights Act 2015: Tesco will have to adhere to this legislation when offering goods and services to customers. This makes sure that employees have knowledge of goods and services that the customer is looking for. They should be able to give all the information the customer needs about the goods and services Tesco offers. Customers must have excellent quality products for the money they have spent on the goods. Such as faulty products for unreasonable prices would go against this legislation.

Equality Act: Tesco will have to adhere to this legislation when delivering customer service. How Tesco will have to train its employees to not discriminate against any of its customers. This act does not discriminate regardless of age, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender.

Tesco must follow this legislation because they do not want their customers to feel discriminated against because of their; race, religion, age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. If the customer does not feel welcome at the business, then they are not going to go there again and will therefore go to their competitors instead. So, Tesco must train their staff not to be rude or disrespectful to their customers.

Data Protection Act 1998: Tesco must follow this legislation because they must keep all the information they have of their customers safe, if they sell or buy personal information, they will face huge fines because it is breaking the law to sell or buy personal information. This will give them a bad reputation and customers will start to go to their competitors.

    • References:
    • https:www.tesco.comhelpprivacy-and-cookiesprivacy-centreyour-rights
    • https:www.tescoplc.comabouthow-we-do-business core-purpose-and-values

Methods that a company should use to boost its customer service provision

    1. Clarify your goals with aims to help you achieve them.
    2. Respond quickly to customer needs.
    3. Supply the proper information for what the customers need to know.
    4. Take time to train your employees so they make your business look good for the customer.
    5. Use negative feedback to your advantage to become even better.
    6. Make an extra effort to please the clients.
    • Reference: https: customer think.com10-ways-to-improve-your-customer-service-and-increase-sales-performance

How do legislation and policy affect Tesco’s customer service?

Legislation and regulations impact customer service at Tesco as they relate to the law that everyone must follow and state what we must do to abide by them. To make sure that they do not break the law and if they do, they will be fined depending on the damages caused.

Below are the following legislations and regulations they need to follow:

Consumer Credit Act 1974: The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and various regulations implementing European Union consumer credit law.

The legislation covers these areas; the information consumers should be provided with before they enter into a credit agreement, the content and form of credit agreements, procedures relating to events of default, added protection for credit card purchases costing more than £100 and up to £30,000 under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act.

    • Reference: regulation consumer-credit-act

Consumer Rights Act 2015: It is here to give businesses a better understanding of their customers and to serve them till they are satisfied. For example, they can deal with a customer demanding a refund if they are entitled to one. If there are any further problems the business should supply a service that can go about the issue at hand.

    • Reference:

Data Protection Act 1998: This covers all information distributed, stored, and processed by Tesco. It covers information about customers, employees, suppliers, and potential customers. Breaching customer or employee confidence by selling or buying personal information is a serious offense.

    • Reference:

Tesco’s uses a variety of tools to monitor customer support for a product or service

One method of monitoring customer service for a product or service in Tesco is by having staff members from a different branch see how good the customer service is of that branch and note down everything they do well, not so well, and how they can improve so that in future they can come back and have better customer service. This way Tesco gain feedback on their customer service from their employees so when they get assessed by external assessors, they will get reliable results as they will be prepared with good customer service.

Pros of using a mystery shopper are; that you can evaluate your staff on how well they performed and see what needs to be improved for the future, check out the competition, and adjust if necessary. Reviewing internal procedures and assessing new products and protocols The internal procedures and protocols may need adapting after just adding them in, as they can be worked on to make the company keep its reputation high.

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