Essay on Political Model of Decision Making

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McDonald’s has a rich history that began in 1954. The company was put in the spotlight by Ray Kroc. Over time, marketing thoughts have poured through and assisted the company with becoming one of the most prestigious fast-food brands all around the world. The brand name plan for the fast food was painstakingly contemplated and it was accompanied by a cheerful jokester character known as Ronald MacDonald (McDonald, 2007). The Big Mac and the Egg Muffin have been a portion of McDonald’s most inventive items. As far as marketing, the cheerful supper approach was additionally innovative as it captivates youngsters to eat at MacDonald’s a direct result of the toys they can get. Today, McDonald’s is additionally on the Internet fad, giving information to individuals all around the world with a tick of a mouse (McDonald’s Corporation, 2007).

McDonald’s is among the most famous fast-food brands on the planet. Begun in the 50s, McDonald’s currently brags of working, diversifying, and serving an overall chain of around 30,000 fast food eateries and more than 200,000 employees around the globe that plan, package, and offer a menu of prepared-to-eat foods. In particular, it has branches in Australia which is viewed as one of the most well-known food chains in the nation However, despite the laid-out brand of McDonald’s Corporation and opposition to its past accomplishments; it appears that there is a requirement for the management to rethink its picture.

The developing and clamoring populace of today is unique in the number of inhabitants in the earlier very long time with regards to well-being and wholesome perspectives and ways of behaving. Individuals today are more worried about their well-being and figures than at any other time in recent memory. The justification behind this expanded mindfulness is a direct result of the way that information is all over the place and each report and exploration about sustenance appear to connect fast foods with the developing number of heftiness. Besides, there are likewise various rising diet programs that advance and urge the general population to be figure cognizant.

This is an issue for McDonald’s because it has as of now gained the standing of a fast food that persistently gives oily undesirable food; though contenders have proactively made measures to diminish fats in their items. The company needs to take care of and shift its positive picture back. Thus, the issue or issue that ought to be settled by the management of Mcdonald’s is to settle on a decision as far as having another marketing approach that will cause the company to be more interesting to the current clients. This approach should make the McDonald’s image as something overwhelming, then, at that point, followed with the information that its items are as of now well-being cordial. In this approach, certain progressions will be made.

Comparison Between Decision-making in Certain and Uncertain Conditions

In McDonald’s, the management of the company is bound to a shared objective of executing strategic management which will empower the company to enjoy the competitive benefits. Strategic management can be characterized as the craftsmanship and study of planning, executing, and assessing cross-useful decisions that empower any organization to accomplish its targets. As referenced, quite possibly the main component to having a fruitful and practical strategic management framework is to settle on decisions strategically no matter what certainties. Decision-making is a vital piece of the bunch of factors that can influence the result of a shared objective.

Generally, scholars have seen decision-making as the multiuse interaction by which an issue is distinguished, solution goals are characterized, a preadmission is made (that is, a decision about how to settle on a certain condition and uncertain condition), choices are produced and assessed, and an option is chosen, carried out, and afterward followed up. This kind of judicious model of decision-making expects that the decision creator knows about the issue, knows that the decision should be made, has a bunch of choices, and possesses a measure for making the decision, however, these are huge suppositions. Such an ideal model of decision-making likewise accepts that the decision creator knows about every conceivable other option and that the individual chooses in the wake of analyzing them all. A contemporary methodology perceives those decisions are made in a programmed, instinctive design. In particular, the picture hypothesis asserts that individuals will take on a game plan that best accommodates their singular standards, current objectives, and plans for the future (Sims, 1994).

Decision-making interaction might incorporate social event information, laying out shared objectives, uncovering management choices to pick a specific game plan, and executing the arrangement. With this cycle, the management of the organization will want to recognize the most proper methodology to be utilized to cause the company to be more competitive. Moreover, the decision-making process is likewise noted as a focal component in having fruitful strategic management since it empowers the company to have an effective solution for a specific issue or issue.

