Category: Artists

  • Artists Difficulties to Gain Listeners and Views Through Social Media Client

    Introduction Social media with a strong influence on various segments of the population have become an integral part of modern culture. For this reason, the development of any brand, including novice music performers, significantly depends on its success in media. Despite the broad reach and outstanding impact, social networks may not fulfil expectations placed on…

  • The Birth of Photography: Early Artists and Their Works

    To begin with, the popularization of photography coincided with a revolution in art as such. An illustrative example can be found in the works of Alexander Rodchenko. He was the true Revolutional artist: in 1925, he renounced easel painting as elitist, as a continuation of bourgeois tradition (Rodchenko 38). As Zervigón states, Rodchenko was among…

  • Famous Artists of the 18th Century: Jacques-Louis Davids Life

    Jacques-Louis David is one of the most famous artists of the 18th century, not only for his art but also for the participation in Frances revolutionary movement. He was born in Paris in 1748, and throughout his life, he was a supporter of neoclassicism, which was reflected in his work (McMullen). Davids artistic abilities were…

  • Miguel Cabrera: The Outstanding Mexican and Spanish Artist

    Table of Contents Introduction About the Artist About The Virgin of Guadalupe Influences Conclusion Works Cited Introduction One of the most notable individuals in the history of Mexican and Spanish art is Miguel Cabrera. Influenced by the evangelization of new Spanish territories in South and Central America, Cabrera produced the most famous paintings in the…

  • Artist Profession: Relationship to Drawing

    Table of Contents Michelangelo, The Painter John Taylor and Howling Wolf Ancient and Modern art Works Cited Michelangelo, The Painter It is often assumed that only a person who is very fond of art, in general, is engaged in the work of an artist. Part of this opinion is because drawing is often a hobby…

  • Artist Role in Twilight: Los Angeles and The Day of The Locust

    Real-life with its dramatic events was always an object for real art which aimed to reflect the comprehensive tragedy happening now and then in a world around. Were those events of a large scale, such as war, epidemic, famine or were they of a local dimension, such as political and social reactions, they always remained…

  • Works of Artists in the Style of Impressionism

    The artists who utilized the impressionist style intended to make their work a captivating sketch of real life. In the Claude Monet painting in his Studio Boat by Édouard Manet, one of the impressionist features is the use of different shades of lighting. The painting is colorful and adopts brush strokes to blend different colors…

  • Liz Kotzs Statement About Artists` Personalities

    In most cases, all the artworks can be effectively perceived with reference to the context in which they were created. In this case, much attention should be paid to the artists personality as well as social, cultural, and political environments. When discussing the specifics of Simone Fortis Dance Constructions (1960-1961), Kotz (2014) stated that history…

  • Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

    Linda Nochlin a well-known art history scholar has written many essays on this subject, however, the essay that made the greatest impact on the field of history was Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (NOCHLIN, par. I). From this idea and the profound question put up by Linda Nochlin, it is evident that…

  • Influence of the Greek Art on Contemporary Artist Works

    Ancient Greece represents one of the most investigated and at the same time enigmatic spheres of culture. No doubt, art, music, theatre, science, literature, painting, architecture, and democracy of the Greeks influences modern culture even many centuries after. Actually, the ancient Greeks introduced the humanities. The current government, architecture, literature, and sculpture take sources from…