Category: African American

  • How African Americans Change the Sport?

    Table of Contents Introduction Brief history of American Sports African-Americans who made a mark in the world of sports Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Has anyone ever wondered how the world of sports had turned out different if it was not for African-American athletes? We are very fortunate to live today in this time and in…

  • Single African American Mothers Experiences With Sons

    Background of the Study Parenting adolescents is a challenging task in the modern American society. The problem is compounded when one is forced to raise such teenagers as a single mother. According to Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015), recent statistics showed that about half of African American children are raised by single parents. The study…

  • Health Outcomes of African Americans With Hypertension

    Table of Contents Introduction Target Population Health Issue Relationship between Health Issue and Target Population Current Strategies/Interventions Recommendations/Conclusion References Introduction Hypertension or arterial hypertension is a health condition characterized by high blood pressure in the arteries. According to Hekler et al (2008), hypertension is a major health concern in the United States, and despite numerous…

  • Cardiovascular Disease in African American Population

    Introduction In order to avert heart failure and various heart diseases, its critical to approach the menace factors with caution. Nevertheless, in comparison to the white population, African-Americans frequently possess less admission to health care, according to the research. Not only are they less probable to get an appointment with a specialist and receive the…

  • Obesity in African Americans: Prevention and Therapy

    Table of Contents Prevalence of Obesity Obesity Prevention and Treatment Conclusion References Due to the rapid development of technology and innovations, specialists working in the field of healthcare are provided with an opportunity to improve the quality of life of their patients and reduce the manifestation of symptoms preventing the latter from fulfilling their everyday…

  • Prostate Cancer: African American Cancer Initiative

    Introduction In the United States of America, the mortality rates that relate to cancer have been on the decline since 1990. The declines have been attributed to the measures taken to reduce the risk factors such as early detection and early treatment (Lansdorp-Vogelaar et al., 2012). Despite the recorded declines, statistics show that the mortality…

  • The Christian African American Communitys Care Issues

    Cultural competency is necessary for comprehending and connecting individuals from different cultures. Coordination of care and its potential ethical and policy issues are crucial to understanding the context of special ethnical and religious domains. In this regard, nurses and care coordinators should possess cultural competence, which entails a desire to learn about the cultural peculiarities…

  • Cardiovascular Diseases in African Americans

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Questions Research Design Study Sample Data Collection Study Limitations Research Findings Summary References Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in African Americans while stroke is among the biggest problems affecting women from this race. Beal (2015) conducted a study titled Stroke education needs of African American women…

  • Health Status of the African Americans

    African Americans are among the largest ethnic groups in the United States, with a greater percentage being of African ancestry, while some are of non-Black descent. This population descended from enslaved people from Africa coerced to work in the New World. Working as slaves, they had limited rights and were not entitled to an equal…

  • HIV-Positive African American Women Living in Rural Areas

    Table of Contents Introduction Purpose of the Study The Burden Education Emotional Support Counseling Conclusion Reference List Introduction One of the recurrent problems of this time in matters of health is the emergence of the HIV pandemic. Its effects have been felt on all corners of the world. The pandemic has affected most areas of…