Category: Afterlife

  • The Evidence In The After Life

    Any argument made on the existence of an afterlife requires an extent of conjecture due to the nature of death itself prohibiting first-hand accounts of afterlife experiences. Evidence found within one discipline also often contradicts that of another. It is therefore necessary to take a critical and interdisciplinary approach to explore the evidence used to…

  • Religion, Death And Burial During The Ramesside Period

    Magic and personal piety, were fundamental concepts within religion during the Ramesside period. Source A reveals the remains of 30 shabti dolls found in Nefetaris tomb, with spells from the Book of the Dead carved in each, which ensured the dolls participation of hard labour in place of the deceased during the afterlife. This reliance…

  • Religion, Death And Burial During The Ramesside Period

    Magic and personal piety, were fundamental concepts within religion during the Ramesside period. Source A reveals the remains of 30 shabti dolls found in Nefetaris tomb, with spells from the Book of the Dead carved in each, which ensured the dolls participation of hard labour in place of the deceased during the afterlife. This reliance…

  • The Options For The End Of Life

    In today’s day and age, the options for end of life care are countless and include nursing homes, at home hospice, live-in aides or visiting nurses and family support to name just a few. Most approaches regarding end of life care are often similar and include palliative care, living wills, aid-in-dying, full code and DNR…

  • Pagans And Christians Attitudes Towards Death And The Afterlife

    Death and the mortuary practices of antiquity are mainly examined through the lens of archaeological material evidence. From excavation we can infer the processes behind belief and rituals to some extent, often supplemented by written records of the time. However, death is surrounded by notions and concepts that are simply not tangible, illustrated by fantastical…