Category: AIDS

  • Factors Challenging the Development of an Effective Vaccine for HIV



    Many individuals worldwide suffer from the incurable human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) since the vaccine to prevent and control the spread and negative impacts of the contagious virus remain futile. Developing this vaccine is one of the greatest challenges that medical practitioners and organizations worldwide have encountered for the longest time since the first case was…

  • Tuberculosis, Influenza A, AIDS in Healthy People 2020



    Healthy People 2020 was launched in 2010 by the Department of Health and Human Services with the aim of promoting equality in health, minimizing disparities in care delivery, and ensuring that more people attain longer. Different communities in Florida such as Miami (Zip Code: 33146) have implemented adequate initiatives to deal with communicable diseases and…

  • HIV/AIDS Treatment Obstacles in Mumbai: Research



    Introduction The present article dwells upon the major issues concerning HIV/AIDS treatment in Indias lower-middle class. Naik et al. (2009) claim that the reduction of medication costs and educational programs concerning the disease and its treatment can improve the situation in the region. Kinds of Research The present article is based on observational research. The…

  • The Trend of HIV and AIDS Infection



    Table of Contents Introduction Evaluating the Research Methods Conclusion References Introduction A report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2001) focused on the status of HIV and AIDS in the United States from 1981 to 2000. The aim of the research, as defined in the research problem, was to determine the trend of…

  • HIV and AIDS Epidemic in Africa: Causes and Effects



    Introduction Epidemics have always been threatening and disruptive events that jeopardize the health, well-being, and lives of populations across large territories. The outbreak of deadly diseases is particularly dangerous due to its devastating outcomes on the healthcare system, society, economy, and human safety in general. HIV/AIDS is one of the most dangerous viruses that impact…

  • HIV & AIDS Prevention by International Non-Governmental Organizations



    HIV/AIDS is a sexually-transmitted with significant negative consequences that extend beyond physical health. Poverty is a significant factor accelerating its spread, and is also increased by the effects of AIDS (Mapp, 2014). Poverty is also linked to decreased education in children, which increases their likelihood of having sexual intercourse before the age of 18, as…

  • Seasonal Influenza, AIDS, Zika Fever in Miami



    Table of Contents Introduction Zika Fever or Zika Virus Disease AIDS Seasonal Influenza Conclusion References Introduction The location analyzed within the frame of the given assignment is Miami, Florida. There is a range of diseases that are currently affecting the community, but the given paper pays close attention to three of them: seasonal influenza, acquired…

  • HIV and AIDS Pathophysiology and Management Comparison



    Table of Contents Introduction Pathophysiology Clinical manifestations Medical management Prognosis Conclusion Reference List Introduction More and more are being discovered about diseases that have been a nightmare to scientists, but researchers are yet to discover vaccines for some diseases. Cures for some diseases have also remained equally elusive. HIV, an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus,…

  • Hepatitis A, Syphilis, AIDS in Miami-Dade County



    Table of Contents Hepatitis A Syphilis AIDS References Healthy People 2020 is an initiative program created by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. It establishes guidelines and goals, which are necessary to achieving national wellness priorities and addressing critical issues in population health. States and local governments are encouraged to follow the…

  • HIV and AIDS Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestations



    Table of Contents Pathophysiology of HIV and AIDS Clinical Manifestations of HIV and AIDS Clinical Manifestations of Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma References Pathophysiology of HIV and AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a blood-borne infection. It is transmitted through various ways. The modes of transmission include unprotected sexual intercourse, transfusion with infected blood, and sharing…