Category: Adolf Hitler

  • Transforming Germany into a Totalitarian State by Hitler

    Hitler transformed Germany into a totalitarian state, a political concept of a mode of government that prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state and its claims, an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. It is regarded as the most extreme and complete form of authoritarianism. Germany was reinstated as…

  • Nazism As A Revolutionary Movement

    The Pan Germanic ideology known as Nazism was brought up by Adolf Hitler. To understand the ideology, one must understand its idealist. Thus a history of the life of Adolf Hitler will be examined. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian German born on the 20th of April 1889 to Alois Hitler and his third wife Klaara…

  • The Rise and Fall of Hitler’s Power

    Adolf Hitler did not come to power in a traditional innovative manner. He attempted to take control by force one time and failed. The second time Hitler was ready and by manipulation and lies he got himself elected to political office. By March 23, 1933 Hitler became dictator. His early life shaped him into the…

  • The Humanity Behind The Holocaust

    The Holocaust was an event in history that will be entrenched within our minds for eternity. The holocaust started when Adolf Hitler became the dictator of German. To anti-Semitic Nazi leader Hitler, the Jews were an inferior race, an alien threat to German racial purity and community. ‘The German nation must find a way out…

  • Causes of the Holocaust Essay

    The Holocaust was a horrific and traumatic event that will serve for the rest of time as a reminder of the terrible atrocities that mankind can commit when put under vulnerable and desperate circumstances. While undeniably a disgusting event in human history, the causes of the Holocaust are often highly debated by historians all around…

  • How Did Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany and Gain His Power? Essay

    Adolf Hitler, the soldier who was once an adorned war veteran of the World War I, the leader who was once praised by millions of Germans, the villain who was responsible for the annihilation of millions of Jews, is now the most hated dictator of the 20th century and debatably throughout human history. All of…

  • Adolf Hitler Vs Nelson Mandela: Comparative Analysis

    Adolf Hitler and Nelson Mandela are prominent people written in world history. Adolf Hitler was known for starting World War II, which resulted in the deaths of more than 50 million people. He is also responsible for the Holocaust, the state-sponsored killing of six million Jews. Nelson Mandela, on the other hand, will be remembered…

  • Why Did Germany Lose World War II? Essay

    Since the devastation of World War II, the events in which the Jewish population were exterminated and the wars where German forces attempted to invade other nations are still being studied and mourned to this day. The question arises as to why Germany lost the Second World War and whether Hitler himself really cost Germany…

  • What Led to the Cold War? Essay

    There were a series of events that led to the inevitable Cold War. Prior to the Cold War the United States and USSR fought together against a common enemy, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis of Germany. USSR were stricken, and arguably still struggle, with the notion that they cannot trust anything or anyone that is…

  • Dictatorships of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini

    The difference in the way Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini dictated is a hotly-debated topic that often divides opinions. There is a great deal of differences between the dictatorship of Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. The way they portrayed their political ideology were very distinct from one another. The ways these three came to power were different.…