Category: Aesthetic

  • Aristotle and Aesthetic Judgement

    Aristotle was a philosopher who wrote many works about ethics, politics, metaphysics, and aesthetics. His conception of beauty was classical, indeed he saw beauty as an arrangement of integral parts into a coherent whole, according to proportion, harmony, symmetry (&) (Sartwell, 2016). The main idea of his concept is that beauty is a sort of…

  • Reflection on the Human Sensorium and Aesthetics as an Ideal Basic for Conservation and Environmentalism

    We talk a lot about aesthetics in a contemporary sense, referring to art and culture but I think Dr Quigley presents an excellent point and food for thought when using aesthetics to refer to the Great Barrier Reef and further link it to idea of the human sensorium and how it can describe certain experiences.…

  • Aesthetic Judgment of Kant

    When an object is perceived as beautiful by an individual, to use as an example, This rose is beautiful then that statement must then have a predetermined judgement on something that is universally agreeable. This reasoning that the rose must be beautiful is, as Kant would describe it, an individuals subjective feeling towards the rose…

  • Critical Analysis of German Expressionism

    German expressionism is not distinguished by a particular style or method of creation, it is better described as a portrayal of the artists’ inner feelings and emotions. This essay explores how Expressionism as a movement emerged across various cities in Germany from approximately 1905 to 1920 and how the prominent artists of that time created…

  • Essay on Censorship in Art

    The instrumental theory of art claims that art serves an external purpose of some sort. According to Professor Goodyears class handout, a typical function of instrumental theory includes expanding and shaping our perceptions, offering new models for interacting with the world, stimulating nationalism, pushing some ideologies, generating a catharsis for psychological health, generating certain feelings…

  • Strega And Gothic Architecture

    Introduction For theme selection, I deeply researched on internet, magazines and design related books and then I finalized the theme by merging two themes, Strega fashion and gothic architecture. I merged these two themes because I wanted to add different elements in my final collection garments and I thought it will look great and different…

  • The Role of Women in Renaissance Florence

    Its 6 pm, Alessandra Strozzi is busy making dinner for her family when she hears the news of her husband’s exile and the whole world comes crashing down for her. Alessandra Strozzi was married to Matteo Strozzi and everything was going well until he was exiled from Florence. After they moved to Pesaro, a plague…

  • Womens Reactions to Expectations During the Renaissance

    Throughout history, women were always seen as inferior to men. Their contributions were always overlooked and most times were denied access to basic necessities in life such as education. The renaissance was a period in history when people started to move away from the dark age and enter a period that was defined by art…

  • Transforming the Renaissance: A Look at Raphael’s Last Altarpiece

    People travel all over the world to see the paintings of Raphael. Even for those less familiar with art, his name is a recognizable one. He makes up the third person of the beloved trinity of the Renaissance, along with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. His creative output is unique from the other two in…

  • Arts of Italian and Northern European Renaissances

    Art is a very wide discipline that is used to convey messages in current communities or remind people of how things used to be some years back. Through art, the current generation can learn the culture of earlier generations. The future generations will also be able to know the culture and religions of the present…