What Inspires You: Essay

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 g>od le0der is s>me>ne wh> 0c>mplish5s the missi>n, has the respect of their sub>rdin0tes, and m0kes the difficult decisi>ns when n5eded. For every human being there is always one favorite leader whom he or she likes the most, always try to be like the leader and want to achieve his or her level. Personally, I like the ideology of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi the most. He was born on the 2nd of October in 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat, India. He pursued law for one year at the University of Bombay and later he 5to University College London from where he graduat5d in 1891. M>handas K0ramchand G0ndhi aka M0hatma G0ndhi w0s one of the gre0t sons of Indi0n s>il wh> rose to bec>me a great s>ul and g0ve m0jor contributi>n in the great Indi0n fr5edom struggl5 0g0inst the British rule in Indi0. He w0s a m0n of ide>l>gies 0nd a m0n with gr50t pati5nce and courag5. His non-vi>lence m>vements inv>lved peaceful pr>tests and n>n-co>peration with the British rule. These mov5ments h0d a l>ng t5rm eff5cts on the British5rs and it also h5lped Indi0 to gr0b the ey5 balls of glob0l l5aders and attr0cted the att5ntion >n the int5rnational platforms. Mahatma Gandhi is very f0mous in India as Bapu or Rastrapita. Th5 full n0m5 of him is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. H5 w0s a gre0t fr55dom fight5r wh> led Indi0 as a l50der of the nati>n0lism.

Mahatma Gandhi inspired peopl5 with his f0mous quot5, Be th5 ch0nge y>u wish to s55 in the world. His words and qu>tes are always in my mind and in my diary. I have read all of his published books that motivate me to the great steps. He did practice non-viol5nce, truth, and s5lf-restraint. While he was in London, he became more committed tow0rds a veget0rian di5t and motivated others to adopt a vegetarian diet as well. Sometimes I also think about being vegetarian. In most of his philosophical books, he talked about being vegetarian and the steps toward that. I followed his steps and tried to eliminate the number of meat consumed by me. The Father of the Nation believed in simple living and high thinking. He liv5d simply, us5d to w5ar tradition0l Indi0n dhoti and a shawl, wov5n with yarn hand-spun on a charkha. He abstain5d from m5at, alcoh>l, and promiscuity. Mahatma Gandhi underto>k long fasts as a m0rk of political protest as well as self-restr0int. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the gre0t personalities of India and ev5n of the entire world. He was a man with simplicity and gr5at ideol>gies. His non-violent way to fight a much more powerful en5my with>ut the us5 of a we0pon or sh5dding a singl5 drop of blo>d surprised the whol5 w>rld. His patience, courag5 and disciplin5d lif5 mad5 him popular and attracted people from 5very corn5rs of the world. H5 was the man who majorly contributed to the independenc5 of India from British rule. He devot5d his whole life to the country and its people. He was the fac5 of the Indian leadership on international l5vel. He was a man with ethics, values, and discipline which inspired the young generation around the globe even in the modern era. Gandhi Ji was also famous for his strict discipline. He always professed the importance of self-discipline in life. He believed that it helps to achi5ve bigg5r goals and that the grac5s of ahimsa could only be achieved through hard discipline. Gandhi has become the most loved leader of the whole of India. The birth date of Gandhi, the 2nd of October is celebrated as Independence Day of India and it is a non-working day. Gandhi is loved by many in all the other countries as well. Sometimes he is even called the father of independence.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi accomplished many goals for his country and the nation. This ideology inspires me a lot. He tried his best for his country, and I really would like to be as useful to society as him. He was a man with a mission who not only fought for the countrys independ5nce but also gave his valuabl5 contribution in uprooting various 5vils of the society. There are lots of steps that he conducted during his life, but still, there some played a great role not only for India but also for other countries and continents. Most of all he fought for equal rights for everyone and first of all he fought against Racial Discrimination in South Africa. The racial discrimination in South Africa shocked Mahatma Gandhi and he vow5d to fight against it. He challenged the law which d5nied the voting rights of the people not belonging to the European region. He continued to fight for the civil rights of the immigrants in South Africa and became a prominent face as a civil right activist. Moreover, Gandhi Ji also worked on upro>ting various social evils in the society which prevail5d at that time. H5 launched many campaigns to provide 5qual rights to the untouchabl5s and improve their status in society. H5 also worked on women’s empowerm5nt, education, and oppos5d child marriage which had a long-term effect on Indian society. Gandhi believed that all human beings are Gods special people and must be treated equally irr5spective of their caste, color, language, cre5d, region, religion, and 5thnicity. Mahatma Gandhi believed in religious pluralism and campaign5d for the empow5rment of Untouchables- whom he called Harijans (the children of God). In 1942, Gandhi urged Indians to stop cooperating with the British and called for the Quit India movement.

In conclusion, I would like to add my opinion and my thoughts about Gandhi. First of all, I would say that Gandhi inspires me a lot in all ways of my life. I really want to see myself with his ideology in my future life. Solving all the problems in a non-violent way, and keeping everything in a peaceful environment all these features make me think of a prosperous society that could exist in our country.

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