Problems For Essential Workers During The Covid-19 Crisis

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Recently, many different parts of the world have been affected by the pandemic of the coronavirus. Because this virus spread so quickly across the world, the safe measure that would help slow the spread of the virus was to shelter in place and close all businesses except for the essential workers. This now has many American workforces working from home and students are now relying on technology to help them complete the rest of the school year in order to successfully stop the spread of the virus. Some people have even been laid off with paid leave and others with no form of income at all. Essential workers have had a very important part in all of this because they are what helps our economy stay alive during this dark time. Some states are rushing to keep their businesses open while others maintain to shelter in place. This push to go back to work so quickly affects the lower socio-economic and blue-collar workers because it not only affects their health, but also the health of their family living in their household. Our American government has implemented new laws and regulations during this coronavirus crisis, and it has helped many of those that have no choice but to stay home, employed or not. The U.S government is doing its best during this pandemic because they have sent checks to many Americans and have also supported many hospitals by making equipment and other materials that are in high demand.

Essential workers are not only the ones that struggle to be able to work effectively during this pandemic, but families that are not able to work anymore are also struggling to find other options to be able to support their family. In the article Inequality in America, the writer states high-paid jobs are among the well-educated [&] educated parents with large incomes. This points out that most jobs that pay well are only available for those that have some sort of college degree. Low income families that include individuals that only have a high school diploma or no form of education arent able to have well-paying jobs that keep them moving forward during an economic crisis. During this pandemic, the U.S government has sent out stimulus checks to every citizen, but theres a catch. In order to receive a stimulus check from the government, people had to have earned a certain amount of money based on last years taxes and they have to be a U.S citizen. This is unfair to those that dont qualify for the checks because some families might not have enough to buy groceries or pay any left-over bills. Cokethia Griffin, mentioned in the article by Tom Price Inequality in America, is a mother of six children that is struggling to find a stable home that will at least keep them safe. According to Price, he mentions that because Cokethia has no issues that are likely to get her help by the government because she did not qualify for housing assistance due to a low vulnerability score (Price 2). This goes to show that there are people out there that are struggling to find a stable house and because the government sees that it doesnt look like they need help, then families will not be able to receive the help and assistance that they need. As for immigrants that hold essentials jobs during this pandemic, they are the ones that risk their lives to be able to provide, not only for their families, but also for the people of America. Despite the necessary tasks they perform, immigrants are the ones that are not being included in any of the government programs that are being offered. Some of them cant rely on the government to supply them with an extra income just because of their status. Most immigrants do pay taxes and have lived in the U.S for more than 6 years, so why arent they being included in the governments relief aid? The story of E.C., an immigrant maintenance worker, informs us on how immigrants risks their life to work with this virus spreading so quickly. In the article The Risks Undocumented Workers Are Facing During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the author points out how if E.C., or any immigrant, does come into contact with this coronavirus this puts them at a dangerous risk theyd have to face. Not only would they be sick with the virus, but theyll also have to figure out how to manage the expensive medical bills and the risk of coming across law enforcement and possibly being deported (Taladrid 1). This is a big problem within many immigrant families because now they have to worry about their health, bills, and make sure they dont get separated from their family. Nurses and doctors are very essential during this crisis and they too have to risk their lives caring for sick patients that bombard emergency and ICU rooms. Mostly all workers that work in hospitals dont even get to go home because they will not take the chances of infecting their loved ones. State lawmakers are working to also pass a two-part legislation that will award blue-collard workers and low-wage workers with money and keep their jobs if they are to become sick with the coronavirus, according to The New York News author (Jones 8). This may be good news to those workers that encounter problems during the pandemic, but there is still a high rise of inequality between many essential workers,

While inequality among essential workers rises in America, the unemployment rate has definitely increased. This is because many companies have shut down their businesses and laid off their employees. Individuals around the world, once again, have to rely on the government for some kind of income to keep themselves moving forward. Some companies have even laid off their workers with no paid sick leave. The New York Amsterdam News published an article called Workers on the Front Lines Need Our Support During Crisis, the writer mentions a story of a food company allegedly forcing their employees to work when theyre sick (Stuart Appelbaum 10). To all essential workers that are experiencing this type of treatment, it puts their health at risk because having to work under so much stress is bad for the human body. Not only does it bring risks upon themselves, but also to the food and people that they are serving. Being sick while working in the food industry increases the chances of having viruses spread more quickly. During this pandemic, the wealth gap has grown with such a noticeable difference. Before the coronavirus, many Americans were receiving good wages and unemployment was low, according to the article Inequality in America (Price 3). This pandemic has caused many individuals and families to lose jobs, money, and family members.

Due to the governments slow response to the coronavirus, people believe that the government could have saved many lives if the administration just would have responded quickly to early signs of the virus. According to the Washington Post the U.S had more experience than other countries to fend off the virus (Abutaleb et al. 4). Even though the U.S government had a late response to the spread of coronavirus, the Trump Administration still did its best to be able to provide safety and security to the millions of blue-collar workers and white-collar workers.

This is a significant issue to discuss because most people take essential workers for granted and some do not realize the great risk they are putting themselves in to provide for the economy and their families. In the book $2.00 a Day, the authors write about different parents that struggle to even keep a job, on a normal day, due to the fact that they are low-income families and cant afford to buy the materials that one would need to be able to be successful. For instance, when the authors Edin and Shaefer talk about the life of Modonna Hariss they mention a statistic that is significant. Only 27% of the thousand family members that participate for government aid programs are eligible to receive aid (Edin and Shaefer 7). This is alarming because some might think that families that are low-income or middle class take advantage of government aids, but that is not the case. During crisis like these, poor and middle-class families are the ones to struggle over wealthier families. Although everyones health is at risk, these families struggle to take care of their health and on top of all that, they also have to worry about bringing in some kind of income for their children. Some individuals may not make any income during this pandemic and because of that, those who are renting are at high risk of losing their home.

The problems for the poor and middle class have increased dramatically during this crisis. While the government is doing everything it can, there are thousands of families being affected by their lack of income and work. Having to work from home might seem beneficial, but there may be some issues that might come along the way. Essential workers working during this pandemic risk their life and the life of their family as the push to go back to work rises. In light of this pandemic, there are safety regulations that the government has implemented to ensure the safety of others when going out in public. These safety regulations include social distancing, wearing a mask when out in public, and washing your hands for 20 seconds. Although this does not 100% guarantee that a person may not get the virus, it lessens the chances of someone becoming infected with this virus. While some may think the U.S government isnt doing enough for the people of America, they are doing their best to implement laws and regulations that will keep American workforces and citizens alive during this pandemic.

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