Category: Antigone

  • Antigone: Women In Ancient Greek Society

    For several centuries, many women have been fighting to have the same rights as men. Men made women believe that they were the second class citizens and were also made to believe that they should always obey a mans order. In fact, in ancient Greece, they believed that a womans sole purpose was to only…

  • Creon as The Tragic Hero in Aristotle’s Antigone

    Creon out of his pride kills his own wife and son out of selfishness which make him a true tragic hero. Creon is a character who so caught up with what others think. Creon is isolated character who keeps to himself his plans and acts. He is very misleading character tries to lead others to…

  • The Idea Of Political Resistance In Antigone By Sophocles And Bartleby The Scrivener By Herman Melville

    Bartleby is quite a peculiar character because he doesn’t do any of the tasks he is asked to do. Bartleby is a character who refuses the power of authority. Instead of following the rules, he decides to go along with his own. Whenever his boss, a lawyer asks him to do everyday work Bartleby’s response…

  • Tragic Hero Creon – The King Of Thebes: Character Analysis

    The tragic hero of the drama Antigone is Creon, the king of Thebes. This is proven throughout many points of the drama. First of which is when he denies Polyneices a proper burial. The second is when he believes that everyone is conspiring against him. And he reacts too late to fix his mistakes. Due…

  • Creon As A Tragic Character In Antigone

    In Sophocles Antigone, the main character, Antigone, displayed strong determination and loyalty to her family and god. However, I sympathize more with Kreon because he was a man of his words and he refused to break social peace and state laws. Throughout the play, Kreons character exemplifies the traits of a tragic hero. Creon was…

  • Essay on Haemon in ‘Antigone’

    In Sophocles Antigone, the two characters of Creon and Antigone represent unreflective and polarising moments of Greek life, highlighting the conflict and divide between male and female, and polis and Oikos. Throughout the drama, Creon displays a near-existential fear of female transgression. He first introduces the theme of a male-female conflict when he says. Indeed,…

  • Essay on Character Traits of Antigone

    Antigone as a character within Jean Anouilhs modern re-creation of Sophocless Greek classic, Antigone, is surrounded by ambiguity. Within Sophocless version, Antigone is presented with clear, rational, and understandable motives for defying Creon and the oppressive state in which he struggles to uphold. However, unlike Sophocles, Anouilh teaches us nothing of Antigones motivations and instead…

  • Fear and Justice: Downfall Of The Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone

    In the tragedies we read, the downfall of the tragic heroes was due to their fear of weakness and the consequential justice that lead to their deaths. Death, a common trait in all tragedies, shows that as humans, the protagonists folly leads to drastic consequences in the unforeseeable future. Examples of fear and justice in…

  • Positive and Natural Law in Antigone

    Introduction St Thomas Aquinas has undoubtedly been known for his principle work, the Summa Theologiae. Thomas Aquinas worked steadily on this writing for many years between the years of 1265 and 1273, and the writing was intended to be a guide for beginners in theology to organise a collection and assist with Christian doctrine and…

  • A Controversy In Philosophical Beliefs In Play Antigone

    ‘Antigone’, the play begins along with a time of catastrophe and dilemma in the city of Therbes and its ruling family. A clash between brothers ends with the death of the young king, Eteocles, by the hands of his very own brother, Polyneices, the person who stood at the head of the attacking army. Presently,…