Category: Ancient Civilizations

  • Civilization in Mesopotamia During the Bronze Age

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction The Bronze Age refers to a period in history, during which much cultural development occurred. It is noted as the era during which bronze and copper were used extensively to make weapons and other important tools. During this period, trade and commerce grew extensively as a…

  • Comparison of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

    Table of Contents Government Economy Art Religion References It is a well-known fact that ancient Greece and Rome laid the foundation for contemporary western civilization, having developed the fundamental ideas and concepts of philosophy and political rule. Nevertheless, both countries had explicit differences in cultural characteristics regarding social life, religion, life values, architecture, and economics.…

  • Science and Technology in Ancient Civilizations

    Introduction The role of scientific advancement and technological evolution in the development of the ancient civilization was humongous. Improvements in scientific knowledge strategically changed the operations of the inhabitants of the ancient kingdoms. Their way of life was considerably improved through these advancements in both scientific and technological precepts (Krebs & Krebs, 2003). In addition,…

  • Ancient Rome Civilization Accomplishments

    Table of Contents Introduction Political System Engineering Culture Conclusion References Introduction The Roman Empire declined many centuries ago, leaving its inventions and ideas for future generations. Even though the world has experienced numerous historic events since then, reshaping humans lives, the Romans legacies still can be noticed in almost every area, ranging from politics to…

  • The History of Indus Valley Civilization

    Table of Contents Introduction The Indus valley Civilization 5000  1800 BC 2500 BC Indus Seals Decline Of Indus Valley Civilization Conclusion References Introduction More than 5 thousand years ago during the Bronze age, when Egypt and Mesopotamia sprouted, great cities blossomed along the flood plains of the Indus and Saraswati Rivers in modern day…

  • The Ancient Civilizations Impact on the Modern World

    Studying ancient history enables individuals to comprehend the origins and the factors that led to our current location. In doing so, it demonstrates how the efforts of ancient peoples to influence their destinies are analogous to the activities in the modern world. The study of ancient history involves in-depth research into the origins of civilizations…

  • Relationship Between Ancient Greek and Roman Architecture

    Modern scholars believe that it is very difficult to define the relationships between ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Scientists say that these relationships cannot be viewed as those one of the predecessor and the successor, because Romans not only adopted Hellenistic culture but they also transformed it in their own unique way. As far as…

  • The Monumental Architecture in Ancient Greek

    Table of Contents Methods Styles Materials The Differences Conclusion One of the most significant cultures of the ancient world was the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman. Their territories were close to each other; they existed almost in the same period, which is why it is not unusual for them to be directly related to…

  • Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture

    The emergence of the mathematical sciences was a breakthrough discovery for all of human civilization. Laws, orders, equations, and identities gradually took on a material meaning as man learned to transfer numbers and letters from papyrus to life. Ancient Greek architecture was not the least area that underwent significant metamorphosis because of the introduction of…

  • Influence of Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture

    Table of Contents Introduction Pythagorean Mathematics Euclidean Geometry Symmetry Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Ancient Greek architecture is one of the most iconic in the world, utilizing many elements that are used in the modern day. At the same time, Greek scholars were also some of the most advanced; building on the foundations of Egyptians and…