The Coca-Cola Companys Diversity Information

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The Coca-Cola Company is one of the brightest examples of cultural diversity, as this corporation works, operates, and signs contracts with people of various ethnic backgrounds. Perhaps, this factor remains one of the most important reasons for their success in the global market. Moreover, Coca-Cola always develops and supports the topic of cultural diversity in its commercials, marketing strategies, and their image in general, which will be covered below.

Coca-Cola Analysis

Accessibility of Diversity-Related Material

The policy of the Coca-Cola Company is available for every person online, which makes it possible for people to see, share, and find new information about particular Coca-Colas strategies and plans that address cultural diversity for the nearest future. However, the type of information above can be easily accessed on the corporations official website (Diversity & inclusion, 2017). The page of diversity and inclusion contains such material as interviews with people of different national, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. Usually, such people with fascinating life paths work for Coca-Cola because they support the businesss attitude towards the issue discussed above.

Search results

The search on the topic of cultural diversity in Coca-Cola provided more results that it was expected in the beginning. Nevertheless, this operation showed that the Coca-Cola Company supports and protects equal rights of various vulnerable populations, which lets this business demonstrate their loyalty and respect to individuals from different minorities.

Primary dimensions

The first source that was used as a primary dimension was an official website of the Coca-Cola Company, which was mentioned above. This website includes the page of cultural diversity and inclusion (Diversity & inclusion, 2017). Besides, this source gives a general understanding of the businesss relation and works development in this sphere.

Secondary dimensions

Another source was also accessed on the aforementioned website but is another page that describes and covers particular missions, values, and the companys vision of their future strategies and policies to address the topic of cultural dimension (Mission, vision & values, 2017). However, the geolocation of this source is in the United Kingdom.

Usefulness of the Diversity Information

Potential employees

As Coca-Cola collaborates with various Third World countries with a high rate of unemployment, this strategy is very beneficial for such populations because the company provides them with an opportunity to obtain a perspective job. It is an interesting fact that people from different minorities, cultures, and antisocial groups can build their careers with Coca-Cola.

Due to the results of ones productivity, he or she might be promoted or receive another higher position. Although the practice of diversity management in the US is by definition multidimensional, the dimension of race/ethnicity is generally near the top in priority for managers in organization. This is also the angle which has perhaps most stimulated interest in the subject by practitioners and politicians in Europe (Wrench, 2016, p. 27). There are many cases when people of racial, ethnic, gender, and other minorities became essential figures in the Coca-Colas business.

Potential customers

Although a plethora of drinks produced by Coca-Cola are widespread and known in all parts of the world, the company does not stop building new factories and delivering their products to small countries and regions that do not have any chance to enjoy their drinks yet. Due to the Coca-Colas price policies, they are able to start selling their products in almost any inhabited location.

Potential suppliers

The Coca-Cola Companys managers already have experience in working in different countries and receiving primary material from various suppliers in these regions. Nevertheless, all suppliers are intended to meet particular standards and requirements of this business in order to produce and sell their products of the same taste and consistence, regardless of the manufacturing region (OBrien, 2014). Therefore, every competent person might supply Coca-Cola factories with the required material for their production, which gives these people an opportunity to benefit from such collaboration. A wide range of diverse potential suppliers are always welcome to join the manufacturing process of the company.

Relationship to values and mission

It is a well-known fact that Coca-Colas primary mission is to unite all people in the world and to show that there are no barriers between the worlds cultures. Some drinks of this company became symbols of various holidays and events all over the world (Mission, vision & values, 2017). Therefore, they show their respect to peoples values and support them in their celebrations. Their mission also has a goal of popularizing diversity among cultures and make people of different minorities more friendly and kind to one another, as there are many issues based on gender, racial, and cultural discrimination.

Timeliness of information

All the information provided in the aforementioned sources is credible, timely, and reliable because it updates and includes the latest activities of the company constantly. Therefore, all the news, strategies, policies, and implications of the company are open to any person who visits Coca-Colas official source online. All the information and material that was published on their site is under control of the businesss media and marketing department (Bakan, 2016). People who work there are obliged to meet the requirements of timeliness, credibility, and other essential factors that might influence the quality of their work.

Appropriateness of the Photographs and Graphic Material

Primary dimensions

There are a plethora of primary dimensions that can be seen at the pictures of articles on the official Coca-Cola website. However, many visual objects refer to the topic of a particular article, which provide readers with a visual aid of some topic. This is an essential factor in Coca-Colas policy because with the help of multiple photographs they describe and demonstrate the importance of diverse articles. Moreover, the company is also known for its genius marking and commercials.

