Category: Agriculture

  • Agriculture and Its Role in Economic Development

    Table of Contents Introduction Product Contribution Factor Contribution Source of Capital Market Contribution Foreign Exchange Contribution Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation Contribution of Agriculture to Employment Generation Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Agriculture is critical to emerging nations economic prosperity, and its significance in economic development is vital since agriculture employs the majority of the emerging worlds…

  • The Effects of Genetic Modification of Agricultural Products

    Genetically altered foods have recently become a subject of heated discussion among scientists, politicians, and journalists. It is hypothesized by some that such products may constitute a significant threat to the health of the global population, while others reject these misgivings and argue this is just a new stage in the development of science and…

  • Impacts of Genetic Engineering of Agricultural Crops

    The contemporary world is increasing from time to time. This increase considers the growth of the population and, in return, the same growth of needs that should be satisfied. The life of a human being is hard to imagine without the extent of food, meals, and crops, as the main sources of nutrition and as…

  • Mechanism of US Agricultural Market

    The fact that lower interest rates increased the number of potential customers for real estate in the early 2000s shows that housing prices should have increased substantially. Based on market supply and demand theory, a reduced cost would attract an incredible number of consumers and engage them in mortgages irrespective of their incomes. Technically, housing…

  • Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania

    Table of Contents Introduction Aim Conceptual Clarification Conceptual Framework Discussion Analysis and Strategic Solutions Conclusion Recommendations Bibliography Footnotes Introduction National Security is closely connected to the economic processes within the country. Integration in the global economic dynamics stabilizes a countrys financial balance and affects the general success of international trade. Therefore, economic development contributes to…

  • Governmental Price Control in Agricultural Sector

    The most regulated industry in the United States has always been agriculture. During the twentieth century, the state regulation of agriculture and agribusiness in the United States was distinguished by two characteristic features (Cheng et al., 2021). First of all, the state by its intervention does not suppress the activity of farmers and agro-industrial firms,…

  • Agricultural Role in African Development

    It is common to believe that agriculture is a major sector for developing countries, especially rural territories because it does not require vast investment in the innovations and the implementation of the newest technologies. Nevertheless, regardless of a traditionally acceptable economic myth, there is a severe debate around this statement because the role of agriculture…

  • Multinational Agricultural Manufacturing Companies Standardization & Adaptation

    Table of Contents Summary Introduction Reasons Affecting Standardisation and Adaptation Organisational Background Marketing Strategies of Multinational Companies Conclusion Summary Standardization is an approach to marketing that lies in developing certain samples of products, pricing, placement & distribution, or communication to apply to all cases. By contrast, adaptation presupposes modifying any of those in accordance with…

  • The Australian Agriculture Companys Financial Analysis

    Introduction The Australian Agriculture Company (ACC) operates primarily in the cattle processing agricultural industry whose financial positions had been influenced by the volatility of climate conditions. Their conservative land situated in the Northern territory and Queenslands used as the grazing land of their livestock takes crucial drivers for the companys last five years of financial…

  • Homeland Security in Agriculture and Health Sectors

    Is the US Public Health/Medical System Prepared to Deal with an Agri-Terrorist Incident? Lack of attention to the security and protection of the agricultural sector in the U.S. economy can create a serious threat to the health and safety of the population. More importantly, it provides a favorable platform for a terrorist to apply to…