The Glass Castle’ Psychology Research Paper

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For generations, mental illnesses were not considered a sickness or a problem that was worth talking about. As time passes and change happens, new illnesses began to rise as people begin to understand the reality of the problems that came with mental illnesses. The mind is so complex that there are discoveries of new mental illnesses often. Depression is one of the most popular mental illnesses, it affects over 3 million Americans per year. The worst thing about depression is that it does not come alone, usually, it begins with sadness, worry, and horror. Above all, there are other sicknesses that fall close to those categories. Autism for example is one of many mental disorders that not a lot of people know about it or what to talk about it, this mental problem is the cause of children or adults having trouble communicating with others. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is another disorder that affects the behavior of anyone that had that problem for them it is difficult to concentrate on one thing or are unable to do a simple task without their mind wandering off. Then there are more severe mental illnesses like Bipolar Disorder in which an individual cannot control their temper the way he or she thinks and many other emotional swings. Schizophrenia is another of the most dangerous mental diseases because one loses reality and can not tell the difference between one or the other, the voices in one’s head, or the people who care. There are more than enough mental illnesses that are dangerous, but of them all Early Psychosis and Psychosis are one of the most dangerous. Because he or she can become violent and crazy not knowing what’s real or what’s fake, leaves them frightened which comes with anger and more violence towards themselves and people close to them. Of course, there are a lot of individuals who have mental problems that are not as dangerous, most mental patients suffer from an inside problem. Such was the case with Lori Walls sister of Jeannette Walls who discusses Lori in her memoir The Glass Castle. Lori shows symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and because of her actions, it is clear she suffers from this disorder. According to Anxiety and Depression, Association of America;(GAD) Affects 31.1% of the U.S. population and women are at a higher rate than men. Some of the most common symptoms of (GAD) are Constant worry, usually worrying about even the slightest little thing. Another major symptom is detachment from everything for example parents, siblings, or friends. Other symptoms that can also occur are Unable to relax, unable to take decisions unable to handle even the slightest tasks.

Throughout the memoir, Lory only shows some of the symptoms, but by the end of the book, it is clear that she is not well. When Lori was a senior in high school with plans of going to new york she started to over-worry because of their situation with the money. Her parents did not help her and were in fact the ones bringing her down even more than she already was. She was worried and it was not a simple worry it was a constant and something worry that did not let her breathe. The constant worry was generated by various factors for example the way her parents never did anything to help her or her siblings Jeannette, Bryan, and Moorene. She has so many things to worry about that became her regular feeling for a long time. As she became to realize that her siblings were with her and everything that she was trying to do, her siblings made sure she could do whatever she could. That was a happy moment for her, but she was not cured at all, because of the constant harassment from her parents she could not stay out of worry. His dad Rex Walls did everything that was in his power to make Lorys life miserable, he never realize that he was hurting her more than he thought he was. Before leaving her home there were incidents where Lory shows us her true self and how sad, worried, and distressed she was. He studied the sculpture, then suddenly reached over and smeared off Shakespeares mouth with his thump (pg; 227). Lory was working on a bust when Rex appeared and destroy the sculpture, after that, she went into a complete meltdown and destroy the whole thing. His parents were probably the whole cause of her (GAD) Rose Mary and Rex Walls had our children that they did not care for at all. Lori being the oldest, the one that has been with them the longest it is not a surprise that she is mentally unstable and on the verge of a meltdown constantly. Lori never wanted to incriminate her mother Rose Mary for not caring for them, even knowing well that her mother had as much fault as her father Rex. On various occasions Rose Mary made it her mission to make Loris life miserable.[Rose Mary] had to Punish someone, and she didnt want to upset the other kids, [Lori]. (Walls75) Rosemary was teaching in Loris class she did not want to upset the other kids meaning that she cares about everyone else, and not her children it did not matter that her kids did nothing wrong. This action for sure is the cause of Lory always being in constant worry and anxiety even if she thought that she was fine and that all the things she feel were useless because that’s how things were done in her house. All of the Walls children’s problems revolve around their parents, especially Lori she was the one that was treated like the mother the one the kids went to when they had a problem or concern about something, she also took that paper to be the one in charge of what was happening in the house and what their parent was doing. She did not need that responsibility on top of her shoulders weighing her down.

Detachment is also one of the most common signs of (GAD). The novel is narrated by Jeannette Walls which is why is so difficult to realize that Lory is a big part of the story. Throughout the memoir, Lory is not mentioned a lot of times but when she is it leaves a big impact it is surprising how unattacked he is of people in general she lives in her own world. Even though that may be right she also shows how she cares in an odd way. She never speaks much as is hated to be left alone and discrete. Do you guys miss me? I asked my older sister, Lory during one visit. Not really. This happens when Jeannette is in the hospital and their parents did not really care about the health of any of their children. Lori is always detached doing her own thing following the steps of Rose Mary wanting to be an artist. She was always alone with her thoughts not having friends or being close with her family. Because she is the oldest she is the first one to realize the living conditions they were living by as soon as she realized there is no future for her she wants to do something. She is smart enough to realize that New York was the best place and their dream place to be after planning everything and Lory realizes that their parents are useless and can’t even do a thing for themselves she wants to leave, but of course with the worry and the knowledge that sh0e is not good with people. For the most part, she understood that she has a problem, but did not realize that this problem could go as far and as long as (GAD). One of the most important scenes that involve Lori is when she is granted a pair of glasses. After that point, she thought the world was unfair because she was in a February world that has been clear. Rose Mary of course disapproves of Gla0ses because she was against anything that made her children happy she said Glasses are like clutches to the eyes only make them weaker which was what she said when asking for permission. When Lory put the glasses on and realize how clear and beautiful the world was she was mad at what she was measuring out. That could have left her a trauma and only made her (GAD) worst by realizing that no one really care bout her or what was going on with her life and feelings.

Many people do not realize when you are going through problems or are feeling. Lory being the way she was and the problems she had was always a good student which is surprising knowing her past and the things she and her siblings have gone through. There have been discussions about the wall’s children coming out fine even though there bad experiences. Even if that is true there is s still some sequels that stay with the past of time. By the end of the memoir, Lori is still the same as ever. Caullet with her look and dark image was always this kind of person even what her mental illness she never gave in. (GAD) can affect anyone it’s common for older people between the age of 30 to 60 to have been affected by this. Most of the families that have an individual with this kind of problem don’t realize that she or he has this problem and usually leave it unattended. For teenagers the way this mental disease affects them differently by how they act and the way they have been doing things. Lory suffered a lot for not being able to express what she was going through and realize tha0t she could have a cure whit therapy and such. That would have been a dream because the wall children never experience even the most necessary care. Understanding people with this disease can be difficult as some (GAD) patients do not show a lot of signs of having a problem. For children and even adults, it is important to know that there is always a way and a reason and an answer for everything not just losing themselves in a horrible world. Lori is a strong woman that never shows a weakness even in the words of the moments she was standing strong defending what is right and what she believes in. One underestimates the number of problems other people have and is usually not bothered by what other people have to say or believe in. Lory Walls was different even after having (GAD) because of her parents and the life they were living she never complain or made the bad comment. Lori is a great example of surpassing a problem. After knowing the truth about Lory there is still to discuss about her life and the way she thought, but her personality speaks for itself.

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