Category: Antigone

  • Masculinity In Classical Greece Plays Antigone And Lysistrata

    Women stepping into the masculine role is exemplified in both Sophocles Antigone and Aristophanes Lysistrata. In response to the mens inability to fulfill their duties, these dynamic characters take on the masculine role to fill the void. Antigone must burry her brother against Creons demands when he refuses to perform the proper ritual rites. Lysistrata…

  • Analysis of Fallacies and Rhetorical Strategies in Antigone

    Identifying logical fallacies and rhetorical techniques in a work is essential to understand its argument and overall persuasiveness. In Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone, he emphasizes a higher power that transcends the laws of human civilization. In the tragedy, sisters Antigone and Ismene argue over the proper burial for their brother Polyneices. Creon, the new king, wants…

  • The Consequences Of The Power Of Love In Medea And Antigone

    In modern-day societies, love is usually viewed as an amazing feeling with only positive traits attributed to this feeling. Many people fail to realize  or choose to ignore  the negative parts of this feeling of love, which can be a powerful and dangerous source of motivation for all living creatures. In Antigone by…

  • Antigone’ by Sophocles: The Themes of Tragedy, Rebelliousness, and Free Will

    Despite Greek philosophy not having an accurate meaning of free will, it can be either considered good or bad. The act of having free will generally comes from what you think is the right thing to do. It is a will that allows us to choose what we feel is right based on how we…

  • The Development Of Antigone As The Tragic Hero During The Play

    Throughout the play, Antigone, Antigone is acknowledged as the saint, or hero of this play. When comparing her character to Creons, it offers some fascinating conversation starters about the idea of what establishes a hero and a foe. This play shows very evident cause and effect of how ones ego can change the entire direction…

  • Antigone As A Protagonist

    The time when Creon start the execution ceremony, Antigone started singing about herself how she was going to die, and she did not see the ritual of marriage and no one sings for her wedding, and she would marry Akron, She seems sad about her life which will end as she a young woman and…

  • Antigone and MLK: Compare and Contrast Essay

    An injustice to one civilian can spread and create injustices across the country to hundreds of people. In Dr. Kings letter from Birmingham, he states, I cannot sit by& and not be concerned about& Injustice anywhere is a threat to rights everywhere. (King, 1). This demonstrates that Martin Luther King understood that the injustices happening…

  • Antigone Literary Analysis Essay

    The question of what is right or legal had been always a subject of discussion. What is right can be defined as subjective which, is based on someone’s understanding of morality, ethic, and values, and what is legal as an objective which, is based on someone’s understanding of the laws of his community or nation.…

  • The Analysis of the Conflicting Values in Antigone

    The story of Antigone begins after the death of Eteocles and Polynices, Antigones two brothers. Their father, Oedipus, had left the throne to Polynices, but Eteocles took the throne for himself and exiled his brother which resulted in a war that killed them both. Because Eteocles died as King of Thebes, Creon, their uncle and…

  • The Aspects of Feminism in Antigone

    Women were still treated as inferiors in the male-dominated civilization of Early Athens. But Throughout Antigone, there are many references to feminism including: Antigone and Ismenes relationship, Creons anti-feminist remarks, and Antigones fearless and valiant assertiveness. In the opening of Antigone, it is revealed that Antigone and Ismene have different ideas when it comes to…