Steve Jobs Movie Summary Essay

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The Big Five personality model

Conscientiousness: A personality dimension that describes someone responsible, persistent, organized, and dependable. As we know Americans are very active, organized, and take responsibility on their own. In the movie, Steve Jobs was also an American and followed his culture. he was always persistent in his goal. He wanted to achieve something big in his life. He was a very responsible person and organized in his work life. But he was not dependent on others. He was an independent person and always liked to do his work in his own way. He took all the responsibility on his own for the invention of Apple company. So we can give him a high score on conscientiousness personality because most of the personalities are similar to him.

Emotional stability: In this type of personality people are calm, self-confident, and secure versus nervous, depressed, and insecure. As we have seen from the movie Jobs was not a calm person, he was very aggressive with his work-life pressure. But He was very self-confident and secure about the invention of his Apple company. In his life, he has faced many ups and downs but he didn’t become nervous and handled his difficult situations. So we can give him a high score on emotional stability personality.

Extraversion: Extraversion personality people are sociable, outgoing, and assertive. He also has a high score on this personality model. Because He was an extrovert, social, and always used to share his feelings with others. In the movie when he wanted to create a computer without a keyboard and mouse and wanted to make it a touch-based product. He was very confident that his idea would work in the market but other team members were not confident about it. But his self-confidence and motivation make it possible. He was very friendly and in sociable nature when he used to motivate his employees, thats why we know him as a great leader.

Openness to experience: A personality that describes someone’s character in terms of imagination, sensitivity, and curiosity. Jobs was open-minded in experiencing new things to become more creative. He was always curious about things from his childhood. In the movie when his friend Steve Wozniak created the circuit board jobs has imagined creating his first Apple computer with that circuit board, which was his first step toward gaining success because of his big imagination. So we can give him a high score on this personality model.

Agreeableness: A personality that describes someone as good-natured, cooperative, and trusting. Steve Jobs was very aggressive in his work when the projects were not done according to his expectations he used to yell at his employees and didnt feel hesitate to fire employees from the company. But he was a cooperative and trusting person. As we saw in the movie when Jobs wanted to bring changes to his list computer, at first he cooperated with his team members. So we can say that he has a high score on this personality model.

Personality Attributes

Narcissism: Narcissist people are arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, and have a sense of entitlement. Steve Jobs was seen as a narcissist which shows that he was a great leader and decision maker. We all know that he was aggressive, arrogant, and always focused on his goal. He always had a great admiration for bringing change in the world. As we saw in the movie he was a very tough boss and his one employee’s work was not as perfect as he expected so he fired his employee which shows his arrogant nature.

Core Self-Evaluation: People who have positive CSR like themselves, see themselves as effective, capable, and in control of their environment. From the movie we have seen that Steve Jobs has a positive CSE. He had a strong belief that he had control of his fate. In the movie when he was going to invent his first Apple computer he had not enough money for his invention without having believed in himself. For his strong belief and capability, we have the iPhone, iPod, and iPad in our hands.

Risk Taking: Steve Jobs is well known as a risk taker. Jobs like to do complex and challenging jobs include risk. Because of his great risk-taking personality, he had become one of the most successful entrepreneurs in human history. As we saw in the movie jobs dropped out of college to trek around India for his religion. He also came up with the idea of the iPhone which was revolutionary even though that idea could have been rejected. He had experienced a great risk and challenges in his life to make the Apple most valuable company in the world.

Type A Personality: People who are active, excessively competitive, and always seem to struggle to achieve more and more are A personality type people. We all know that Steve Jobs was a very hard-working person, who never gave up in any situation, and struggled a lot. He always desired to achieve his goal of being the success in his life. From the movie we have seen that when he was kicked out from the apple he never gave up and started working on Next and Pixar which proved that failure couldnt stop his goal.

Proactive personality: People who identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs. Steve Jobs achieved great success in his career because of his extremely unique innovative ideas. He was very passionate, and fearless, and always found opportunities to achieve his goal. He was never satisfied with his creations and always tried to invent better products than before. In the movie, Pixar achieved great success because of Jobs’ contribution, when he produced its first animated movie with Disney’s partnership The Toy Story in 1995. He has always used his opportunities and instantly took action for success.

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