The company should have the option to have strategic decision-making for the future to consistently support the strength of the company. Great decision-making can be credited as one of the fundamental factors that will assist the business in accomplishing its central mission and goal. This option is useful such that it can make the company more competitive and get by in the marketing climate (Campbell, Evans, and Storehouse, 2002).

Be that as it may, regardless of whether decision-making is supposed to be the focal element of strategic management, the most common way of making decisions is additionally considered a troublesome undertaking to deal with. More often than not, decision creators of a company are experiencing issues in choosing the solutions to a specific issue due to anxiety toward not coming by the normal outcomes. The trouble likewise lies in the way that there are decision producers who settle on decisions effectively without strategically dissecting what is truly required in going on. Henceforth, regardless of whether the goals of the decision producers are great, the outcome might go against them.

Analysis of Whether Decision-Making in Risky Conditions Takes Place in McDonald’s

The decision-making approaches (administrative, political, and incremental) are supposed to be a useful approach to the risks and issues of McDonald’s. Notwithstanding, these approaches have their impediments during risky conditions. For the administrative decision-making approach, one might say that its key restrictions incorporate judiciousness and the decision-making style. In the administrative model of decision-making, the supervisor has sole liability in the decision-making process. In such a manner, the objective sense is limited by the discernment of the director who will settle on the decisions. Henceforth, different conclusions and ideas may not be allowed an opportunity and this might influence the decision interaction in general.

Besides limited judiciousness, an administrative decision is likewise confined to a particular decision-making style. Since the chief or in this case, the marketing administrator is the one in particular who will settle on the decision, the decision-making style will be restricted to the supervisor’s information. This restriction might bring about ineffective and improper decisions which might demolish the issue or issue of the company.

Then again, the political decision-making approach might be impacted by the accompanying key limits: oblivious conformity, bunch shift, decision-making style, and social contrasts. This approach is made out of people groups or decision creators with alternate points of view and decision-making styles and thinking. In such a manner, the decision-making cycle will be impacted due to the conflicting contentions and thoughts of the different political gatherings. Also, the gathering shift for making decisions may influence the entire action or cycle of the decision-making. Rather than having strong decisions, different thoughts will seem which makes it hard for the group to choose thoroughly.

By bunch thinks, it is said that in fruitful gatherings, people figure out how to cooperate. They become a firm gathering as they work on explicit errands or ventures. Notwithstanding, firm gatherings might create and carry out techniques that are unseemly. This conduct is ascribed to changes in the gathering’s response to new or clashing information. Durable gatherings will generally cut off themselves to disrupt information, whether from inside or outside the gathering. This conduct was named mindless conformity by Janis (1982).

Three Types of Decision-Making Methods

Generally, most organizational management systems are supposed to be set up to allow decision-making at the least conceivable level. The management should settle on certain that decisions are conveyed equally to various offices and levels of organization to stay away from clashes. To do this, the management should have the option to pick the most suitable decision-making approach. In such a manner, different decision-making approaches can be utilized in business organizations. These decision-making approaches incorporate the administration approach, political approach, classical approach, or incremental approach.

The administrative decision-making approach is an approach where the decision producers incorporate chiefs, leaders, and different partners who stand firm on higher footings in the company. In this decision-making approach, the director or the head of the company has the option to do the decision-making without requesting the assessment from the workers. In this, all activities are being made by the supervisor or the corporate pioneers (Huffman and Piggery, 2003). The decision-making approach can be utilized in the issue and issue of McDonald’s by offering the chance for marketing directors to choose another approach that can be utilized to settle the issue.

The next decision-making approach is the political decision-making approach. Dissimilar to the administrative decision-making approach, the political decision-making approach has decision creators who are politically disposed and have profound information on various regulations. The political decision-making approach is supposed to be stubborn and steady. World-class political gatherings have the chance to settle on decisions by strongly contending on both the positive and negative sides of the decision to be made. In political decision-making, it is said that a few government officials may not be worried about the considerable results of the decisions; they are intrigued simply by their singular power and maybe by the support of their organizations.