The pictures and videos are always related to something valuable for a certain group of people (Karatas’-Ozkan, Nicolopoulou, & Ozbilgin, 2014). The audience appreciates such approach and the businesss attitude towards their minorities, which makes the corporation look friendly, whereas people will gladly support Coca-Cola by buying their products.

Secondary dimensions

Coca-Colas department of marketing gained its legendary popularity due to the gestures and lifestyle that they promote. Usually, some gestures or phrases that the companys professionals invent become popular all over the world. Therefore, the aforementioned source contains similar phrases, which are likely to catch the readers attention. Moreover, professional editors of the site use specific metaphors and hidden references to other interesting articles, events or products.

Relationship to text

The most common pictures that are attached to the articles on the site of Coca-Cola Company depict people of various ethnic and national backgrounds who are involved in some activities, which are described in the texts below those. Hence, all the pictures are intended to demonstrate, summarize, and provide a general idea of their topics to consumers and regular readers. However, there are cases when pictures include symbols, citations, phrases, memorable events or places. Nevertheless, Coca-Cola will attach its logotype to the photographs published on the companys official site.

Reuse of graphics

A plethora of graphics developed by the Coca-Cola team are intended to give a general understanding of the companys mission, vision, and its relation to different vulnerable populations. For instance, the letters in the main logotype of the Coca-Cola brand are connected to one another, which symbolizes the union of all people in the world, regardless of any other factors and circumstances.


Potential employee

The job opportunities that the Coca-Cola Company offers to its employees are very perspective and ambitious. There is a wide range of occupations and professions that one can adopt during an intensive course about the businesss activity, mission, goals, and policy (Karatas’-Ozkan, Nicolopoulou, & Ozbilgin, 2014). Moreover, all those who work for the company receive many useful bonuses, which let them pay less at particular facilities that have partnership agreements with their company.

Potential customer

As it was already mentioned above, the majority of customers and consumers of the Coca-Cola products appreciate the corporations attitude towards their national, ethnic, racial, and other backgrounds. Therefore, the companys marketing department is always required to address the needs or issues that such vulnerable populations are destined to face on a regular basis. This policy is beneficial for the businesss creditworthiness among its clients.

Potential supplier or subcontractor

Although people, who Coca-Cola collaborates with, have many vital requirements for their work, they gladly supply the companys factories with the essential material for the production process. Potential suppliers of various ethnic, national or racial backgrounds are welcome to work with the worldwide company because no difficulties might occur during their communication.

Internal Management Issues

Usually, there are no internal management issues in the Coca-Cola Company due to their loyal attitude towards every person, regardless of his or her relation to particular community or society (Karatas’-Ozkan, Nicolopoulou, & Ozbilgin, 2014). Although there are many people of different ages, religions, biases, and nationalities working for this corporation, no one can be abused or humiliated under any circumstances.

Diversity Awards

Criteria and selection process

Despite the fact that Coca-Cola is one of the world markets main figures, almost any person can be employed and involved in this structure because the company prefers to give opportunities to vulnerable populations. There are not many criteria for Coca-Colas employees to follow  they are just expected to be conscious and scrupulous workers, which might be considered the key criterion for their selection process as well.

Sponsoring organization

Moreover, Coca-Cola is always open to new start-ups, events, and business campaigns that inherit the goals of popularizing loyalty and proper relations to vulnerable populations (Diversity & inclusion, 2017). The company is always ready to invest and become a sponsor for the activities above because it will be beneficial for both sides of collaboration  organizers will be financially supported, whereas Coca-Cola will raise its image among the certain audience.


The Coca-Cola Company is loyal to people of different cultural, racial, ethnic, educational, and other backgrounds. Its policy popularizes such approach towards various vulnerable populations from all over the world. Moreover, the famous corporation uses a wide range of marketing strategies and other activity implications to promote such relation to biased individuals. However, Coca-Cola is always open to support companies with the same goals and ideas.


Bakan, J. (2016). Social marketing: Thoughts from an empathetic outsider. Journal of Marketing Management, 32(11-12), 1183-1189. Web.

Diversity & inclusion. (2017). Web.

Karatas’-Ozkan, M., Nicolopoulou, K., & Ozbilgin, M. (2014). Corporate social responsibility and human resource management: A diversity perspective. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Mission, vision & values. (2017) Web.

OBrien, J. (2014). Supplier relationship management: Unlocking the hidden value in your supply base. London, UK: Kogan Page.

Wrench, J. (2016). Diversity management and discrimination: Immigrants and ethnic minorities in the EU. New York, NY: Routledge.

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