Informative Speech on Deforestation

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Forests are the worlds air-conditioning system – the lungs of the planet – and we are the verge of switching it off. – Prince Charles (Explore 100 Famous Scientist Quotes Pages). This quote explains that humans are about to lose most of the trees which are necessary for the existence of life on earth. In addition, deforestation refers to the removal of trees which can occur through natural or accidental means but, it is commonly carried out by humans. Recently, there has been an argument about the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest in which the people of Brazil are fighting against the government. However, about 30% of the worlds land area is covered by forests, 46% of trees have been felled (Nunez). Although, people say that deforestation will help society create more space for development. But, there are negative effects to deforestation such as, increased levels of carbon dioxide which causes oxygen to decrease for life on earth. This is why deforestation should not be allowed, trees help humans breathe, they give humans life, then why should they harm them.

On the other hand, deforestation helps everyday societies grow by providing space for infrastructure. Which is why people assume that cutting trees will help create more job opportunities available for them (Theilmann). However, forested land slows runoff from rain which can prevent floods, but when they are cleared, runoff increases which can also increase pollution of streams (Theilmann). Additionally, trees help prevent soil erosion, their roots help stop dirt and vegetation from eroding (Deforestation). Not only that but the top part of the tree or also known as the crown helps filter air particles and cools the air and the area under the tree to make shade for humans (Harmon). In fact, there are many societies around the world that arent educated about the negative effects deforestation can have on all the living things on earth. In fact, trees are needed for the survival of all kinds of living things on earth by providing oxygen and also by absorbing harmful gasses.

Trees help humans and many other living things on earth by proving oxygen which helps them breathe. For example, the Amazon Rainforest contributes to providing 20% of the earths oxygen supply (Issitt and Warhol). Which shows that only one forest can provide most of the oxygen humans need on earth for their survival. Additionally, the organic matter of the soil develops primarily from decayed leaves, twigs, branches, roots, and fallen trees, all of which recycle nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and other important nutrients (Tree). Which states that every single part of the tree can contribute to producing oxygen and even absorbs harmful gases in the atmosphere. In fact, oxygen helps human bodies function and interact with things without stopping. But when there isnt enough oxygen around for all the living things, they are more likely to die. Not only does oxygen help humans breathe but also helps animals and other small creatures by providing oxygen. Animals need it to stay alive just as humans do. Besides providing oxygen, trees also absorb harmful gases which can be a threat to living things and even cause global warming. For example, trees absorb excessive amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere which can cause oxygen levels to decrease. Furthermore, trees are the lungs of the earth, they help all kinds of living things. Additionally, areas covered by trees can create the type of habitat certain species of animals need for their survival.

Today, most of the earths valuable biodiversity is found in forest biomes. The Rainforest Foundation US estimates that the less than 7% of earths land surface that is covered by tropical rainforests is home to more than half species on Earth (Theilmann). Which means that rainforest biome contains a variety of animal species and most of which could be endangered. In fact, there are many types of living things in a rainforest including many types of animals such as a marsh deer, monkeys, armadillos, anteaters, otters, wild bears, tapirs jaguars etc. In certain forests, there are specific species which are native to that forest or area. In fact, some species are only found in that specific forested area. For example, there is a rainforest in Paraguay known as Chaco, which contains Chacoan peccaries which were only known to found in that specific forest until they became extinct. In Chaco, there are more than 500 species of hardwoods that have been identified (Paraguay). Rainforests contain animals that are unique and are not known to be seen anywhere else because they are native to that area.

In conclusion, forest biomes help humans and animals either for their existence or by providing shelter. Although deforestation helps make space available for building and for the growth of society, that is short-term. Instead, trees will provide long-term benefits for humans by providing oxygen throughout their whole life. Also, in some areas that are covered by trees can create a perfect habitat for animals. Forest biomes are considered to contain half of the earths biodiversity which is a vast number. Deforestation is arising as the most important environmental and social issue. Deforestation is disturbing the health of human beings and a fresh environment. Forests are the backbone of the society as well as nature and boon for the economy. Trees positively influence communities all around the world, they might not sound important but they are significant for future generations.

Work Cited

  1. ‘Deforestation.’ Gale Student Resources in Context, Gale, 2018. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 11 Mar. 2019.Explore 100 Famous Scientist Quotes Pages. Deforestation Quotes – 45 Quotes on Deforestation Science Quotes – Dictionary of Science Quotations and Scientist Quotes, Accessed 12 Mar. 2019.
  2. Harmon, Angela. Tree (Botany). Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science, 2018. EBSCOhost, Accessed 12 Mar. 2019.
  3. Issitt, Micah, and Tom Warhol. Point: Responsible Deforestation Would Not Harm the Amazon Rainforest. Points of View: Amazon Deforestation, Dec. 2018, p. 2. EBSCOhost,
  4. Nunez, Christina. Deforestation and Its Effect on the Planet. Deforestation Facts and Information, 25 Feb. 2019,
  5. ‘Paraguay.’ Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 27 Jun. 2018. Accessed 12 Mar. 2019.
  6. Theilmann, John M. Deforestation. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Science, 2018. EBSCOhost,
  7. ‘Tree.’ Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 5 Mar. 2019. Accessed 16 Mar. 2019.

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