The last decision-making approach is the incremental or classical decision-making approach. The incremental or classical sort of decision-making approach will in general glance at a particular decision as a little advance inside the interaction and thus sustain a progression of other comparable decisions. This implies that the management settles on the decision in a bit-by-bit process (Borden, 1995). The classical decision-making approach is by all accounts more logical and objective. The interaction engaged with a classical decision-making approach is profoundly taken into contemplation and the management is attempting to settle on the decision as fitting as conceivable to stay away from additional struggles.

Suggestion to Increase the Effectiveness in Decision-Making at McDonald’s

Making decisions can be difficult for several reasons such as the organizational structure, human behavior, organizational culture, uncertainties, incomplete information, multiple objectives, complexity of the problem, and anxiety, which directly influence the decision-making process. Regardless of the constraints, managers have to make decisions. Under any circumstances, decisions made cannot and should not be wrong because decisions are the mechanisms by which decision-makers attempt to accomplish the objectives of the organization; they are the means to an end.

In this particular unit, the decision-making approach that can be used is the decision-making model which is concerned with the development and application of standard decision rules based on formal logic derived from data, which is called the programmed decision. The greatest amount of concern of the manager in the decision-making process is to ensure that the decision yields optimal results and the same is expected for every one of the decisions made. In addition, the multiple objectives model can likewise be used using Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM).

The multiple objectives model tends to underline a normative view of decision-making. According to Robbins (2002, p.74), multiple criteria decision making (MECUM). involves (a) defining the problem; (b) identifying the decision criteria; (c) weighing the criteria; (d) generating alternatives; (e) rating each alternative on each criterion; and (f) computing the optimal decision. Based on the steps, the decision-maker identifies the problems or organizational objectives and then defines alternatives in terms of the potential outcomes for each of the alternatives.

As mentioned, the problem is about having a new marketing approach that will make the company more appealing to the target market. In this regard, the three criteria that can be considered include nutritional quality, service quality, and customer satisfaction. For this decision-making process, the significant stakeholders are marketing managers and the customers. After the survey process, it has been decided that the company should adhere to the criteria of having nutritional quality.


The primary objective of McDonald’s is to make people aware of each product on offer, feel positive about it, and remember it. The right message must be communicated to the right audience through the right media. Because of this, McDonald’s needs to give importance to and understand the value of both employees and customers. Blissful employees serve well and result in satisfied customers. This serves as a mutually advantageous arrangement for both the organization and the employee. McDonald’s has continuously done internal marketing and this is significant as it precedes external marketing. It goes in line with the ultimate point of creating service leadership as well as management service. This delivery process is the key to achieving the point of the company.

Decision-making is guiding an organization relative to challenges and opportunities appearing in the contingent environment. This environment is composed of those external elements that most directly affect organizational goal achievement and new goal development. Hence, organization system design and management should complement strategic actions taken for productive subsystems, as well as those providing yield delivery and other help functions for the organization. To the extent possible, the organization bases its actions on strategic decision-making that, rather than a one-time effort, is an ongoing process of adaptation of unique conceptions of mission, goals, structure, roles, and so forth relative to environmental dynamics.

Accordingly, the decision-making process is a knowledge-intensive process that can be considered a significant piece of successful strategic management. It’s undeniably true that McDonald’s should make decisions in its everyday operations; hence, to make sure that the decisions are made successfully, the decision-making process is significant. In addition, it is considered a central factor for having successful strategic management because it provides the company the assurance that each and all operations and activities made by the organizations adhere to a common goal that is set in the decision-making plans.

In strategic decision-making, some barriers and enablers are attributed as the principal factors for the success of the decisions made. Barriers might include different factors that may negatively affect the decision-making team as well as the decision-making process. Decision-making is a difficult process because of different factors. Such factors might include, environmental, cultural, and the cognitive reasoning of the one who will make the decision.

With everything taken into account, it very well may be concluded that even if decisions might come from different propositions, the result is as yet objective because of the decision-making process and approaches that have been developed to make decision-making objective rather than subjective. The decision-makers might use a specific decision-making model to make sure that the decisions made are neutral.

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