Random Drug Test on College Athletes

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There is widespread use of sports enhancing drugs among athletes in the world. Use of steroids to enhance performance in sports has been used as a way of gaining advantage over other athletes in major competitions. While sporting bodies strongly criticize use of performance enhancing drugs, some individuals are of the opinion that performance enhancing drugs should be allowed. Although considered a severe sporting offence, use of performance enhancing drugs has been going on in our high schools and colleges (Pittman, Spengler & Young, 2008, p. 15). Performance enhancers not only break sporting regulation but also pose a risk to individuals using them. As a way to counter this practice, drug testing has been implemented in many professional sports as well as some college and high school athletic programs. Drug testing has been chosen as a way to identify athletes that use banned performance enhancers in order to gain advantage over other competitors. As a rule, any athlete participating in competitions above high school level is subject to drug test.

There have been debates over the use of random drug tests in colleges. While some support the practice claiming that it is to the benefit of athletes as well as fair competition, others feel that drug test should be left to professional sports. As sports have become very important to colleges and other learning institutions, controversy raised by random drug test is bound to remain. While conducting research into the issue, it was clear that good information strategy is imperative. The whole process from preparation, information collection to reporting requires objective strategies (Paul & Hansen, 2004, p.56).

The subject of study for this research paper is on the use of performance enhancing drugs in college athletics. There is an increase in cheating in collegiate sports though use of performance enhancing drugs. In the past, use of steroids and other performance enhancers was associated with competitive professional sports, but this trend has changed with a widespread use of these drugs in colleges and even high school sports today. The content of information was use of performance drugs in colleges and random drug tests aimed at controlling the practice.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the body responsible for coordinating college athletics activities, has been concerned over ensuring integrity and fair competition in college sports (Pittman, Spengler & Young, 2008, p. 21). There has been debate in the media over use of banned performance enhancers among athletes in the country. Various successful sportspersons caught in steroid use controversies have raised questions over use of performance enhancers in the country. In colleges, there are reports on use of performance enhancing drugs in various sports including baseball, football, basketball and athletics (Duke, 2009, par 4). While conducting the research, I had it in mind that use of performance enhancing drugs is a major issue in sports, not only in this country but also at the international level.

Ability to determine the content and context of information is a very important element in information strategy. As I was conducting my research, it became clear that the ability to know the content and scope of information was very important. Random drug test in college students is a topic that is closely related to cheating in professional sports (Duke, 2009, par 7). As I was conducting prior research on the topic, I realized that the NCAA decided to use random drug test as a way of discouraging cheating in sports as well as realizing the danger that use of performance enhancers pose to an athlete. Prior research helped me to understand the kind of information that I required. Knowledge of the context of information was important to the study. Random drug test in college athletes are in the context of use of performance enhancing drugs in colleges as well as in the country. This context helped me to understand where to find information on the subject.

The topic under which a person conducts a research may be broad and not easy to conceptualize. In a broad topic, search questions help to break down the topic into modules under which search can be conducted (Paul & Hansen, 2004, p.89). By breaking a topic into module, information search is simplified as ambiguity in the topic, thereby overcoming the problem. Search questions were very important to my search for information on random drug tests in college athletes. Although initially I had a rough idea of the information that I required, it was the search questions that helped me to formulate the information that I required for the objective questions. My main area of study was on the efficiency of random drug tests in preventing use of performance enhancing drugs in college sports. This topic required knowledge on history of random drug test in college athletes, extent of use of the drugs, motivation to use of the drugs, effect of the drugs on sportspersons and sports, the way in which the tests are conducted and obstacles to the drug tests.

Formulation of search questions was very important for my research. I asked what it meant by performance enhancement drugs, drug test and other essential questions. This question worked as a guide to may search and direct to the right source of information. The search questions also worked to put me within the bounds of my research. As I was using the search questions in my information search, it became clear on me that the quality of search questions was very essential. Use of performance enhancement is a broad topic that has varied information and opinions. Poor search questions can cause a research to deviate from the search topic or lead to collection of irrelevant information. Some of the search topics I had formulated had to be reformulated while others were abandoned. In addition, a number of the search questions were not specific on information to be collected while others diverted from the search topic.

There were various opinions toward random drug tests in college athletes. While some individuals were strongly against use of performance enhancers, others felt that it should not be rejected per se. Some individuals strongly supported use of random drug test in college students but other felts that the tests amounted to harassment on the students (Pittman, Spengler & Young, 2008, p. 46). Other individuals felt that random drug tests was not the best way for controlling use of performance enhancing drugs and thus, encouraged use of other methods. There was a perception in most individuals that use of performance enhancing had increased, especially in college baseball.

