Drinking-Water in Third World Countries

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Nowadays, it became a statement of good taste, on the part of neo-Liberal politicians, to look at issues of socio-political importance through the lenses of perceptional irrationalism, without being unable to understand that such their attitude can hardly be held in any value, whatsoever. The shortage of drinking water in countries of Third World and the public controversy, surrounding the issue, illustrates the validity of this thesis better then anything else. Somehow, neo-Liberals twisted sense of logic, bring them to conclusion that, once peoples ability to drink clean water will be proclaimed as their essential human right, the problem of water shortage in Third World countries would be effectively dealt with. In his article Clean Water is a Human Right, Kevin Watkins provides us with the insight on innately irrational subtleties of such logic: So what can be done to tackle the global crisis in water and sanitation? The starting point is to legislate for water as a human right& we urge all developing countries to invest at least 1 percent of GDP in accelerating progress in water and sanitation, with an emphasis on reaching the poor rather than subsidizing the rich (Watkins 2006). Author has obviously failed in understanding one very simple fact  the very concept of human right implies it being taken, rather then given. But what it the most important  by proclaiming that people are entitled to utilize a specific natural resource (water), within a context of them taking an advantage of the concept of human rights, will not result in increasing the physical amount of these resources. Those who scream bloody murder, over the fact that today, there is an acute shortage of drinking water in Africa, never bother asking themselves a question  why this was not the case even as recent as fifty years ago? Had they done it, they would realize that the shortage of drinking water in countries of Third Water simply reflects these countries much bigger problem  the problem of overpopulation. For example, the population of Ethiopia has tripled, within a matter of last twenty five years, while being subjected to never-ending famine and civil wars. After being liberated of white oppression, people in countries of Third World had found themselves at liberty to indulge in socially-irresponsible mode of behavior. The overwhelming majority of these people do not know how to farm, how to assemble cars or how to design computer programs  all they know is how to make babies. And, after the living standards in Third World countries started to decline rapidly, as a result of these countries experiencing demographic explosions and as a result of white oppressors being chased away by locals, people as Kevin Watkins now suggest that it is up to citizens in Western countries to actually help countries like Haiti, Nigeria or Bangladesh dealing with their own problems. For those, who were able to retain their sense of logic, despite being subjected to politically correct brainwashing for years, it is quite impossible to think of such suggestions other then preposterous. If there is anything we can do to help citizens of Third World countries dealing with their sense of hunger and thirst, it would be reducing the number of such citizens by distributing them with condoms and encouraging them to undergo the process of sterilization. The idea of spending money of Western taxpayers to make drinking water universally available in countries of Third World is just as productive, within a context of relieving locals suffering from thirst and hunger, as Catholic help the needy children of Africa charity campaigns. In his book The Death of the West, Patrick J. Buchanan points out at the conceptual inconsistency of humanitarian initiatives, associated with Christianity: Great folly of Christian doctrine was probably never as glaringly revealed as by the insane policies the Christian churches implemented in the Third World. The churches oppose contraception, sterilization, and abortion among their members. This results in exploding population growth which is further abetted by the medical care and food provided by the same churches (Buchanan p.125). After having benefited humanity by organising Crusades, burning heretics at the stake, encouraging people to indulge in witch hunt and now, by preventing citizens in Third World countries from practicing safe sex, Catholics have came up with another bright idea, as to how they can help poor Blacks. In her article Access to Clean Water is a Human Right, Stresses Vatican, Kathy Shandling talks about this idea at length: According to the Pope, the public and private sectors must work together to ensure that all people, especially the poor, have access to clean, potable water. As noted by the Pope, water is a universal and unalienable right for all people (Shandling 2008). We do not doubt Popes ability to come up with nicely sounding but utterly meaningless suggestions, but we do doubt whether these suggestions can have any practical effect. It is perfectly understandable that devout Christians are not entirely normal; therefore, it would be naïve to expect that they can be reasoned with. It is their right to do whatever they want in their free time. However, the idea that ordinary citizens in Western countries are responsible for providing drinking water to exploding Third World populations does not only concern religious fanatics, which is why it is absolutely inappropriate. It is not only that newly arrived immigrants from Third World countries now celebrate diversity at our expense on our soil, but that we also must pay for their countless brethrens in these countries to have plenty of drinking water! And the reason we have to do it is because this is a right thing to do. It might very well be the case, but in this paper, we will dare to disagree with Christian moralists and with their neo-Liberal cronies, as we believe that Western countries experience plenty of their own problems, in order to be in position of throwing money into the air, while financing numerous humanitarian initiatives that concern Third World countries.

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For the duration of last 30 years, not a single U.N. Session has been conducted, without delegates spending a great amount of time, while discussing what can be done to eliminate hunger in developing countries. Yet, despite milliards of dollars being poured into these countries economies, over the course of decades, people in Africa did not become less hungry. The reason for this is simple  developing countries are not really developing, they are rapidly descending in primeval savagery. Therefore, only very naïve people can expect that monetary donations, on the part of Western nations, can somehow improve peoples living standards in Third World. The promoters of neo-Liberal agenda deliberately divert citizens attention from the fact that the problem of drinking water shortage in Third World can be easily solved by issuing locals with shovels and showing them how to dig welds. Instead, these self-proclaimed lovers of mankind hold expensive conferences on elimination of worlds thirst, while staying at seven stars hotels and while quenching their thirst with champagne that cost $1000-$1500 a bottle. During the course of these conferences, self-appointed delegates supply Medias with shocking statements: world stands on the brink of water bankruptcy, universal draught is a hand, African children need water now! etc. This makes gullible citizens in Western countries to experience some sort of moral guilt over the shortage of water in Third World, which in its turn, causes them to be more willing to open up their wallets, when being approached by collectors of donations. Then, these donations are being laundered through Nigerian banks and placed on private accounts of spokesmen for worlds thirst, so that can they again get together, while holding conferences on how to make water universally available. And so it goes on and on.

The professional moralists have long ago turned their whining about worlds injustices into a highly lucrative commercial enterprise. Today, in order to increase the emotional appeal of their water shortage agenda, they even bring in the issue of AIDS: Children and adults living with HIV/AIDS require clean drinking water to survive. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, millions of people lack access to the necessity of clean drinking water. In this same region, some 25 million people are living with HIV/AIDS (Grist 2009). They however, do not tell us why it is a matter of such an importance to insure that AIDS affected people survive (which is an absurd idea in itself), given the fact that African countries are grossly overpopulated by even healthy people. Apparently, these moralists have a hard time, while addressing the realities of post-industrial era. Their moral narrow-mindedness prevents them from realising a fact that there is simply not enough room for all on this planet. What they seem to be absolutely incapable of understanding is that governments of Third World countries actually strive to reduce the number of their citizens, because these citizens represent a heavy demographical burden. Therefore, whatever cynical it might sound, the more people die from the lack of drinking water in such countries, the better are the chances for these countries to remain more or less economically competitive. Thus, the idea that Western nations should insure a steady flow of drinking water to people who live in Third World slums is not just utterly inappropriate  it is criminally insane. Those who promote such idea should actually be charged with undermining the national integrity of their own nations.


Buchanan, P. (2001). The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization. NY: Thomas Dunne Books.

Shandling, K. Access to Clean Water is a Human Right, Stresses Vatican. (2008). Maxims News Network. (2009). Web.

Thirsty Planet. (2009). Grist Environmental

News and Commentary. (2009). Web.

Watkins, K. Clean Water is a Human Right. (2006). International Herald Tribune. (2009). Web.

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