Higher Education: Benefits of Having a Degree

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The essay dwells on the benefits of entering a university and obtaining higher education. Some arguments against the prevailing trend of entering higher educational establishments are mentioned. Overall, the paper presents a discussion on whether it is worthwhile to get a degree and what advantages it offers to its holder.

The Analysis of Benefits of Having a Degree

The advantages of holding a degree are largely concentrated in two dimensions: the economic and social ones. Scholars and researchers, statistics specialists, and economists acknowledge the overall positive impact of higher education on peoples welfare. The level of life of those having a degree is significantly higher than of those without it. Thus, it is viable to note that better employment opportunities, higher wages, and a more positive outlook are only some of the merits offered by higher education.

Lately, society has turned to think of social aspects of its development before economic ones. In this view, it seems reasonable to discuss the sociological assets presented by higher education. Among the first ones, greater life satisfaction should be mentioned (Department for Business Innovation and Skills [DBIS], 2013). As of 2008, 77% of individuals living in the UK who had a degree reported being satisfied with their lives, compared to 66% of people with upper secondary education (DBIS, 2013).

Research indicates that the state of well-being is closely associated with the level of education. Children growing in families where at least one parent holds a degree are likely to be more successful and happy (Farrar, 2019). Such social benefits are too important not to be acknowledged.

Other crucial social advantages of holding a degree include political stability, greater civic engagement and social cohesion, and lower engagement in criminal activities. Research findings report that individuals with high education tend to be more trusting toward immigrants and other minority groups (DBIS, 2013). Such a tendency develops due to the fact that university education prepares people to accept diversity and treat others with respect and dignity. Social mobility increases with the closure of the attainment gap, which is possible when more people have a degree. Comparing women and men in this respect shows that there is a growing tendency among the latter to return to higher education than among the former (DBIS, 2013). Furthermore, educated people are more likely to engage in social networks and voluntary activities.

Social merits of higher education do not lie only in the growth of positive issues but also in the reduction of negative ones. Individuals with higher education are reported to commit crime less frequently than those with low education (DBIS, 2013). Furthermore, diploma holders smoke less and consume less alcohol than pre-graduates do. According to DBIS (2013), even college-level education reduces the probability of smoking during pregnancy. Therefore, a greater number of degree holders can bring about positive changes in the rate of adverse social behaviours.

While social benefits are undoubtedly crucial for reaching an essential level of well-being, economic aspects of existence are still rather relevant. Higher education is believed to offer numerous economic advantages to diploma holders. First of all, research indicates that the majority of university graduates in the UK are capable of finding a job within six months of graduation (Farrar, 2019). This factor signifies that degree holders are more likely to afford good housing, food, and entertainment.

Furthermore, such individuals have the potential to pay off their debt, including the education one, faster and feel independent of burdens associated with it. According to the research report prepared by Universities UK (2007), a person with a degree earns 20-25% more than the one who graduated from school with two or more A-levels in pre-university education. As of 2007, the gross additional lifetime earnings of a degree holder compared to those of a person without higher education constituted nearly £160,000 (Universities UK, 2017). These calculations indicate considerable economic benefits of getting a degree.

At the same time, some researchers emphasise that the promising outcomes of getting a degree are not always justified. As Sodha (2018) argues, more is not always better, and a growing number of university graduates cannot guarantee a better quality of these peoples lives. According to the author, by 2030, England will need an extra 300,000 places for those who express their intention to pursue a degree.

To prove her point about the lack of need for so many degree holders, Sodha (2018) gives a sad example of South Korea. In this country, 70% of school graduates become university students, but the level of unemployment is too high for all of them to find proper positions. Still, Sodha (2018) admits that higher education increases the earning potential, boosts the economy, and promotes critical and creative thinking. Thus, even critics of the excessive degree pursuit endeavour acknowledge the benefits of gaining such a purpose.


All in all, the benefits of having a degree involve the most crucial aspects of peoples existence, such as social and economic advantages. Even if one does not utilise the skills obtained at a university directly, he or she is more likely to develop an independent and determined outlook and find a well-paid job. Due to an increasing number of graduates, the levels of tolerance and trust in society grow, and the rates of criminal demeanour fall. Children whose parents have a degree are more likely to become successful and satisfied individuals. Thus, despite some critical remarks, higher education is an evident asset for each separate person and society as a whole.

Reference List

Department for Business Innovation and Skills (2013) BIS research paper no. 146: the benefits of higher education participation for individuals and society: key findings and reports the quadrants.

Farrar, R. (2019) Analyse the benefits of having a degrebe. Essex: Colchester Institute.

Sodha, S. (2018) Is your university degree barely worth the paper its written on? Discuss, The Guardian. 

Universities UK (2007) Research report: the economic benefits of a degree. Web.

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