Reasons of Slavery in Civil War

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It seems as if it was just yesterday that I was another normal boy, born in Hodgenville, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. My mother was conceived in Hampshire County while my dad in Rockingham County, both of them from average families and were considered the norm of the populace. My mother, who departed from me to the heavens, when I was merely ten, was from a family of the surname Hanks, few of who momentarily dwell in Adams and Macon Counties in the state of Illinois. Unable to understand death at the time I was devastated by the grief of my loss. My grandfather immigrated from Jefferson County, Kentucky, in 1781, where a few years later he was murdered by Native Americans during an ambush, while he was labouring to start a farm somewhere in the woods, sadly I never got meet my grandfather. His ancestors called by the surname of Quakers travelled to Virginia from Berks County, Pennsylvania. In an attempt to classify them with the New-England people of the similar name ceased in nothing besides a specific connection of Christian names in each of the families, such as Thomas, Josiah, Williams, Abraham(like myself), and the like.

My father, at the death of his father, was only six years of age; and he grew up, without education. He moved from Kentucky to Spencer County, Indiana, when I was eight. We reached our new home about the time the State came into the Union. It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals, still in the woods, nature sounds were all around us, I heard croaks, buzzes and caws(onomatopoeia), living there felt like living in a forest(simile). There were some schools; but no qualification was ever required of a teacher beyond reading, writing, and ciphering to the Rule of Three(a method of finding a number in the same ratio to a given number as exists between two given numbers). If a straggler deemed to understand Latin and happened to sojourn in the neighbourhood, he was looked upon as some kind of wizard. There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for education. Of course, when I came of age I did not know much. Still, somehow, I could read, write, and cipher to the Rule of Three; but that was all, I have not been to school since. The little progress I have made in my education are things I have picked up from time to time under the pressure of necessity for jobs and such.

I was nurtured to succeed in my father’s farm business, which I resumed(as expected) until I was twenty-one. After the age of twenty-one, I arrived in Illinois and lived in Macon County for my first year. Later I went to New-Salem, where I resided there a year as a cashier. Then the Black-Hawk war ensued, and I was selected to be a commander of enlistees, a victory which provided me with quite some happiness. After this triumph I went to campaign, I was exhilarated by the experience, I ran for the Legislature in the corresponding year (1832) and was beaten–the only event in which I have been defeated by somebody, a quite bittersweet(oxymoron) memory. For the following, three biennial elections, I was chosen to the Legislature, though I did not continue to be an applicant later. Throughout this Legislative session, I had studied law, and relocated to Springfield to practice it. In 1846 I was selected into the lower House of Congress, I did not hold a position for re-election. From 1849 to 1854, I exercised law more diligently than any time previously and stopped feeling engaged in politics, the reversal of the Missouri Compromise, prompted me in politics again. Many described my ambition to be an engine that knew no rest(metaphor).

I married Mary Todd, my love for her was as deep as the ocean(simile), we had four beautiful boys, sadly, three of whom who died at a young age and only one who lived to adulthood. She might have been more of a dedicated abolitionist than me. She encouraged my political profession and the decisions I made regarding it as I arose from the Illinois legislature to be one of the countrys various political orators to speak opposed to slavery. 1858 was the year I countered Stephen Douglas for Senator. I failed to triumph the election, although debating adjacent to Douglas I achieved a national prominence which acquired me the Republican nomination for President in 1860.

When I became President I worked vigorously to build the Republican Party into a powerful national foundation, it felt like I had a million things to do(hyperbole). I was a man who hated cutting corners(idiom). January 1, 1863, became the day of one of my most known accomplishments, I announced the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those forced(alliteration) slaves within the Confederacy. I cannot but hate*(Repetition) slavery. I hate it* because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it* because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel. And yet I have never understood that the Presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially upon this judgment and feeling.’ Despite its restrictions, I believe my proclamation identified a significant turning point in the evolution of my views and the views of people regarding slavery, as well as a turning point in the Civil War itself. By the wars end, 200,000 black men served in the Union Army and Navy, striking a deadly blow against the institution and customs of slavery and paved the way for its complete emancipation by the 13th Amendment.

I never made it so the world would disregard that the Civil War included an even bigger problem. Not only slavery was the problem but we can never overlook those who fought for the country I believe that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vainthat this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. I won re-election in 1864, as the Union military achievements announced an end to the war.

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