Overpopulation And Immigration As Global Issues Causing The Community Change

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Which global issues are causing communities to change?

I. Introduction

You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it, said Grace Lee Boggs (Boggs, 2007). Nowadays, there are innumerable global issues that the international communities are now facing up included conflict in religion, political dissent, overpopulation and lack of education. More than that, most of the issues have heavily influenced the community which creates a big change among it. Through my essay, I will mainly focus on two issues: overpopulation and immigration. Firstly, I will write about overpopulation, secondly, I will write about immigration. I will explain why these issues important and what the best solutions for these issues are.

II. Overpopulation

The massive population of India has caused overpopulation and has been a recurring problem in the country for quite some time. According to Times Now News (2017), The Indian Medical Association (IMA) recently indicated that 21.3 percent couples in the country has unmet contraceptive needs, which can lead to an explosion in the already-high population tally of 1.3 billion. Despite the success in educating people in the early 1950s about family planning, challenges in curbing population explosion and educating people on family planning still exist. This means that most people in India still lack of knowledge about future planning. In addition, women and young children in India still have limited access to products or services or method of contraception (World Health Organization, 2018 ). With 12 years working and collecting important information, Times Now News reports from all across India which suggests this is a nation-wide issue.

In recent years, Vietnam has proven its prosperous country through the increase in economic growth; however, the whole country has been affected by the second sudden population explosion at the early of 2015 (Viet Nam News, 2015). As reported by Dan Toc Mien Nui News, Vietnam population in 2018 is about 93 million people but ethnic minorities group has accounted for about 15-16% of the population. In addition, with the characteristics of mountainous provinces, the implementation of family planning here encountered many difficulties and problems which lead to the increase in population (Dan Toc Mien Nui News, 2018). This means that the awareness of people is still low and lack of knowledge, also most of these areas are really poor so get a chance to access contraception method and carefully make family planning is still challenging. Both Viet Nam News and Dan Toc Mien Nui News have contributed for the country a lot when they not only report news but also help the government solving many situations. As they both report this issues, overpopulation has been considered as a national-wide problem.

Over the years, overpopulation becomes one of the biggest issues that make lots of impact on our planet which lead to unpredictable consequences that affected different countries around the world (Planet Save, 2012 ). According to Justin Lane(2017), our world has a carrying capacity and our world population has been known to be around 7 billion, even though these numbers tend to vary greatly(Justin Lane, 2017) In addition, we are living at a rate in which our natural resources are depleting themselves or being polluted. This means that our planet can only provide resources such as food and shelter for a definite amount. More than that, overpopulation can also strain the economic growth which might affect a whole country. As reported by Stephanie Faris(2018), when the overpopulation increase rapidly, the country could become worse which might make the economic chaos and high unemployment included a shortage in resources and high crime rate, whereas some poor country cannot even solve the problems like India, Pakistan (Stephanie Faris, 2018 ). This means that the population explosion can also affect to global and its consequences to many countries are too big. The information came from the perspective of the two journalists as they have already witnessed and reported the information. They also work for Medium and Bizfluent- the two blog website where different kind of perspectives collected from many countries. As they both report these issues, overpopulation consider as a global-wide problem.

In my perspective, an overview about overpopulation has changed during the research about it. In my first thought, overpopulation is just an issue that can only happen in developed countries or countries that have a huge mass of population like China, India or USA. In addition, I also used to think that overpopulation is just a word to describe the shortage of foods or limited supplies for people. However having to do more research and looking more information about it, my view has changed. I have a broad look at how overpopulation can and will affect many different countries and how serious it may become. I have been inspired by many different perspectives included national and global perspectives. This means that I can learn what are the causes and consequences that overpopulation may bring to a country, a city or even a specific place.

II. Immigration

Immigration in recent years has become a huge issue which affected heavily many countries around the world. From 2010 to 2015, with a rising net migration of over 330,000 immigrants per year, the United Kingdom belongs to one of Europes most popular immigration destinations (The Guardian , 2015 ). According to Full Fact (2017), 63% of people moving to the UK because of the study opportunities, language, and established networks. In addition, illegal immigrants population in UK is rising by 70,000 per year (The Sun , 2018 ). This means that people came to the UK mostly because the increase in economic and labor market. However, in order to meet the need for themselves, they decided to migrate illegally to the UK. All the information I have researched and collected is mostly from different newspaper and charity of UK. As theyre focusing on reporting the news from all across UK for the citizens which suggests this is a nation-wide issue.

