Category: 19th Century

  • End of the 19th Century in American History

    The history of the United States covers the progressive era, the new deal, and the post-World War II. The end of the 19th century was influential in the history of the US. This is a period that has often been remembered as an era of progress and expansion. The period was characterized by unparalleled economic…

  • Slavery in the 1800s and in Modern Society: Essay

    Both today’s society and the society of the 1800s have different types of restrictions and freedom. Today, there are more rules than before. Slaves in the 1800s didn’t have much freedom. They were forced into hard labor, families were split, mothers and babies were forced to leave their arms, and slaves were forced to work…

  • Development Of Sports During The 19th Century

    If it was possible to travel a bit more than a century in the past most of the sports that we know and cherish today would not exist. Even the sports that were around, today we would have a hard time recognizing. The development of organized sports in the 19th century possessed an extensive role…

  • The Rise And Fall Of World Trade In The 19th Century

    Many economists have attributed the increase in world trade as an effect of globalization. Globalization is the integration of international markets (ORourke et al, 2002 p.25), that is, gravitating to a single world market. This first happened in the 19th century as the world was never globalized to this extent before and this was evidenced…

  • Changes In Lives Of Women During 19th And 20th Century

    In glancing back at the times, we have considered we see that normal examples of thought with respect to gender orientation have run however the course of history, so we shouldn’t be amazed that despite everything we are impacted by and experience the impacts of these convictions. Women life has been better and changed during…

  • Factors That Contribute to Social Justice

    Social justice is the equal access to wealth, opportunities and privileges within society. The concept of social justice began in the early 19th century which happened to be during the industrial & Civil revolutions in Europe. The concept of social justice arose with the aim to create a society that contended that every member of…

  • Impact of American Revolution and European Revolutions on Literary World: Analytical Essay

    How Revolutions Changed the Literary World The 18th and 19th centuries were a time of chaos and great change. They brought forth many drastic changes in terms of cultures, societal ideologies, and personal belief systems around the world. Prior to the 18th century, people had As nations began to expand and empires collapsed, people of…

  • Discursive Essay on Industrial Revolution: Analysis of Advances and Positive Impacts

    In source 1, Erasmus Darwin speaks about the revolutionary piece of technology that changed the way of life in the 19th century- the steam engine. The steam engine affected the industrial revolution in various ways, particularly the textile industry. It allowed large pieces of machines in factories to produce mass amounts of cheap energy and…

  • Causes of Late 19th Century Imperialism

    As the role of the United States grew globally in the late 19th century into the early 20th century, many motivating factors caused this growth. Americans looked to other lands and saw hope in potential territory gains and economic prosperity, but the main reason was two-sided in assisting other nations for humanitarian and Social Darwinist…

  • Analysis of The Balcony by Edouard Manet

    Édouard Manet is known and celebrated today for being pioneer of the Impressionist movement in 19th Century France. He was born in Paris in 1832 and grew up in an affluent family with ties in politics. He was expected to pursue a career in law, but instead decided to explore the world of art. After…