Global Warming: A View of a Climate Activist

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Global warming is highly controversial issue in this global world where each country facing environment problems and some harmful disease and illness regarding this. Saving the environment is become top most priority in the world where No country disagrees with the fact that the world is shrink into the climatic disaster. The solution is not simple, but we must step forward for addressing this issue together. However I believe that individual or government can not solve this problem alone as a individual we have to rolled up our sleeves and shake our hand with government because this problems is mitigate by the joint efforts.

To commence with, the impacts of climate change is undeniable and hazardous toward social life as well as economic threat to the planet. Global temperature changes, rising in sea level, and unpredictable weather is the diverse effect of climate change. In addition, the world has been facing the disaster which they never dealt with before. So, it is the right time to take a proper step to deal with that issue because if we will not then we dont have anything in our hand to present for future generation. Global warming is the main cause of climate change where emission of carbon dioxide is augmenting now a days due to fissile fuels and industrialization. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased by more than 40% since pre-industrial times, from approximately 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in the 18th century to over 400 ppmv in 2015. The monthly average concentration at Mauna Loa now exceeds 400 ppmv for the first time in human history. The current CO2 level is higher than it has been in at least 800,000 years (Scripps Institution of Oceanographic San Diego).[ Green house effect is the prominent factored in climate change. The harmful gases trap heat from the sun and due to that heat, the temperature rises, and due to the strong greenhouse effect ice and glaciers were melted and that may lead some areas of region warmer due to this impact and water level of that area may increased and it may lead to flood, draughts or other worst weather condition. However, I find from some research that Sea level are, rising since the 1800’s (Christensen et al.2007, Church and White,2011), More recent projections (Fischer et al.,2018) indicate that even these alternative predictions may prove conservative. Due to this effect some countries facing myriad problems, for instance, beyond storm surges, U.S. flooding frequency from non-storm high tides has doubled in just 30 years, causing human deaths and many billions of dollars in damage, with risks to infrastructure and coastal properties high and soaring (Nicholson-Cole and ORiordan.2009: Mailman 2018).it states that due to climate change the tide height was not only inclined but doubled in just 30 years and that leads destruction of infrastructure and government spent huge amount for rehabilitant. The best and dangerous example of global warming is the typhoon recently occurred in japan due to volcanic eruption and other factors which leads thousand of deaths and damage of infrastructure and land we all know that the japan is the well an best prepared country among all in world to handle such kind of climatic condition even though the damage is very severe. The japan government put crore of rupees to rehabilitate the infrastructure and to solve this disaster so we can say that it is multibillion-dollar disaster in the history of japan.

Secondly, the first and foremost destruction is deforestation caused by the human. Due to industrialisation people convert a land into concrete forest. We all know that trees are the main source that maintain oxygen in atmosphere and by cutting down the trees we can not only harm the environment but also it will damage our ecosystem because our eco system is like concrete wall. To cite an example if a concrete block damage in the wall the whole wall would be destroys thats how our ecosystem works if any inhabitants disappear, we have faced some serious consequences regarding this. However, emission on fossil fuels are also a major problem. Humans use coals and fuels those are the one which produce highest amount of carbon dioxide. According to a (Union of Concerned Scienst 2016) study depicts that due higher percentage of harmful gas like carbon dioxide hydrogen methane and so on the every year getting warmer and warmer after 1977 and they notified 2016 as the warmest year in history but if we will control the emission and growing more numbers of tress then tress inhale co2 and exhale oxygen that will cut out emission of coal and carbon and 15 out of 13 years will be not warmer then the previous one. We want to live lavish life style so we always preferred our own car rather then public transport, and this may lead more usage of fules and pollution in the atmosphere. However, after revolution of industries the power plants and machines produced huge amount of gases as well as chemicals depleted in river and ocean that can not only affect marine lives but also humans too. The air pollution is not the only cause water and land is also as important as mush as air pollution. however, plastic waste is also the secondary pollution where plastic is non biodegradable thing so according to research 4.4-12.7 million metric plastic tons are depleted in oceans annually as numbers are very shocking, we have put some restriction on usage of plastics. We all know the debatable disaster of amazon rainforest (Brazil) which suddenly caught fire in forest and according to some experts and research the main cause of fire is poor farming practices where they use technique of slash and burn where fire is use for newly felled forest that have been cleared to make the amazon rain forest is covered 5.7 billion squared kilometers area and also it is known as earths lungs. However, the fire is so heavy that they not only destroyed the eco system of brazil but also produce climatic alarming pollution.

My conviction tends me to deem that, the solution are not easy but if government and individual take a initiative to curb this problem then we will definitely mitigate this issue from the world not completely but on some some one well said that individually one can achieve it, collectively several can accomplish.. Government must make some strict rule and regulation of air pollution and industries where as they only allow some amount of gases to deploy outside and if they exceed this amount, they must pay very heavy penalty for that as well as as individual its our responsibility to save our environment because our life is in our hands. On the invert site, we should stop using plastics and private transportation. We must use conventional energy resources as well as solar energy. We should more focus on how we can use solar energy as much as we can because by using solar energy we can produced the electricity and the electricity is the one which produced by burning of coal and fuels which are the main sources of pollution so by using electric energy we can decreased the usage of coal and government should also reward people who use solar panel in their home so in that way people can easily use solar Panel in their homes for producing electricity. While some people perceive that we have to arrange some seminars and lectures on climate change so people can easily know where we are and what is the position of todays world because once people are educated enough then they will surely put their efforts to improve environment. Here I would like to mention one of the strongest personality I ever know and this is non another my professor Mr. Ram gareja who is working for saving the environment as he delivered the lec and organise the seminars for people on every weekend so people can aware about the importance of environment and why we have to protect them as well as at the end of each seminar he plant a tree and also insist the other students to do the same.

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