Google Set to Announce China Departure as Early as Today: Trigger, Framing

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The trigger of the story is the fact that Google, one of the largest search engines in the world has decided to exit the Chinese market. This fact is further compounded by the apparent urgency of the exit.

The singe dominant narrative frame is the disagreement between Google and the Chinese authorities. One statement outlining this narrative frame is:

Talks between Google and Chinese authorities are continuing, but there have been no signs that the country will accommodate Googles demands. (Murad 2010).

Apparently, the Chinese government wants to compel Google to censor some of the sites it offers to Chinese citizens in its search engine. Google feels that this move would go against the organizations principles, and therefore Google is threatening complete pull out. Furthermore there are speculations that Google may also stop offering its operating systems, comprising Android and Chrome, in China.

The underlying message in the story is a conflict of values and principles between the Chinese government and Google organization. The Chinese government in a bid to protect its citizens from some sensitive sites wants to dictate some of the sites Google offers to its citizens. The government is simply doing what it feels is best for its citizens. On the other hand Google being a business organization has within its principles of operation, to provide consumers with diversity and choice. This means that Google does not believe in keeping some sites from consumers, giving them the power of choice in a sea of diversity.

The trigger of the story is that, despite the apparent departure of Google from the Chinese Market, another company offering search engine services is not bothered by the censorship moves by the Government. The company is Microsoft and furthermore, it is the greatest competitor of Google in the market.

The single dominant narrative frame is that Microsoft which is a major competitor of Google, has decided to take advantage of Googles disagreement with the Chinese government to fill the business vacuum that will be left. An outlining statement says that:

Microsoft is active on a number of fronts in China. Apart from software sales and R&D, the company also operates instant messaging and other Web services in China, including a Chinese version of its highly-hyped Bing search engine that it hopes will someday take on Google. (Min 2010).

This statement emphasizes on the fact that although Microsoft is already present in China, it has not been established as Google. Therefore Microsoft it sees an opportunity in Googles departure.

The underlying message is that Microsoft is an opportunistic company. Perhaps the Chinese government, after disagreement with Google, knew that there was still the option of Microsoft taking over Googles place in the market. Google and Microsoft are roughly offering the same services with Google being more established. It is obvious that consumers like variety and the freedom to choose. Therefore this depicts Microsoft as being a traitor in the search engine industry.

An example of watchdog journalism is when a CNN correspondent Ed Henry posed a question during a February 9th Conference with President Obama. Ed wanted to find out the reason why there is a Pentagon policy that prevents the media from covering flag draped coffins of fallen soldiers. The question is a form of watchdog journalism because it aims at compelling the Pentagon to give an account of why American citizens are not allowed to get the picture of the real cost of war by being shown the bodies of American citizens killed in war.

During the February 9th Press Conference with President Barack Obama, CNN White House correspondent, Ed Henry, popped an unexpected question. Theres a Pentagon policy that bans media coverage of the flag-draped. (Foley 2009).

An example of convergence on the internet is when the New York Times placed the photos of the persons killed in shooting at Virginia Technical. The journalism has used photographs to tell the story from the perspective of the victims.

Click on a photo to learn about the individuals who were killed in the shootings at Virginia Tech, and share your memories of the victims. (New York Times 2007)

Based on Olaf Looms criteria for public service broadcasters CCTV is not a public service broadcaster because it is not interactive.

Let Him Hang

The story by Leah Bentacourt outlines how face book has become an invaluable tool towards making journalism much easier. This has broken down the benefits into easily understandable topics. Furthermore the story provides evidence.

Celebrities like Martha Stewart and Bill Gates might find Facebook high maintenance, but the worlds largest social networking site can be invaluable to journalists. Facebook gives reporters a means to connect with communities involved with stories, find sources, and generate leads. For media companies, Facebook is a way to build community and reach a larger audience.

Journalists and the institutions they write for are finding Facebook to be an important resource in conducting the reporting that they do. Reporters and media companies are using Facebook to engage with their audience, connect with sources and build their brands.

Finding Leads on Facebook

In April 2008, Ivan Oransky, who at the time was the managing editor, online, of Scientific American, joined Facebook. Shortly after setting up his new Facebook account, he accepted a friend invite from bioethicist Glenn McGee, the founder of the Alden March Bioethics Institute, who had once worked with Oransky at The Scientist magazine as a columnist.

Oransky assigned a couple of Scientific American reporters to chase down McGee and see what was up. The publication eventually ran three stories about McGees departure from the Alden March institute that he founded and led. For Oransky and his team at Scientific American, Facebook was useful in this case as a lead generation tool. (Betancourt 2010).

The Chinese media is moving from quadrant #1 which is controlled press in planned economy to controlled press in market economy. This is because the market is becoming more liberalized being controlled by economic dynamics rather than the government. However, the government still has control over what the media releases to the public.

Burmas media is still in quadrant #1 because the economy is controlled by the government and the media does not have absolute freedom on what to release to the public.

Hong Kongs media is in quadrant #3 because although the economy is free, the media does not have absolute freedom.

I believe that Cecil Cheungs article on sensationalism of swine flu because in most instances the media exaggerated the number of casualties and severity of the situation..

I just got back from a weekend trip to Hong Kong yesterday. They are taking the threat of swine flu very seriously and taking all precautions including disinfecting the doormats of residential buildings every half hour and I saw many people wearing masks in the streets. However, other than that, it was business as usual and we had a wonderful trip, swam in the sea and enjoyed the sun. If nothing else, there are less tourists than usual. (China Travel 2009)

I would not print the censored versions of Edison Chens photos because it goes against the principal of truth because the information has not been verified.

The internet is currently one of the most versatile means of communication. Coverage of the Thailand riots can be most appropriately done using interactive sites such as face book and tweeter where people can post their comments concerning the riots. The journalism work done over the internet is different from conventional journalism in the sense that it encourages discussion and debate instantly.


Betancourt Leah. The Journalists Guide to Face Book, 2010. Web.

China Travel, Swine Flu in Hong Kong, Safe to Travel? 2009. Web.

Foley Kathryn. Watchdog Journalism at Obamas First Press Conference. Flag Draped Coffins. 2009. Web.

Murad Ahmed, Times Online. Google to Announce China Departure as Early as Today, 2010. Web.

Min Chen, Lee Melanie. Microsoft Says Committed to China Despite Google Pull-Back, 2010. Web.

Vigal De Andrew. The New York Times. The Victims, 2007. Web.

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