Analysis of different viewpoint over a topic is essential in search for information. As part of the society, the different viewpoints on random drug tests were capable of influencing my opinion on the issue. In journalism it is important to offer balanced reports that do not support or discriminate on any opinions (Harcup, 2009, p.112). Analysing different view points prepared me for the information that I was to collect. Initially, I was of the opinion that this procedure was not essential but the research allowed me to appreciate the importance of this procedure. The prior analysis of different opinions on the topic helped me to avoid biased information search and reporting.

Information sources are very important to any journalistic report. While a source can provide accurate information to a topic, other may lead to misleading information. Ability to choose the right source of information enables a reporter to conduct information quite faster while providing reliable information (Meyer, 2002, p. 78). In my research on random drug test in college athletes, I took time to determine the source of information that I was to use. I evaluated different sources to determine their strength and weakness. Although I needed well researched information, I had to take time and cost into consideration. There were various sources of information to the topic. I could get information from NCAA sources, interview college athletes, interview instructor, conduct secondary data collection in libraries, electronic libraries and internet and interview college athlete instructors. I could also conduct college athletes who use performance enhancing drugs for interview. I chose to use integrated sources of information. I visited NCAA offices to interview officials on random drug test and how the method has succeeded in controlling use of performance enhancing drugs among college athletes. Interview on college athletes and instructors helped me gain insight into various opinions on the topic. I also conducted search on secondary sources of information. I chose to use electronic libraries and internet as my secondary sources. I was also able to identify an athlete who used steroids. The athlete agreed to offer me an interview with him on condition that I promise to keep the information confidential.

National Collegiate Athletic Association is the body responsible for organizing and coordinating athletic activities in the country. This body have been conducting random drug test on college athletes. As the body responsible for random drug tests, NCAA provided me with important information on the topic. Search into NCAA sources and interview on NCAA officials provided me with data on use of performance enhancing drugs in college athletes across the country (Pittman, Spengler & Young, 2008, p. 46). Internet and electronic library search provided me with ample information to compare with information obtained from interviews. From the search, it was evident that the ability to monitor the sources of information was very important. College athletes and instructors had to be monitored so as to ensure that keep their promise for interviews as well as provide the required information. The intention for the interview had t be made clear to interviewee so as to motivate them to participate. In addition I had to control the interviews so as to obtain the information that I required.

Source of information can raise various issues on credibility and verifiability. The sources of information may also raise ethical issues and also determine whether the report would be recognized (Meyer, 2002, p. 127). Use of performance enhancers is a sensitive issue in sports. There in no athlete who would want to be caught committing such an offence. On the other hand, many colleges fear for their athletes being caught with use of the enhancers. The credibility of sources of information had to be evaluated while conducting information search so as to determine the truth in the information acquired. While conducting interviews on various college individual and instructors, I had in mind that biased information could be provided. For credibility, I chose responsible individuals such team captains, instructors and sporting officials. For credibility, I chose internet and electronic libraries sources that are known to offer credible information. Ethic issues were brought up with the college athlete that used steroids. Although use of steroids is prohibited, I had to keep my promise in keeping information confidential.

The role of a journalist is not only to collect information but also synthesis and present it (Harcup, 2009, p.72). In my search, I obtained a lot of information on random drug tests on college student. This information from various sources had to be synthesized to provide a report that answers the search questions. I decided to write two reports on the issues. In one report I reported on trend in use of performance enhancers in college athletes and success of random drug test to control it. In the other report I decided to compare different opinions on random drug tests on college athletes.

Information strategy is very important in preparing for information search, conducting information search, evaluating the sources, synthesizing information obtained and presenting a report. Use of principles of information strategies on random drug tests on college athlete helped me conduct information search, evaluation and presentation with ease. This not only allowed me to use the principle but also learn from challenges and mistakes.


Duke, D. (2009). The danger of steroid use to student athletes. Helium. Web.

Harcup, T. (2009). Journalism: Principles and Practice. New York: SAGE Publication Ltd.

Meyer, P. (2002). Precision journalism: a reporters introduction to social methods. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Paul, N. & Hansen, K. (2004). Behind the message: information strategies for communicators. New York: Allyn and Bacon.

Pittman, T., Spengler, O. & Young, S. (2008). Case Studies in Sport Law. New York: Human kinesics.

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