Category: American Revolution

  • The Causes of the American Civil War

    Introduction The Civil War (1861-1865) was one of the most significant events in American history that paved the way for future generations to live in ways that were unimaginable a few years later. It preserved the unity of the nation, gave a much-needed boost to the American economy, and turned the country into the land…

  • Comparing and Contrasting the American (1775-1783) and French (1789-1799) Revolutions

    A revolution occurs once the populace rebellions contrary to the government, typically because of supposed prejudice (social, party-political, or economic) or radical incompetence. Revolts have ensued in the social past, and their policies, length, and supervisory values have all diverse significantly. Substantial variations in culture, economy, and socio- partisan structures are often the product of…

  • Conflict Theory Applied to the American Civil War

    The history of humankind is intertwined with continuous conflicts that emerge based on differences in interests and competition over resources. Wars, social unrest, and other forms of conflicts are inevitable elements of historical development; they are driven by power distribution and the fight for dominance. In this regard, the application of conflict theory to the…

  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Britain and America

    The American lifestyle experienced gradual change with the coming of the industrial revolution. Before industrial revolution took shape in the American world, they mostly practiced farming while most of the rest were artisans. Industrial revolution brought about a great transitional point in the lifestyle of the people in the United States. before industrial revolution, the…

  • Was the American Civil War Inevitable?

    Table of Contents Introduction Economic causes of the conflict The imbalance of power Escalation of the conflict Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The Civil War is among the most widely studied events in American history. It had an essential role in shaping American society and securing the national identity of the United States. The Civil War…

  • The American Revolution and the Russian Revolution

    Introduction The American Revolution (17651783) was a political revolution against the rule of the British Empire that resulted in the independence of the Thirteen Colonies and the establishment of the United States of America. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a period of political and social protests across the territory of the Russian Empire that…

  • The American War for Independence

    The American War for Independence marks one of the most important points in the history of the modern world. In addition to originating the American independence from Britain, the war significantly impacted the revolutionary movement across different countries and positively influenced the countrys economic development. In order to summarize thoughts on the topic, this essay…

  • Civil War: The Second American Revolution

    Table of Contents Introduction Strength for the final explosion Chaos in a country The issue of slavery Conclusion References Introduction As a nation fights its internal threats, as it falls into the tremors of war and discord it has the possibility of losing much of itself in the flow of blood and turmoil and is…

  • Women’s Role in American Revolution: Essay on Revolutionary Mothers

    Revolutionary Mothers The American Revolution is a war that continues to be the subject of constant discussion by historians and intellectuals of our society. The Founding Fathers is a group that played a critical role during the colonial rebellion that unfolded for nearly two decades, between the years 1765 and 1783. The Founding Mothers, as…

  • Essay on Valley Forge

    Valley Forge Case Analysis Todays soldiers would never know how hard it was for our brothers to survive in times when there was no leadership, no assistance, and no remorse on the way of life for an American soldier. The procedures and policies that we have in place for our safety and well-being we sometimes…