Category: Aesthetic

  • Essay on Jazz, Blues, and Ragtime

    Introduction: Jazz, blues, and ragtime are three distinct genres of music that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, deeply rooted in African American culture and experiences. These genres have not only had a profound impact on American music but have also influenced musical traditions around the world. In this informative essay, we…

  • Analytical Essay on Painting

    Like humans, art too has evolved over the centuries. To what it used to be, to what it is. Often, artists who are in the vanguard of their culture, when express new ideas or what appears to be a new idea, a large number of people do not accept them. Only a small number of…

  • American Art before World War 2 Essay

    Introduction American art before World War II reflects the dynamic and diverse cultural landscape of the United States during the early 20th century. This period witnessed significant artistic developments, with artists exploring various styles and themes that defined American identity and captured the spirit of the times. In this informative essay, we will delve into…

  • Renaissance Art Essay

    The Renaissance was a very impactful time in history in all aspects but mainly art. Although argued by historians it is said to have approximately begun in 1300 and ended around 1600. It is seen as the transition from the dark ages to modern times. The renaissance allowed for the creation of a dramatically new…

  • Essay on the Doric Order of Architecture

    For early civilizations from Egypt, the Middle and Near East, and Crete, an architectural statement was their system of tombs, temples, or palaces, which varied over time due to changes in architectural styles. From the exterior, they appear strongly built, however, on the inside they had a layout of many open spaces that ranged in…

  • Discursive Essay on Graffiti: Art Form or Vandalism

    Introduction The reason I decided to do an extended project on graffiti is I have a personal interest in graffiti, during my free time I like to draw and do some of my own graffiti work, and also do portrait pieces of famous people using graffiti techniques . I complete these at home on paper…

  • Essay on Personal Aesthetic Experience: World of Coca-Cola

    My aesthetic experience is about the World of Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta, Georgia. This is a museum that showcases the history of the Coca-Cola company dating back to 1886. During this time, a pharmacist by the name Pemberton from Atlanta created a soft drink that became popular. The museum relocated into its present facilities, the…

  • Hello Kitty as an Example of How Cuteness Contributes to Consumer Culture: Essay

    In modern societies, artists or manufacturers use elements of cuteness that are pleasing to create mass consumption. Merchandise that is worth millions and is sold across the world is partly due to its appeal of being cute. In this case, a recognizable animated character, Hello Kitty, is famous for representing what is known to be…

  • Evaluation Essay on Importance of Art in a Classroom

    Art education can also benefit mental health. While schools mainly focus on academics, the mental health of students is often left to the wayside. School can be a stressful environment for many students. It’s a critical time in human development. Human brains generally aren’t fully developed until were around 25, the rational part of the…

  • Renaissance Art and Scientific Advancement

    The Renaissance was filled with new ideas and scientific advancements. Many of the artists and architects of the 15th through the 18th centuries employed these new forms of thought in their artwork. Mathematics gave a new perspective to art by creating lines that could deceive the eye. The developments in the science of anatomy allowed…