Category: Ancient Civilizations

  • Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca Empires

    In ancient times various political and socio-economic systems of the empires either contributed to their power and success or eventually led to the catastrophic downfall of the nation due to flaws in the system. Such empires as Persian, Roman, Mongol, and Inca are among the most prominent empires of all times. While having some similar…

  • Importance of Polis in Ancient Greek

    The significance of Polis resides in the structure of the ancient Greek world. Polis was a structure of community, or territory of the land. It means a community of people living together. Research indicates that Polis is the birthplace of culture (Oniszczuk 33). Thus, an individual Polis was different from the other in terms of…

  • Comparison: Mesopotamia and Ancient Egyptian Culture

    Mesopotamia and ancient Egyptian had many things in common, even though they differed in several ways. The two civilizations were always ahead in terms of inventions, something that made them different from the rest of the cultures at the time. Their inventions affected life in many ways, and they still affect the way people conduct…

  • Homicide Perception in Ancient Greece and Rome

    Table of Contents Civil Perspective Domestic Perspective Political Perspective Conclusion Works Cited In the ancient world, both in Rome and Greece, human life was not considered sacred; therefore, murder and cruelty were widespread. The notions of justifiable and unjustifiable homicide have been significantly different from the way people see it nowadays. The purpose of this…

  • Comparison of the Babylonian, Mongolian, and British Empires

    Table of Contents Introduction The Rise of The Three Empires The Fall of The Three Empires The British Empires Influence in the Society Today References Introduction A civilization can be defined as a human society that is shaped by technological and cultural development. It is a complex society that is composed of cities that have…

  • The Ancient Sumerian History and Legacy

    Table of Contents Abstract Brief History of the Sumerians The Sumerian Culture Literature and Writing The Sumerian Calendar The Monarchy Sumerian school The invention of the Wheel Conclusion References Abstract The term civilization has various definitions depending on the context of the subject being discussed. Many scholars have defined civilization in different contexts but most…

  • Ancient Civilizations: Athenian Democracy vs Australian Democracy

    Introduction Democracy has today evolved to become quite symbolic and viewed by historians as well as critics as different from its historical origin. While democracy is considered as the best form of government a state or country/nation may come up with, many forms from illiberal to liberal have emerged so that it is no longer…

  • Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greeks Comparison

    Use of Geometry Egyptian The use of geometry in Egyptian art, the striding figure, is less emphasized in the fact that symmetry is not used to portray the balance of features in both the right and the left sides. The angular edges of the joints and limps represent more of arcs than corners and sharp…

  • Role of Women in Ancient Greece

    Table of Contents Womens Rights in Ancient Greece Gender Roles: Role of Women Conclusion References Ancient Greek society was one of the most highly developed communities of its time. Science thrived, and so did the economy, architecture, literature, art, and many other components of any culture. On the other hand, however developed the ancient Greek…

  • Social Stratification in Ancient Civilizations

    One of the characteristic features of the emerging civilization is social stratification or social classes. This trait represents the emergence and division of social categories according to wealth, profession, or birth group criteria. Groups formed in the society that worked and performed new essential functions. Professional warriors were now protecting the population from the raids…