Vapi Pharmaceutical Firms: Strategies for Toxic Waste Disposal

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Vapi (India) pharmaceutical companies strategies on toxic waste products dont satisfy and comply with laws and legislation on toxic waste management. The toxic waste products management procedures dont reflect relevant training on staff with regard to management of toxic waste products. The machineries used in management of toxic waste products dont meet minimum occupational health and safety legislation. This study concerns itself with studies on sustainable strategies with respect to toxic waste products management. It will therefore examine and analyze the sustainable strategies for effective disposal of toxic waste, the machinery that should be used, and the training that should be given to the staff of the pharmaceutical companies for the implementation of effective toxic waste disposal.

Statement of the problem

Vapi (India) pharmaceutical firms have toxic waste product management strategies but the strategies dont reflect the laws and legislation on toxic waste management. This study will analyze the suitable strategies to be adopted for the effective disposal of toxic waste for selected firms in Vapi (India).

Objective of toxic waste management

To suggest suitable strategies for the effective disposal of toxic waste of selected Vapi (India) pharmaceutical firms with regard to staff training and machinery.

Hypothesis of the study

The strategies adopted by pharmaceutical firms towards disposal of toxic waste products are in line with law and legislation on sustainable waste products management framework.

There are sustainable strategies towards effective toxic disposal management with respect to machinery and training of the staff.

Significance of the study

The study will propose sustainable strategies for toxic waste product management that are in line with law and legislative protocols governing management of toxic products. The study will propose relevant training and detoxification procedures and legislation that should be implemented to effect sustainable toxic waste management and to improve production.

Theoretical basis

Davenport, Jarvenpaa and Beers (1995) stated that there should be knowledge work process improvement objects in a firm. This study emphasized on knowledge work improvement and its relevance to change. Managers can be trained to become knowledge policy and strategic decision makers and left alone for several years while they are given a chance to prove themselves. Sustainable strategies for effective toxic waste management should be based on the vision, mission, objectives and key enabling strategies of the pharmaceutical companies. Knowledge managers will improve their performance due to fear of change and will be stimulated to do their duties. These managers should actively participate in professional or discipline based associations to make toxic waste disposal policies (Vogler 1983).

In improving ISO 9000 standards, Lee (1995) suggested that companies should maintain high standards in their operations and management of resources. This enables them to achieve and maintain a good corporate and social responsibility. Pharmaceutical companies should have sustainable strategies for effective disposal of toxic waste that ensures that all employees perform their duties well to maintain international standards. Therefore, employees should dispose toxic wastes efficiently to achieve and maintain these standards.

Butler and Albertini (1995) imply that there should be research and development networking in a pharmaceutical company. There should be continuous environmental audits of toxic waste disposal activities by the pharmaceutical companies to access its environmental consequences. Pharmaceutical companies should network with others to facilitate research on improvement of their operations and ensure that there is a good environment management strategy to stop pollution. Research and development networking will introduce modern techniques of effective disposal of toxic waste.

Research methodology

Research design

The research design which will be carried on this study is a descriptive survey. The main aim will be the description of the state of affairs as it exists. Kerlinger (1973) points out that descriptive studies are not only restricted to findings, but may result in the formulation of important principles of knowledge and solution to significant problems. They involves collection of data, measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, The tool that will be employed in the initial identification process will be visiting different pharmaceutical companies in Vapi (India). This will be achieved by booking appointments with the managers of the companies.

Data collection

In this research both primary and secondary data will be used. Primary data will be obtained by using questionnaires while secondary data will be found in the internet, journals and books. This research will be carried through quota sampling in which several pharmaceutical companies will be selected in Vapi (India). Toxic waste disposal strategies of different companies in Vapi (India) will be represented and analyzed.

The research Instruments

Webster (1985) suggests that Questionnaires and interviews are essential instruments that can be used in field research. They will be used whereby all the managers of the selected pharmaceutical companies will answer similar questions. Focus group discussions with middle level managers and supervisors of selected pharmaceutical companies will also be convened to identify whether they use sustainable strategies ineffective disposal of toxic waste management, and how often they review their disposal of toxic waste strategies.

Data analysis and presentation

The collected data as argued by Tuchman (1987) will be organized by preprocessing to eliminate unusable data, interpretation of ambiguous answers and contradictory data from related questions. A coding system will be developed and the storage of the data determined which will be both on paper and electronic storage. Statistical software will then be chosen a word processor, spreadsheet, databases, statistical systems or geographical systems. Qualitative data will be analyzed by a quick impressionist summary of the key findings, explanation, interpretation and conclusion.

Data presentation

The presentation of data as argued by Philip and Pugh (1994) will be done using statistical techniques such as frequency distribution tables, measures of central tendency like mean, median, mode and measures of dispersion such as range, variance and standard deviation. Data will be presented using graphical techniques such as a histogram, polygon, bar graphs and a pie chart.

Research plan

The research and writing of the dissertation will be done in twenty eight days starting from 8th December 2008 to 4th January 2009. Vehicles will be used for transportation. Letter of authority for carrying out the research will be got from the supervisor and the council officials so that compliance and cooperation of pharmaceutical firms will be optimal. Initial contact of pharmaceutical firms will be made before carrying out the study to give the pharmaceutical firm time to plan for the questionnaire and interview (appendix 1).


  1. Davenport, T., & Jarvenpaa, S. a. (1995). Improving Knowledge Work Processes. Earnst and Young, LLP.
  2. Kerlinger, F. (1973). Foundation of Behavioural Research. New York, N Y: Holt, RenChalt and Winston.
  3. Phillip, J. S. and Pugh, M.J. (1994). Research Methodology: Methods and techniques. New Delhi: Light Publishers.
  4. Tuchman, S. (1987). Scientific Methods and Social Research (Revised ed.). New York: Sterling.
  5. Vogler, J. (1983). Working form Waste. London: ITT
  6. Webster, S. (1985). Educational Research: Competence for Analysis and Application (6th Edition ed.). New Jersey: Macmillan.
  7. Butler, J. and Albertini, S. (1995). Networking in a Pharmaceutical Company: Some Implications for Human Resource Management. R and D Management (UK) , Vol. 25 (issue no. 4), pp. 377-394.
  8. Lee, T. Y. (1995). The Experiencof Implementing ISO 9000 in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Quality Management (UK) , Vol. 4 (Issue no. 4), pp.6-7.

Appendix 1: Budget timetable and costing

Consolidation of literature, design and developing research instruments. Library search, travelling expenses £30 per day 3 days £90
Research, induction and training Transport for researcher and 2 research assistants £10× 3 days×3 £90
Pilot survey Transport for researcher and research assistants £100×3 £300
Finalizing of research instruments, typing and photocopy(3 days),+purchases 300 Questionnaires × £1 each. laptop @£500,video recorder @£500,camera @250 £1550
Field data collection(14days) + provision for contingencies Travel, accommodation and subsistence researcher 1×14 days £200+2 assistants 14 days×2×100 +contingencies@£1000 £9400
Data processing, analysis and reporting(2 days) 1 researcher and two research assistants 3×2 days ×£200 £1200
Total £12630

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