What Does Justice Mean to You: Opinion Essay

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In my opinion, justice is an act of giving freedom to an individual through the means of proper rules and regulations and promoting equality. It aims to provide equal rights, opportunities, and facilities to an individual and society in a fair way. However, according to Merriam 2018, justice means securing and protecting of rights of all in a fair way. It stands for harmony among all the people, orderly living, and securing of rights of all in a just and fair way. Justice is giving what everyone deserves but I think it is unfair in some workplaces. For example, during a job interview, some of the interviewers do injustices by looking at the background and relationships for the job, on the other hand, poor people are left without a job. In order to stop such cruel things there should be justice among the individual to protect the rights of the individual and to provide equal opportunities and facilities in a fair way. Therefore, this paper emphasizes my opinion on justice and how justices can give freedom to an individual.

In my life whatever I do I will follow the concept of justice which is on the ethics and law where people can behave in a way that is fair, equal, and balanced for every individual to stand out on their own and give freedom. However in the work of political philosopher that is John Rawls, in his book A Theory of Justice, the author addresses the problem of distributive justice which concerns the socially just allocation of goods and in social psychology, it is defined as perceived fairness of how reward and cost are shared by group members (Rawls, 2005). Similarly to that in my school days, we use to have group works where we need to work ourselves as an individual to fetch good marks, so for that, I use to work harder as compared to my group members and I use to work more hours but receive the same marks in the group so I feel that distributive justice has not occurred. In the theory of justice, there are two principles of justice that are the first principle: each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. And the second principle: social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged, consistent with the just savings principle, and attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity. As my main idea on justice is concerned with giving individuals their own freedom and giving them an opportunity to stand on their own feet so the first principle also aims at the distribution of rights and liberties to vote and run their offices, freedom to speech, and assembly, freedom of personal property and freedom from arbitrary arrest (Maiese, 2016).

In my life, I always wanted to be someone who wants to give justice not always in a big way but even in small ways where people will get their own freedom. Gautama Buddha has stated that justice with good law will lead to peace and order but if the laws are evil then it can lead to revolution and disobedience in the state (Bhandari, n.d.). Without justice, society will find it very hard to survive so it is very important to learn about the injustice practice around us that can be in class or outside class too. In our country, many criminals and poor people fall into rich people where there comes a situation where they could not stand for their own rights which leads to corruption. Moreover, Bhutan is ranked 29th as the corrupt country out of 109 countries which show there is less justice in our country. Looking at this present scenario I always try to understand more and think of how can I overcome those rising issues and how can I curve down corruption. So, in the future, wherever I work I will always think of working without a corrupted mind and I wont let other people corrupt too. Though it will be not easy for many people to understand justice and corruption I will always try my best to have justice not only in my life but also in others’ life. It is because it will have a great impact on everyones life.

Corruption should be banned permanently from our country because corruption has many negative impacts which can even result in the fall of a nation. Thus, to prevent such falls many different agencies are established to stop corruption and to give justice to the corrupted officials in the country and world. Every individual deserves justice, so to give justice to the people many agencies were established such as in Bhutan civil servants are selected through RCSE merit-based system. Increasing salary and pays, reduces the rate of corruption since high pay and wages can meet the needs and wants of the people and people will not have any intentions to do corrupt activities. Singapore has successfully been able to reduce its corruption rate by increasing salaries and Singapore is the only Asian country that is in the top ten least corrupt countries according to Transparency internationals index (voskanyan and Armenia, 2000). Rules and regulations should not be lenient but firm and decisive so that people would be discouraged to commit corruption. ACC (Anti-Corruption Commission) has been established to reduce the corruption rate and to look after the balance in the country. RAA (Royal Audit Authority) has also been established to look after the countrys audit and budget allocations and Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) and anti-corruption are established for the international level and are located in every country.

In conclusion, justice is not always about solving the problems between two or more parties but justice is defined as the reordering of social life in such a way that the material and moral benefit of the people are not cornered by the tiny privileged class, but accrue to the masses to ensures the uplift of lower weak and underprivileged sections (Gauba, 2017). I think, if there is no strong justice enforcer in society, there will be lots of problems. Moreover, after studying justice I got to know that distributive justice is important to an individual to get their freedom because it determines the level of hard work with the level of payment. So, I will always follow the principles of justice in order to give other people the to stand on their own feet and freedom by limiting the causes of corruption.


  1. Gauba, O. P. (2017). An Introduction to political theory. In Sahibabad. A.S Offset Press.
  2. Mac, M. (2016). Principle of Justice and Fairness. Retrieved from https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/principle_of_justice
  3. Merriam, C. E. (2018). Speech on Justice: Meaning and type of Justice. Retrieved from http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/speech/speech-on-justice-meaning-and-types-of-justiy/40361
  4. Rawls, J. (2005). Political Liberalism. New York:NY: Columbia University Press.

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