Category: Acquisition

  • Skype Limited Acquisition: Qik

    Table of Contents Introduction Strategy Regulatory Valuation Finance Defence Tactics Implementation Risk References Introduction One of the surprise acquisition announcements that was made and closed within a single month was the acquisition of Qik by Skype Limited (Venture Deal, 2011). The acquisition deal was announced at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on 6 January, 2011 (Indvik,…

  • The Role of Mergers and Acquisitions for the Financial Performance of Banco Santander

    Introduction Integration in a given firm and/or industry refers to the process of organizing production based on organizational unification as well as technology of different production processes. The management of any given firm should employ a method of integration which offers the specific company technological efficiency. A firm is said to be technologically efficient if…

  • Acquisitions and Total Shareholder Returns

    The article discussed in this summary declares acquisitions and cash stockpiling to be among the most beneficial strategy for improving total shareholder returns (TSR) of 2012. S&P 500 companies that engaged in the practices actively outperformed their more passive counterparts substantially throughout the year. However, this success cannot be used to indicate that acquisitions are…

  • Oracle-Sun Merger: Mergers and Acquisitions

    Changing conditions of business environment normally result in various measures from corporations. While some aim at responding directly to immediate changes, most of the responses normally focus on mitigating possible crises following adverse effects of the dynamic market conditions. Mergers and acquisitions usually characterize business expansions and strategies aimed at managing overhead costs as well…

  • Vipshop Holdings Limited: Merger and Acquisition

    Vipshop Holdings Limited is a Chinese online retailing company specialized in selling popular brands clothes, goods, and apparel. Established in 2008 by Eric Ya Shen, it operates via the website and has the headquarters in Guangzhou, China (WSJ Markets, 2020). Vipshop is the largest online store based on providing discounts for customers, and such…

  • Contract Managers Code of Ethics in Acquisition

    Table of Contents Introduction Requirements for Contract Managers Ethics Quality Improvement Guaranties Expenditures Reduction Corporate Social Responsibility Encouraging Professional Development Diversity Conclusion References Introduction Contract management is the sphere, which implies achieving compromises between different sides and fulfilling their interests, which may contradict each other in some cases. In this context, misunderstandings and conflicts are…

  • Disney Company Potential Acquisition of Pixar Inc

    Disney is a worldwide entertainment company; the CEO of Walt Disney Company, Robert Iger, has expressed interest in acquiring Pixar Inc. At the same time, Pixar is the most famous animation studio in the world. The two companies had worked together before and attained great success. In 1991, they had a three-picture deal that resulted…

  • Business Mergers and Acquisitions and Their Causes

    For a business entity, operating without the support of a business partner is impossible. Therefore, opportunities for building cooperation and support are typically sought. Mergers and acquisitions are often viewed as the source of essential support and the means of expanding power, which is why they have been particularly popular recently. The reasons for an…

  • International Merger and Acquisition

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Merger between InBev and Anheuser-Busch Impacts of strategic HRM on cross-border mergers and acquisitions Conclusion Reference List Abstract Merger and acquisition refer to the process where one company acquires another to help in improving its operations. The process leads to the acquired company adapting the control mechanisms of the acquiring…

  • Dell Technologies Mergers and Acquisitions

    Mergers and Acquisitions: Advantages and Disadvantages The concepts of mergers and acquisitions are commonly used when describing the methods of increasing companies value through purchasing assets or businesses. Thus, the former means the integration of two entities for the benefit of both parties while equally dividing their profits (Hitt et al., 2016). It allows them…