Penders and Parses Theories in Nursing Practice

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How Penders Model and View of Health Influences the Practice of the Advanced Practice Nurse

Nursing involves protecting, promoting, and optimizing health. Nursing professionals achieve this goal by preventing illnesses and injuries from occurring. In case they occur, nurses play a key role in the healing process. Hence, nursing services are important in the alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of people. Therefore, any advanced nursing practice must correspond harmoniously to the goal of health promotion, protection, and optimization. Penders view of health constitutes as presented in this theory influences the practice of the advanced practice nurse. The model portrays the complex process that individuals experience in their attempt to pursue health. It advocates for health promotion with the primary objective of helping individuals, communities, and even families to acquire healthy behaviors that foster the achievement of their optimal health potential (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2011).

The practice of advanced nursing has the promotion of healthy behaviors as one of its important tenets. Hence, Penders theory is an important guideline on how advanced nursing practice theorizes and practically promotes healthy behaviors as the basic pillar of protecting, promoting, and optimizing health. For example, the theory argues that it is necessary to modify behaviors that present barriers to the acceptance of behaviors that promote health (Pender et al., 2011). To this extent, advanced nursing can utilize this view to help in overcoming health barriers, especially when people understand the benefits that accrue from the alteration of their attitudes towards health.

How the Development of the Parses Theoretical Perspective helped to Frame Nursing Knowledge and/or Influence the Practice of the Advanced Practice Nurse

The theory of human becoming postulated by Parse helped to frame nursing knowledge. The theory has influenced the practice of advanced nurse since it introduces the necessity and importance of nursing practice to factor in the role of patients in health promotion. It relates the quality of life from the context of an individuals perspectives, which it asserts should constitute the primary goal of advanced nursing practice. Hence, the theory of human becoming is transformative to every level of nursing. Weaver and Olson (2006) support this assertion by noting that the theory does not focus on offering quick fixes to health problems. Rather, it permits nurses to have an overall grasp of nursing practice from a patient perspective. Therefore, through the theory, the practice of advanced nursing becomes patient-centered. This way, the relationship between the patient and the nurse co-creates to encourage a change of health patterns while fostering the achievement of health goals.

How Penders Health Promotion Model can be utilized to Guide the Advanced Practice Nurse in Carrying out the AACN Essential VIII in their Daily Practice

The behavior recognition aspect of Penders health promotion model is central since it enables nurses to execute the AACN Essential VIII in their daily practice. It calls upon nurses to assess behavior-specific cognitions coupled with their effects in diagnosis and establishment of care plans (Pender et al., 2011). The model insists that nurses should consider environmental factors such as care providers, families, and peers while at the same time not neglecting situational factors in their practice. Pender et al. (2011) assert that people perceived benefits, their apparent barriers to taking action, and the awareness of self-efficacies are critical in transforming behaviors, either indirectly and directly. The theory argues that improved health influences individuals, communities, families, and the society. In fact, AACN Essential VIII calls upon nurses to make these considerations in their daily practice. It recognizes how Masters-prepared nurses apply and/or integrate broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally appropriate concepts in their planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals and families.


Pender, N., Murdaugh, C., & Parsons, M. (2011). Health promotion in nursing practice. Web.

Weaver, K., & Olson, J. (2006). Understanding paradigms used for nursing research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(4), 459-469.

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