In recent year, the United States has to deal with one of the biggest issues- Immigration. As reported by FAIR (2017), illegal immigrants in the US to be approximately 12.5 million people. In addition, according to CNN (2018) the issue becomes more serious as undocumented immigrant children will keep in detention for far longer than currently allowed. For example, a 3 year-old boy Sammy was took away by the US Government and his family was told he would return after the paperwork done as they last saw him since April 2018 (ACLU, 2018 ). This means that migrate to US is a huge problem as the Government has decided to prevent the immigrants from enter their border and separate the immigrant children from their families. Both FAIR and ACLU are big organizations where they collect information and news about immigration to reduce and help others immigration how to enter US legally. As well as CNN is one of the famous and high reputation newspaper of America. For about 30-100 years working, FAIR, ACLU and CNN are report from all across America which states this is a nationwide issue.

Immigration has been a global issue, but it has just seriously affected too many countries in recent years. (Huff Post , 2016 ). According to Hans Von Spakovsky (2017), the crime rate committed by immigrants more than US citizens as about 9 percent of illegally immigrants were reported. In addition, more immigrants in a country might effect to the economy also as they might take other positions and displace the existing workers (The Balance , 2018 ). This means that the rise in immigration can lead to the increase in unemployment and high crime rate. The information came from the perspective of many different journalists as they have already witnessed and reported the information. They also work for Huff Post and The Balance – the two blog website where different kind of perspective collected from many countries. As the two blogs reported about this problem, it considered as a global-wide issue.

In my perspectives, an overview about immigration has changed during the research about it. In my first thought, immigration is just an issue that can only happen in developed countries where most people focus on economy and large market such as US, Canada. In addition, I also used to think that immigration is just a word to describe about people moving away their country for better life. However having to do more research and looking more information about it, my view has changed. I have a broad look at how immigration can and will affect many different countries and how serious it may become. I have been inspired by many different perspectives included national and global perspectives. This means that I can learn what are the causes and consequences that immigration may bring to a country, a city or even a specific place.

III. Course of action

There are many ways to overcome the issues. According to The New York Times (2015), by empowering women about how to deal with overpopulation and promote their right to choose what is best for them and their families, it can balance the fear of overpopulation. This means that by giving the rights when a woman is able to decide if and when to have to have children, women can easily access to reproductive health services that would help women achieve a better quality of life at their own choosing. More than that, Vietnamese Government will actively adjusting population growth and maintaining a reasonable low fertility rate (News V. N., Viet Nam news , 2013 ). This means that having the intervention directly to the overpopulation can help reduce the birth rates which also maintain the population at a stable level. In addition, I have read and looked for information about solutions to deal with immigration issue through newspaper and different journal articles, and I have found that if we reform legal immigration which can help people access the forms and process necessary to become citizens if they choose to do can be a great solution. In this case, it means that we can create a community or an organization that can help the immigrants whether to help they find an opportunity to live and stays in that country or that place.

IV. Conclusion

Overpopulation and Immigration are one of the global issues that causing community change. Through my essay, I have demonstrated overpopulation and immigration are the main global issues that cause the community change. Overpopulation is a global issue because this problem included poverty countries, elevated crime rate, global warming are all the main causes that can cause many countries and global. Along with that, Immigration is also a global issue because it caused the economic crisis and society chaos to a country and others countries nearby. In conclusion, I think that decrease the high rate of overpopulation and make a chance for the migrants can help reducing the effect of these issues to the community and the global. By doing researches, my perspective has changed a lot. I used to think that only my country- Vietnam has the issue with overpopulation and immigration but there are many more countries has the same issue with high risks like UK, US etc… According to David R. Brower, Overpopulation is perhaps the biggest problems facing us, and immigration is part of that problem whether it has to be addressed, so what do you think about the global issues that causing communities to change now?

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