Category: Architecture

  • this is an ARCHITECTURE treatise proposal…please treat it as such and write ac

    this is an ARCHITECTURE treatise proposal…please treat it as such and write accordingly…..please make sure that Architectural principals are referred to and document is contextual to south africa. please note: section 01 & 02 are complete they do not need to be written just proof read and maybe minor edits to suit rest of doc.…

  • Biltmore Manor: Residential Buildings in American Architecture

    It is worth noting that when visiting North Carolina and Asheville in particular, one should choose Biltmore as their final destination. Biltmore is a luxurious house built in 1895 and stylized as a 16th-century castle (Sully, 2019). It consists of 250 rooms, and it is the most grandiose, privately owned house in America. The area…

  • The Clinical Document Architecture and Continuity of Care Record

    The Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), Continuity of Care Document (CCD), and Continuity of Care Record (CCR) are standards that are designed for medical data organization and sharing. Thus, the three formats are used in the field of healthcare for the documentation of relevant information about the patient, conditions, and treatments. However, there are certain differences…

  • Applying to Boston Architectural College

    My name is Xhesi Qose, 20 years old. As far back as I can remember, I dreamed of becoming an architect. Where others see projects, experimentation, and the presentation of architecture as a chore, I only see excitement and beauty. However, unfortunately, after graduating from Winthrop High School in 2019, it was impossible to connect…

  • Architectural Form Evolution Throughout History

    Table of Contents Introduction The Evolution of Form Creative Process Conclusion Works Cited Footnotes Introduction People can draw inspiration from many components of their daily life, including nature or different types of art. Thus, the evolution of form in art is connected to human development over the years. To analyze the component properly, one must…

  • Andos, Scarpas, Rietvelds Architecture & Design

    Since the beginning of the 20th century, all the cultural aspects have undergone some drastic changes in their approaches and comprehension of art in general. Even though there is usually a bigger concern over the variations in art and literature, the approaches to architecture and design have also changed significantly. Some of the most outstanding…

  • Titus Flavius Contribution to Art and Architecture

    Table of Contents Titus Flavius Art and Architecture The Flavian Heritage Works Cited Titus Flavius Titus Flavius Vespasianus lived in Rome from December 30, 39 to September 13, 81 AD (Titus). The greater duration of his time was spent in the military until he succeeded to the throne as Roman emperor in 79 AD from…

  • Taj Mahan and Kandariya Mahadeva: Indian Architecture

    Indian civilization originated in ancient times, and during its existence for several millennia its culture has experienced various architectural periods. In India, as in the rest of the world, architecture is linked to power. From the old days, the people living on the territory of modern India have expressed in architecture their ideas about the…

  • Washington National Cathedral Architecture

    Cathedrals west facade The west façade of the National Cathedral is represented by a gallery, a rose window and two towers  the tower of St. Peter on the north and the tower of St. Paul on the south. The Pilgrim Observation Gallery is lined with a long row of windows. One can reach the…

  • Energy-Efficient Architecture and Environmental Design

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Part Conclusion References Introduction Energy Efficiency is a key concept in todays architecture with its environment-friendly, low carbon footprint bias. One of the reasons behind this is the fact that 50% of all energy consumption in Europe is building-related (Holm, 2006, p. 247). Hence one of the main thrusts of…