Organizational Behavior Peculiarities

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Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizations. Organizations are groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose. Although OB doesn’t have a specific career path, it offers knowledge and skills that are vitally important to anyone who works in organizations. OB knowledge also has a significant effect on the success of organizations. This book takes the view that OB is for everyone, not just a managers.

Organizational effectiveness is a multidimensional concept represented by four perspectives: the open-systems, organizational learning, high-performance work practices and stakeholder perspectives. The open-systems perspective says that organizations need to adapt to their external environment and configure their internal subsystems to maximize efficiency and responsiveness. For the most part, the other perspectives of organizational effectiveness are detailed extensions of the open-systems model. The organizational learning perspective states that organizational effectiveness depends on the organizations capacity to acquire, share, use and store valuable knowledge. Intellectual capital is knowledge that resides in an organization, including its human capital, structural capital and relationship capital. Effective organizations also unlearn, meaning that they remove knowledge that no longer adds value.


Definition of Discriminations

Discriminations is treatment or consideration of and making judgments about individuals based on stereotypes regarding their demographic group. These include ethnicity, family status, nationality, race, and religion. Discrimination consists of treatment of an individual or group, based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social category.

Types of Discrimination

  • Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that create a hostile. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from mild transgressions to sexual abuse or assault. Harassment can occur in many different social settings such as the workplace, the home and school.
  • Exclusion. Exclusion of certain people from job opportunities, social event, discussions or informal mentoring occur unintentionally. It continues to cause individuals and families emotional trauma and stress. In fact the notion of feeling deliberately excluded causes the same pain as being labelled falsely or beaten.
  • Mockery or Insults. Jokes or negative stereotypes, sometimes the result of jokes taken too far.
  • Incivility. Disrespectful treatment, including behaving in an aggressive manner, or ignoring his or her opinion.

Ways to Prevent Discriminations

  • Educate all workers about discrimination.
  • Encourage workers to respect each others differences.
  • Respond to any evidence or complaints of inappropriate behavior.
  • Deal with any complaints of discrimination promptly and confidentially.
  • Develop a workplace policy that prohibits discrimination.

Effects of Discrimination

Decrease Employee Productivity

Employee will feels helpless and anxiety-ridden, and may suddenly lack interest in job responsibilities or career advancement and employee might stop contributing ideas. Discrimination results in absenteeism and lack of motivation to complete assignments on deadline.

High Turnover

Employees who feel they aren’t being treated fairly are likely to leave a company. If the discrimination is widespread throughout the organization, they may start seeking other opportunities immediately, creating a dynamic where employees come and go so frequently.

Low Morale

Discriminatory behavior gradually erodes the workplace environment, creating an atmosphere where employees feel undervalued. This happen when employees feel they are unfairly punished or given more difficult assignments or working conditions than other employees. Communication will also suffer, both among co-workers and between employees and management.


Definition of Values

Values is contains judgmental element because they carry an individuals idea about what is right, good or desirable. Generally, value has been taken to mean moral ideas, general conceptions or orientations towards the world or sometimes simply interest, attitudes, preferences, needs, sentiments and dispositions.

Types of Values

  • Terminal values. Desirable and-states of existence, the goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime.
  • Instrumental values. Preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving ones of terminal values.

The Characteristic of Values

  • These can provide standards of competence and morality.
  • These can go beyond specific situations or persons.
  • Personal values can be influenced by culture, tradition, and a combination of internal and external factors.
  • Values can different from culture to culture and person to person.
  • They have a great role to play in the conduct of social life. They help in creating norms to guide day to day behavior.

Importance of values

  • Provide understanding of the attitudes, motivation, and behaviors of individuals and cultures.
  • Influence our perception of the world around us.
  • Represent interpretations of right and wrong.
  • Imply that some behavior or outcomes are preferred over others.

Sources of Values

  • Family. Family is a great sources of values. A child learns his first values from his family
  • Friends and peers. Friends and peers play a vital role in achieving values.
  • Community or society. As a part of society, a person learns values from society or different group of the society.

