Problem Solution Essay on Gun Violence

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There are so many issues that are going on around this world. We have littering, high taxes, horrible pay, climate change, and poverty. The problem I feel that has been the worst is gun violence. All I hear on the news all the time nowadays is shooting here and shooting there. Gun violence is real. People don’t come back, by Stevie Wonder. People need to start thinking about this quote and actually think about it. Some people think its a game or just mad at the world, so they take it out on other people. Gun violence needs to stop, and we need to try our hardest to end it or make it happen way less than it is now.

Its a little crazy when more than 500 people die every day from gun violence. Then 44% of gun violence is homicides. Between the years 2012 and 2016, there were 1.4 million firearm-related deaths. We shouldnt have 500 people dying a day over gun violence. Some people dont think with their heads anymore. There’s an estimate, about 2,000 people are injured by gunshots a day, and at least 2 million people have firearm injuries. The first thing that pops into my mind when I think of gun violence is when Jason Aldean had a concert in Las Vegas, and then a man started shooting out of the hotel windows. I remember watching and listening to some of the stories of people who were there on the news. Its just a sad thing to listen to. We also have had four of our presidents die from guns. Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy were all assassinated. Imagine what those presidents could have done if they werent killed. Like what laws we would have now or wouldnt have now if they werent killed.

There are so many ways to help reduce gun violence, but it feels like we dont even use half the things to reduce it. One thing is to reduce easy access to dangerous weapons. I definitely know that hasnt happened. I know people who can go to malls and literally buy a gun without a background check or anything. There are also gun stores all over Iowa. Some people say that buying a gun should be like buying a car. When they made strong laws like Safer cars, stronger seat belt laws, and fewer teenage drivers, it helped, reduce the deaths by vehicles. We have these laws on guns and how you can only do this with guns. But it doesnt work, so we should actually make gun laws that reduce gun violence. We should have background checks for every person that wants a gun. Like if someone has a criminal background, they shouldnt be able to lay their hands on a gun. People still find their ways of getting guns illegally. We need to try and figure out all the ways people can get them illegally and find ways for it to stop. We have groups like ISIS and gangs who get ahold of those illegal guns and hurt a lot of people.

We have also had gun violence that isnt shooting, and its hurting ourselves. Over 22,000 Americans every year, including over 1,000 children and teens, have injured themselves with firearms. About two-thirds of the U.S. gun deaths are due to suicides. We need to start watching people more and making sure if they need help, we help them. We shouldnt have over 22,000 people dying a year of suicide with a gun. In 2017 there were 47,173 suicides, and 22,000 of them are from firearms. That is almost half of 47,173. Some people think its funny to tell people to go kill themselves and they dont think they would do it, and they end up doing it. There are friends and family who know that people are going through depression and suicidal thoughts and don’t care. But when they actually end up hurting themselves, they care. In school, they have all these banners that say talk to us or help someone out. But no one listens to it, I feel the way we could reduce suicides with guns is by making school a fun place to be, so if they dont have a fun home environment, they can have at least some happiness in them. We can have game days or field trips for every grade. Having fun at school could help them forget about the hard that’s going on in their life and have fun. We all need to have teachers be more active in this and talk to kids and see how they’re doing and how they can help. I have my own story with this. One of my friends was very suicidal and hurt herself a lot for about four years. This year she ended up downing a whole bunch of pills and was very close to dying. Teachers, her parents, and her friends all knew she was suicidal, and we did nothing. The teachers just told her to stop and threatened to tell her parents. Her parents didnt really care, when she ended up going into the hospital when she almost died, her dad sat at home and did nothing. Suicide is a real thing, and guns arent helping it. If people have guns at home, they need to be in a case with a code or lock on it that no one knows except the gun owner.

Some gun violence is due to people not knowing how to use a gun. If someone is actually healthy and not a threat with firearms and they have a gun they need to learn the right way to use a gun. There was one guy I knew that didnt even put his gun back on safety and he ended up dropping his gun, and it fired and shot him. Thank heavens it didnt kill him, it just shot throw his arm and almost into his heart. We also have all these hunters and my dad’s one. Us kids, aka me and my siblings, like to hunt too. There are hunter safety courses for kids to help them learn about guns and how to use them the right way, and that helps out a lot. But there are also a lot of kids that dont take that class and go out and shoot and hurt themselves.

Gun wounds can end very badly; they can lead to death, being paralyzed, and just bad injuries. Some people who have been shot with a gun and have injuries can have issues in the future because of that gunshot. If you shoot in the spinal cord, it can make you paralyzed. There are all these ways you can get hurt by guns, but it keeps happening.

There are some people who have their opinions on gun violence and my dad’s one. When I told my dad I was doing an essay on gun violence, he rolled his eyes and didnt say anything. My dad feels gun violence only happens because a whole bunch of stupid people get ahold of guns and dont use their brains and think they’re cool, so they go kill people. My opinion on gun violence is that it needs to stop and that people need to start taking guns away from people. I sort of feel that some people do it just to get attention. Or they aim towards the big schools and famous places because they know it will be on the news and all over the place. (Margo Greenbaum a senior at the Marlboro high school said I write to today not as a Democrat, not as a Republican, but as an American citizen as one who never again wants to get the notification that a school shooting happened; as one who never again wants to hear that notification that 17 innocent people died at a school at a safe haven. I call for all politicians to put their petty differences aside and to stop playing the blame game, to stop being so one-sided, and to start putting action into your words. I ask that you, in honor of all the people who died by a gun at a school, to make meaningful changes to our gun laws. )All of these opinions are probably true and need to be heard and listened to.

Gun violence needs to be talked about and needs to end. We need to stop worrying about all the little things and worry about the big things. We need to start making more enforced laws with guns and if we have to make more. We also need to watch people who have guns or are in reach of guns who have depression and suicidal thoughts. People need to stand up to gun violence and help end it. The lives that are taken away from gun violence should still be living today. Like how Stevie Wonders quote says Gun violence is real. People don’t come back.

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