Category: Accident

  • Road Traffic Accidents: Types And Factors

    What are the road traffic accidents? A road accident refers to any accident involving at least one road automobile and occurring on a street open to public flow. Wherein as a minimum one character is injured or killed. Intentional acts (murder, suicide) and natural screw-ups are excluded. ‘Killed folks’ are coincidence sufferers who die without…

  • Automatic Accident Alert System

    Abstract In highly populated Countries like India, everyday people lose their lives due to accidents and poor emergency facilities. A number of the rescue teams face difficulty in reaching the injured people due to late alerts and insufficient information of the particular accident location. The appearance of the portable And Internet of Things (IOT) industries…

  • Safety And Accidents In Lebanon

    The land transport fleet in Lebanon consists of more than 1.5 million registered vehicles. The lack of an efficient, reliable and wide public transport system has necessitated a reliance and eventual dependence on the personal car as the main means of transport within the country. The rate of car ownership of 2.7 persons for every…

  • IoT Based Accident Detection And Rescue System

    INTRODUCTION It is estimated that urban populations in developing countries are currently growing at around 4 % per annum. Many developing world cities are increasing the capacity of their road networks, but often at the expense of the safety of the vulnerable road users. As a result, many people die and are injured unnecessarily in…

  • Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection And Messaging System

    ABSTRACT In Today’s life the use of vehicle and advance technology is growing very fastly because of this there is both the advantages and the disadvantages. The advancing technology has increased lot of vehicle accident which is resulting in lot of life loss. The main purpose of the project is to mainly focus on detecting…

  • Factors Distributing To Road Accidents

    According to Noorliyana Omar, Joewono Prasetijo, Basil David Daniel, and Mohd Asrul Effendi Abdullah (2016) road accidents occur when traffic conflicts between vehicular movements which can cause delay and traffic congestion. In addition, it has major impacts on the society, economy and progress of a country. Traditional considerations of road safety focus on physical environment,…

  • Accident Prevention System

    ABSTRACT Automobile are very useful in both domestic and industrial for transportation of good and for personal use. But the main disadvantage is there are chances of accident on road. But there are many ways we can implement to reduce the accident by providing small devices. Currently the impact of Sensors is huge in the…

  • Car Accident Essay

    A Fathers prized possession will always be his little girl. Car accidents don’t just happen to cars, they also happen to us. The image is a component of a vigilance campaign done by a security routine. It was used as an advertisement to promote and bring to light the consequences of speeding. The main purpose…

  • Personal Narrative: Hiking Accident

    Introduction Embarking on a hiking trip is often filled with excitement and anticipation. The great outdoors, fresh air, and breathtaking views beckon adventurers to explore. However, sometimes even the best-planned adventures can take an unexpected turn. In this narrative essay, I will recount a hiking accident that forever changed my perspective on preparedness, resilience, and…

  • Dangers of Speeding: Personal Narrative Essay

    My friend David has a motorcycle. This one is not very big, but it can reach a very dangerous speed. Just to remind those who like to speed, if you do it on the road, it is dangerous for you and other road users. One night when I was sitting in the back seat of…