Category: Accountancy

  • Modern Jobs: Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Copywriters

    Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks These jobs are three of the most important in the company. Any company of whatever industry always fills these positions as soon as the company operations have started. It is revealed that these positions are offered in many different ways like temporary, contractual, or full-time. As for the nature of…

  • Adopting International Accounting Standards

    The effort to achieve a single set of global accounting standards has gained significant momentum in the recent past. The logic behind the development of a single set of high-quality global accounting standards for the worlds integrating capital markets has become more evident especially with the collapse of major corporations in the recent past which…

  • Accounting, Social Media, Workplace Ethical Issues

    Abstract Business ethics take different forms and are applied at all levels and stages of its operation and management. The society expects corporations to adhere to a set of norms and rules for them to sustain their competitive advantages. In other words, corporations are expected to comprehensively practice corporate social responsibility (CSR). Among the ethical…

  • CareTech Holdings Accounting Finance Resources

    The principles of costing and business control that may be adopted in CareTech Holding PLC The costing scheme that CareTech has adopted is based on the IFRS standard. According to the Companies Act of 2006, under section 408, the company has to present a comprehensive income statement. Following the regulations, the income statement of the…

  • Economic Versus Accounting Profit

    Introduction (CRM) is a company that provides business software to organizations based on the cloud computing platform. The revenue model is based on subscriptions. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in San Francisco, USA. It is a publicly-traded corporation. The chief executives of the company are Marc Benioff, the Chairman, and…

  • Big Beans Companys Transactions and Accounting

    Table of Contents Introduction Sales with immediate delivery Sales with delayed deliveries Transaction without sale and delivery Introduction Big Beans has entered into their transactions of stated sales. These transactions involve the accounting recognition of sales revenue. The accounting treatments of these three transactions have been reviewed in this write up taking into consideration the…

  • Organizational Culture of Accounting Profession

    Introduction As professional people increasingly under public scrutiny, accountants find themselves exposed to complex ethical issues. There are many ethical issues with which accountants struggle and points to ethical systems as tools that can be used to solve ethical dilemmas. By understanding the rational methods by which ethical issues may be examined, the professional accountant…

  • The Charter Companys Accounting Issues

    The Charter Company, which is a cable TV service provider, has challenges in maintaining its cash flow and the CEO decided to misrepresent its customer base, incorrectly capitalize costs, and manipulate the billing rates. After making these efforts, the CEO realized that the company was going to miss its projected annual cash flow by almost…

  • Accounting. Current and Non-Current Assets

    Introduction Current assets are assets which are most liquid in the organization the assets which can be used up or be sold in the business cycle. Current assets are those assets which cannot be held in the organization for more than one year and they form the basis of working capital of the business. Current…

  • A Management Accounting Analysis of the Organisation

    Introduction Business management is a systematic process of four combined activities such formulating strategies, communicating these strategies throughout the organization, developing and carrying out tactics to implement the strategies and developing and implementing controls to monitor the success of the strategy in terms of achieving strategic objectives of the organization. To do these activities smoothly…