Five Core Values for the Workplace

  1. Integrity. A personal quality of fairness. It is particularly easy for business people to lie.
  2. Accountability. The willingness to take responsibility for ones own actions.
  3. Diligence. Here are scores of individuals who equate diligence with drudgery.
  4. Perseverance. Presupposes confidence and determination.
  5. Discipline. Discipline is passion to make things simple, we err and also to make them easy.


Definition of Emotions and Moods

Emotion is defined as a short, intense feeling due to some of the events whereas the mood is a feeling of submission less emotionally than emotionally and there is no contextual stimulus. Not everyone responds to the same situation in the same way. For example, how to talk to a manager can cause a person to feel motivated, others feel angry, and the third is sad. It can affect whether one accepts advice, whether they stop working, and how they perform individually or in teams. Therefore, there are many sources that can cause emotions and moods. Among them are personality, sex, age, exercise, social activities, sleep, stress, weather and day of the week.

Sources of Emotions and Moods

  • Personality. Built in tendencies to experience certain moods and emotions more frequently. Affect intensity difference in strength to experience emotions.
  • Age. Early age is with good moods wrong People learn to improve emotional experience with age and have fewer negative emotions as they get older.
  • Sex. Women tend to be more emotionally expressive, feel emotions more intensely, have longer lasting moods, and express emotions more frequently than men.
  • Exercise. Enhances positive moods is not much strong do not expect miracles.
  • Social activities. Type of activity physical, informal, epicurean (eating with others) create more positive affect than attending meetings and sedentary (TV watching).
  • Sleep. Less and poor quality puts in bad mood and impairs decision making and control on emotions.
  • Stress. Mounting level of stress worsen our moods. Stress takes toll on our moods.
  • Weather. People are of the opinion that their moods are good or bad due to weather conditions but research has not such evidence.
  • Day of the week. Day later in week or near to week end are felt with good emotions and moods. Early time of the day is felt with bad moods.


Definition of Perception

Perception is the organization, identification and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information, or the environment. Perception also a process which interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

Factors That Influence Perception

  • The perceiver

    i. Attitudes

    ii. Motives

    iii. Interests

  • The situation

    i. Time

    ii. Work setting

    iii. Social setting

  • The target

    i. Motion

    ii. Background

    iii. Similarity

Types of Perception

Physiology. A persons physiology is one of the factors that affect how they perceive messages and includes aspects like age, gender and physical characteristics. Children perceive messages differently from teenagers who view things differently from adults. The way an individual once perceived messages as a child will change as they grow older. Whether a person identifies as male or female will also factor into the way they perceive messages.

Past experiences. A persons past experience plays a big role in shaping their perception of communication. This is vital to understand in a business environment because it will affect whether or not your customers want to buy from you. Past experiences can include anything from someones childhood to something they did last week.

Culture. A difference in perception can also be due to a persons culture. People from the same nation, social group or geographical group often share the same social customs and values. This plays a major role in communication and business, especially when business is being conducted across cultures.

Present feelings. The way people perceive communication often causes biases. In the Halo Effect, people see a positive trait about one person or entity and attach it to others. Perception is the process by which people select, organize and interpret information, but it also includes inherent biases. In order to effectively communicate with their customers, partners and employees, its important for small businesses to be aware of how others may perceive their messages

Shortcuts in Judging

  • Halo Effects. The halo effect is a type of immediate judgment discrepancy, or cognitive bias, where a person making an initial assessment of another person, place, or thing will assume ambiguous information or drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic.
  • Contrast Effects. Evaluation of a persons characteristics that are affected by comparisons with other people recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics.


My group assignment have learned in the subject of organizational behavior on how to manage a variety of activities while working with different environments. This can make one more professional in the face of daily calm tasks while working. The employee can motivate himself and his colleagues to be more enthusiastic and bring a comfortable when working. Encouragement and support to employees are also able to make employees more motivated to do the job with the best employees and best to be rewarded like awards, promotions or cash. Employee welfare should also be made to ensure that employees are happy to serve the company in the long term.

Knowing which techniques to use in a particular situation is a skill that takes time to develop, but it is important to know that even less than successful change implementations often result in enhanced skill development for would be change agents. Each of the systems has advantages and disadvantages, and each has instances in which it is the most appropriate.

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