Category: Antigone

  • The Role of Women in Antigone

    Antigone, originally written by Sophocles and reinterpreted by Seamus Heaney, presents Antigone, daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, as a woman who is willing to speak out when the king, her uncle, bans the burial of her brother. Antigone meets all of Aristotles criteria for tragedy with the exception of featuring a bold and headstrong female…

  • Is ‘Antigone’ a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

    Antigone by Sophocles Antigone is convinced that she will be obeying the law of the gods by burying her brother, Polyneices, in honor, although against the command of King Creon. Antigone decides to disobey the Kings decree of leaving her brothers body to rot, after he is killed by his own brother, Eteocles. Antigone argues…

  • Antigone: The Inevitability of Fate

    Sophocles Antigone, written in 441 B.C.E., is over 2000 years old and is still a common element in an average English class reading list. It is a story about a woman who wants to cause no trouble, but will also stop at nothing to honor her brother in his death. Even though King Creon has…

  • Beliefs and Morals in Antigone

    Throughout history, there have been various cases in which the people of a nation have to take the matter into their own hands in order to bring justice to everyone. Civil disobedience is a right that an individual has to oppose an unjust law in a manner that is passive. Not only is it a…

  • Antigone: The Inevitability of Fate

    Sophocles Antigone, written in 441 B.C.E., is over 2000 years old and is still a common element in an average English class reading list. It is a story about a woman who wants to cause no trouble, but will also stop at nothing to honor her brother in his death. Even though King Creon has…

  • The Image Of Creon In Antigone

    In Sophocles play Antigone, the city of Thebes is controlled by King Creon, who fails to acknowledge and distinguish his position as king from his familial relationships. He refuses to hear contradicting opinions and maintains a neglectful character. Throughout the play Creons family end their life because of his stubbornness. Although, he finally acknowledges his…

  • Why Is ‘Antigone’ a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

    Antigone is a Greek tragedy by Sophocles, that centers around a young female, Antigone, after the deaths of her two brothers. Antigones two brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, were battling for the throne of Thebes. As the brothers were dueling against each other, they ended up defeating one another. Since Eteocles was the King of Thebes…

  • Why Is Creon Unable to Stop the Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

    The play is called Antigone not because Antigone suffers the most, but because she suffers at all. The tragedy is befallen by both Antigone and Creon, yet the circumstances upon which they arrive there is where their similarities end. Antigones character is built on such a morally strong basis of fraternal love and reverence to…

  • Antigone’ by Sophocles: The Themes of Tragedy, Rebelliousness, and Free Will

    Despite Greek philosophy not having an accurate meaning of free will, it can be either considered good or bad. The act of having free will generally comes from what you think is the right thing to do. It is a will that allows us to choose what we feel is right based on how we…

  • Masculinity In Classical Greece Plays Antigone And Lysistrata

    Women stepping into the masculine role is exemplified in both Sophocles Antigone and Aristophanes Lysistrata. In response to the mens inability to fulfill their duties, these dynamic characters take on the masculine role to fill the void. Antigone must burry her brother against Creons demands when he refuses to perform the proper ritual rites. Lysistrata…