Culture and Its Impact on Communication

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In the context of present-day developments, it is common that people may get acquainted with several different cultures. Moreover, with the possibility to travel around the globe and reside at any point in the world, the beliefs, worldviews, and habits of a person may be significantly influenced by a particular culture.

Consequently, this fact also has an impact on the way people communicate and treat others. In addition, some cultures lead to appearing of particular prejudices against some categories of the population. As for me, I notice that American, Southern, and Buddhist cultures shaped my communications skills to a large extent. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of these cultures on the way I communicate with others and evaluate their significance.

American culture

Taking into consideration the fact that I reside in America, it is apparent that American culture has had the most significant impact on me. It defines my daily routine, worldview, and approach to work and life in general. There is the term American way of life, which implies adherence to liberty and pursuit of happiness. This fact alters communication with others to a large extent. I feel relaxed while socializing in general and may easily get acquainted with new people.

Furthermore, I predominantly judge people regardless of their origin, as their achievements are more important. For instance, I do not feel respect for children of wealthy parents, whose only intention implies constant entertaining themselves. I admire people, who achieve their aims due to their perseverance, hardworking nature, and go-headedness.

Apart from the pursuit of success, American culture encourages to adhere to morals while achieving personal goals. Therefore, in the case of professional communication, I find it improper to receive promotions via lies and betrayal of other employees. In addition, this approach implies stimulating to development of strong qualities of an individual instead of judging for drawbacks. Consequently, I may accept all the specialties of a partner in a conversation unless they harm me.

For instance, I have a friend, who is extremely creative and capable of elaborating on brand-new ideas. However, her creative nature expresses via her appearance, and she is interested in changing her hair color and wearing strange outfits, and, occasionally, she looks forbidding. Despite her appearance, I appreciate her strong features and her respectful attitude to me.

Southern culture

The culture of the Southern people of the United States has had a significant impact on my personality and shaped my world perception to some extent. First of all, it is a widely known fact that representatives of such communities are patriotic, which is also characteristic of me. Despite political problems in the country, which occur from time to time, I resent judging the government and never lose hope in the U. S. In addition, I am extremely sensitive in discussing political issues with friends. I do not support strong criticism of the political course and the living conditions when people are not satisfied with every aspect of their life.

I also find it inappropriate to escape from military service and always attempt to convince a partner in conversation to encourage them to participate in the defense of the country. Furthermore, Southern culture taught me Christian values, which I adhere to daily. Therefore, lies, greed, and harm to other people are impermissible for me in communication with other people. I resent vulgarism and attempt to avoid socializing with such people.

Although Southern culture has had a predominantly positive impact on my behavioral patterns and beliefs, there are also negative consequences. Racist views are widely spread among the population in this area, and, occasionally, I perceive its influence on my communication patterns (Tisby). In some cases, I have particular prejudices against black people.

I have strong associations between them and the high crime rate (Tisby). Occasionally, black people in high positions make me doubt, and I communicate with them with distrust (Tisby). However, I understand this problem, which prevents me from relaxed conversations with black people, and I attempt to overcome it gradually.

Buddhist culture

In some aspects, Buddhist culture shaped my world perception, namely in the context of my evaluation of my experience. Previously, I used to be disappointed in case of my mistake or disrespectful attitude toward me. After I had read Buddhist sangha, my perspective in this regard altered considerably. I regard appealing to the idea that everything, which happened to me regardless of the consequences at that moment, is beneficial for me, and occasionally this may be revealed only in the future.

Now, instead of blaming someone, having hard feelings for my nearest people, and quarreling, I attempt to stop my negative emotions and reflect, on why this situation happened in my life. I believe that even challenges and problems in my path may benefit me in case I analyze them and make appropriate conclusions. Furthermore, the Buddhist sangha encourages me to be grateful for everything people make for me.

Such an approach changes my relationships with my friends and relatives positively. Currently, I attempt to abandon quarreling and having hard feelings. Instead, in case of misunderstanding, I do my best to have an in-depth conversation with a person to clarify all the issues. As a result, my relationships have become more trustful and accepting, and I have become closer with my friends and family.

In addition, I have started to be grateful to the people, who surround me. I used to take for granted the breakfast cooked by my mother every morning, though now I understand that this action reveals her love and care for me. This approach led to a better attitude to each other, and we have become more careful and caring.

The Impact of Culture on Communication

In conclusion, it can be noticed that different cultures shaped the way I communicate with others considerably. There are positive habits, such as accepting others regardless of their drawbacks and specialties. In addition, I predominantly judge people for their achievements which imply a fair evaluation of an individual. Southern culture taught me patriotism and love for the country, as well as Christian values, which encourage me to adhere to morals.

I have learned an approach to my experience in life in Buddhist culture, which improved my relationships with my friends and family. Our communication has become deeper, more trustful, and more respectful after I started to adhere to particular principles. However, there are some negative aspects, which shaped my contact with people. For instance, the Southern culture imposed racism, which reveals in some cases. This fact led to some barriers to socializing with Afro-Americans, though I attempt to abandon this prejudice.

Work Cited

Tisby, Jemar. Im a black man who moved to the Deep South. Heres what its teaching me about race. Vox, 2019. Web.

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