Category: Armed Hostilities 701

  • Constituents of Security Issue to the American Government

    Introduction National security issues were redefined after the September eleven attacks. They were characterised by greater pre-emption rather than deterrence in what is now known as the Bush doctrine, this was done after it had been ascertained that the attacks had been caused by Al Qaeda. A campaign against global terrorism was enacted and reorganisation…

  • Peacekeeping by Global Powers and Organizations

    Power, international law, and peacekeeping form a major aspect of the global talk, forums, and discussions; as a threat to global security, stability, and understanding, especially from the rise in the terrorist attacks; and the armed conflicts witnessed in todays political global affairs. This work is an analysis of the efforts to enforce global power,…

  • World Fascism: A Historical Definition

    The issue of fascism is considered to be quite berated and misinterpreted throughout the entire twentieth century. The fascism of pre-war period has been described trough the prism of the public democratic mass media and innumerable performances of political discussions. Nowadays the genesis of the fascism appears to be discounted; moreover, it is used as…

  • The Ku Klux Klan and Its Terroristic Features

    Table of Contents Introduction Terrorism Ku Klux Klan and Its Terroristic Features Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The infamous Ku Klux Klan is an example of when an organization with clear terrorist overtones has not been officially recognized as terroristic. It should be noted that the supporters of the clan terrorized and killed no fewer Americans…

  • Bayeux Tapestry and the Battle of Hastings

    Table of Contents Choice of Topic Historical Account of William the Conqueror Impression of the War According to Personal Senses Specific Elements Justification of Own Side of War Conclusion References Choice of Topic This paper seeks to prepare a personal letter describing the experience gained with regards to Bayeux Tapestry. In this case, the preparation…

  • History of East Asia from 1600 to the Present

    The period of time from 1600 to the present days is very large in the terms of a state history. Naturally, a great number of changes happen in the human history regardless of the selected country. This paper focuses on the research and exploration of the changes experienced by the countries of East Asia such…

  • The Battle of Yorktown

    Table of Contents Introduction The Cause of War The Battle Winners and Losers Reasons why the British Lost Why the Franco-American Army Won Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The war of Yorktown is an important event in history of the United State since it marks a significant turnaround of events that led to independence of the…

  • Versailles: The Allies Last Horrible Triumph

    Table of Contents Provisions of the Treaty that will Hurt Germanys Economy How would the Country have been Treated Differently? Higher Fundamental Laws Personal Point of View References Provisions of the Treaty that will Hurt Germanys Economy Germanys economy will be hurt by several provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. According to authors of the…

  • Designing a Museum Display for Pearl Harbour

    THESIS: A museum display for Pearl Harbour is an important part of the teaching of the national history, demonstration of bravery, and invincible courage of the nation. World War II and attack on Pearl Harbour as its first event for the United States lead to the transformation of the structure of this war; despite the…

  • Germany and the US: Problems and Causes

    Table of Contents New Leaders Plans on Combating Unemployment The Proposed Rescue of Agriculture Saving the Economy A Comparison of Foreign Policies Conclusion: Similarities in the Plans of Action References In 1933, both Germany and the US suffered from economic collapse and needed leadership changes. In his opening statement, Adolf Hitler states the capitulation of…