Police Brutality In Law Enforcement System

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The police play an important role in the american society. When people think about police, they think about enforcing laws, catching criminals, helping out the public which make them feel safe. However this does not apply just in the united states but worldwide. Some people might know the concepts of the police system in the united states, but they may feel surprised about how different the organization and the structure of police agencies around the world act. It could be anywhere around the world , police officers are responsible for ensuring safety , looking out to the public and preventing crime. The international police systems have evolved on a social-cultural background, and for this reason alone there are enormous variations between these police systems.

Police officers in the united states have the right and the opportunity to act at their discretion to stop, arrest, and use force to bring about an arrest. Police discretion relates to a police officer’s ability to make a crime scene decision. Its all depends on the police officer’s decision whether or not to make the arrest or write a ticket. Some examples are when a police officer directs a driver to pull over for reckless driving or minor offense like not obeying traffic signs, the person then has a choice whether to give a ticket or a warning to the driver. There are positives and negative effects on police discretion. The negatives are applied discretion based on the belief system of the officer, one individual may receive a fine for an offense while a second individual is arrested for the same crime, and maybe some officers may disregard out of laziness blatant or outrageous violations or crimes. The positives are people who violate laws may get a warning instead of a citation or arrest, fewer jails, jail officers, or police officers are needed and officers may choose what type of traffic violations to enforce or ignore.

Police brutality is seen in the police system as a true issue. Police officers job has the potential to be extremely challenging and sometimes includes dangerous circumstances. In such situations, the officers may have to use force to gain control. The force continuum dictates the level which is best suited to the situation. Most people don’t realize that the force doesn’t meet the officers job. But overcoming the force is their job. Police departments have very strict operating procedures concerning the use of force by the officer and how force is applied. Most of these actions of police brutality are always associated with racism. Many countries have permitted their police force to use force to apprehend and protect the suspects. However, they should use reasonable amounts of force to control any situation and achieve their goals. Racial discrimination is one of the major contributors to society’s police brutality. Some of the actions of police brutality are perceived with regard to racial profiling. Racial profiling is the use of race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed an offense. In criminal investigations, racial profiling is mostly brought about by early considerations of the race. Even though the police officers have been taught to follow the rules, they are too aggressive. A white officer, for example, would pull over an African American whenever they assume they have drugs or weapons on them. This assumption is proven to not be true because the US statistics have always shown that white people are more involved in drug use than the African Americans.

Police brutality can only be eliminated if the public and the police work together. The police efforts in stopping these brutalities can only be done through its administrative organs. For example the public officers regulating security need to discard laws that inflict strict punishments to the people who file falsified complaints against the police officers. This is due to the fact that at times these laws act as a limit to people who believe that they are truly victims of brutality. Many people will be convicted of crimes if they allegations are now not common and this is very dehumanizing. The police administration should also set up citizens evaluate boards. These boards will provide the citizens the chance to bring in their opinions and their definitions of excessive pressure into the evaluation of the police conduct. The federal government need to also enact laws that will propel the police officers into questioning twice before punching or kicking a person, the use of a nightstick unnecessarily, or using excessive force on the suspects. There are some public efforts that need to be administered so as to limit or even discard these police brutalities. For example, the public should be explicitly educated on a variety of ways of figuring out cases of brutality and the responsibilities which they can undertake in ending.

Comparing the policing system between the united states and a country where my parents were raised might be fascinating. My father was born and raised in Egypt . when my father was 18 years old he was a police officer, which is a very young age to start. I would ask my father about the police system and how would he act to the public. He would always tell me how hard and stressful the position was. He would have secrets that won’t be said. At night my father be around the streets in dangerous locations to make sure the neighborhood is safe. After 2 years in the police , my father had quit his job because of the stress he was going through. The Egyptian police are likely to face difficulties transitioning out of a generation where their strength used to be unmatched by the civilian populace, and with people still fearful of violence, reconciling past action will prove difficult for Egyptian law enforcement. Findings of this study will render policy makers, public officers and three police administrators clear directions to enforce policies and programs that can enhance the possibility of successful police reform. The Egyptian police brutality is seen in 2011, the revolutionary movement in the Middle East known it began to take root in Arab nations and basically challenged entrenched social values and governance styles. Egypt, in particular, bore an outstanding amount of this strain for social change, and used to be the scene for big riots and protests alike, eventually ending with the give way of the government. Police under president Mubarak had a reputation for using violent tactics with them, particularly during the protests in 2011, and Egyptians were valid in their fears of these authorities.

The police system in egypt is different from the american system because it’s both two different cultures. The U.S. police have over 18,000 U.S. federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, and it is estimated there are between 750,000 and 850,000 officers. This shows that the American police population is bigger. They also receive benefits with a salary of $45,000 a year from police officers in America. In egypt police they have about was reported to be about 122,000 officers an estimated 40,000 positions were unfilled because police jobs paid poorly and offered few benefits. Since egypt is not that of a wealthy in the police system they get paid every month instead of weekly like the american officers. Every month an egyptain police officer would earn 8,000 pounds which is $470 a month. Meanwhile the amercian police would make $948 per week. Another difference is that the American police system has a lot of shootings. For no reason would police officers shoot. For example, a person can fight a police officer, if the fight gets worse, that officer could shoot at the target. Police in united states are more trustworthy with their job. For instance, American police officers respect others they speak to but Egyptian police officers are always disrespectful and use adverse language. A similarity between the American police system and the Egyptian police system is that people from different cultures protested both for what they wanted, and for what was right. In the american society Martin Luther King, Jr., was a very powerful individual, constantly struggling for what he thought to be African Americans ‘ equality. He wasn’t afraid to stand up and say what he wanted for society to tell the world. He was fearless and did all he could to prove a point. His most popular speech is ‘I Have a Dream ….’ he spoke to society about all he wanted. He wanted blacks to be treated equal as white. In the egyptian society In November 2013, the interim government of Egypt enacted a protest law requiring thorough protest notification to be considered legal for such meetings. Under former President Hosni Mubarak, restrictive protest laws and public assembly severely curtailed the right to protest. The disagreement between these legal precedents and the violence against people. This shows that both of the system is somewhat similar.

Police brutality in many cultures is still apparent to this day. These brutalities were fostered primarily by race and ethnicity. These police brutalities are aimed primarily at the minority or vulnerable groups like the poor and the weak elderly. It is the responsibility of the police and officials, the state and the general public to remove this vice.

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