Category: Asthma

  • Acute vs. Chronic Asthma and Their Complications

    Introduction Acute asthma and chronic asthma are closely related variants of asthma, which is an inflammatory disease that affects the flow of air in the lungs. The obstruction of airflow in the lungs leads to different symptoms including wheezing, coughing, tightness, and pain in the chest, and shortness of breath. The symptoms of these conditions…

  • Asthma Case Study: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment

    Table of Contents Pathophysiology of Asthma Asthma Diagnosis and Potential Complications for Emilia Garcia Treatment of Asthma Plan of Care References Asthma is a very widespread disease that affects the airways and prevents normal breathing. Every 1 in 12 people in the USA suffers from some form of asthma (Asthma statistics, 2017). The degrees of…

  • Asthma During Pregnancy, Its Symptoms and Treatment

    The Case A 22-year-old woman diagnosed with mild persistent asthma is suffering from recently increased symptoms of asthma. She is pregnant, and her lab work confirms it. As a medication, she uses two types of metered-dose inhalers: albuterol and fluticasone. Her use of these inhalers has increased over the last three months. Additionally, she mentions…

  • Asthma: Causes and Treatment

    Asthma is a chronic disease that impacts more than 300 million people around the world. There is evident heterogeneity in the pathogenesis of asthma in the phenotypes of visible traits and endotypes of molecular mechanisms. Asthma is directly correlated with immune system activation as well as airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), mucus overproduction, and epithelial cell activation.…

  • Asthma Attacks, Their Prevention and Control

    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease for which the airway obstruction, hyper-responsiveness, bronchoconstriction, and mucus secretion are typical symptoms (Bårnes & Ulrik, 2015). Although many treatment options are available to persons who suffer from asthma, this condition still requires the detailed examination as the disease affects about 300 million people worldwide, causes 250,000 deaths annually…

  • Asthma Patients Health Education and Promotion

    Health education is a crucial component of healthcare that enhances awareness about various disease courses thus helping patients to lead healthy lives. Effective patient education endeavors should strive to meet the precise needs of patients by ensuring that pertinent health information is delivered effectively and promptly. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the…

  • Callista Roys Adaptation Model for Asthma Patient

    Introduction: Callista Roys Adaptation Model (RAM) Making the necessary adjustments to help patients get used to the changes in their life caused by the disease and the introduction of the appropriate treatment strategies is crucial for the further success of the intervention. Herein lies the significance of Callista Roys Adaptation Model (RAM), which explains the…

Table 4: Number of African immigrant population in California.

Gender Yes (Number)%
Male 50%
Female 50%
Totals 100%